Monday, May 16, 2011

Media Bias 05-16

AP-GfK = Absolutely Pathetic Garbage for Koolaiders. Its latest Obama approval poll betrays its (alleged) values.

Soros Group Behind Attack on Boehner’s Catholicism

Accuracy in Media: The Liberal Media’s War Against Andrew Breitbart

Holy Freaking Crap: Time Magazine’s GOP 2012 Chart Omits Herman Cain!

Salon’s Joan Walsh Hears “Food Stamps,” Immediately Assumes Recipients “Black”

"Have you ever had a thought on the topic of race that isn't set generations into the past? Have you ever thought about the future?"
Well, you can expect to hear the Jim-Crow-South meme from Democrats whenever there's any talk about about restrictions on voting. We're hearing it in Wisconsin over the voter ID law. Republicans who want to pursue these issues need to have some good responses ready.

The most conventional response is: The Jim Crow South was the work of the Democratic Party. But Republicans shouldn't be too smug about that. Obviously, Democrats think all those Democrats would be Republican today.

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