Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pro-Eugenics Science Czar

Obama sure can pick 'em. This time Mr. Abortion selected a Doctor of Science-Fiction to be the new director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (aka Science Czar).

John Holdren has has a long distasteful history of advocating eugenics (like all good liberal fascists) and...
"has been a longtime prophet of environmental catastrophes. Never discouraged but never right.

And thanks to resourceful bloggers, you can read excerpts from a hard-to-find book co-authored by Holdren in the late 1970s, called Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, online.

In it, you will find the czar wading into some unpleasant talk about mass sterilizations and abortions."
According to this article from Cato's Reason, here.

So Obama, a man who believes babies born alive after an abortion can be left to die, has selected a "scientist" who has regularly been proven wrong and stated in his book Ecoscience in 1977, "population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution."

What does it say about Obama's executive abilities that his nominations are either tax cheats, failures, or idiots advocating eugenics?

Hope for change.

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