Sunday, March 8, 2009

You'd Better Watch The Watchmen

Just as Ann Rynd and "Going John Galt" are becoming hot topics, so too will the movie, The Watchmen for pretty much the same reason - the relevance of each's worldviews to our reality today.

To wit, a bad government destroying our economy and attempting to control our lives and the fightback of individuals.

This article about The Watchmen movie and graphic novel has spoilers but is well worth the reading. It is about their intrinsic conservative/libertarian values and Rorschach - one of the best and most flawed "heros" ever!

Yet he’s also the only man around who stands up for everyone’s right to be judged individually on the basis of their character and actions, their right not to be a means to someone else’s higher end—no matter what one might think of that end. He knows what it means to be human—that’s why he has to condemn those he kills as having betrayed the essence of man qua man, relegating them to the status of dogs to be put down.

But always, Rorschach judges as an individual mind, and judges individual minds. Rorschach is no handsome Rand hero as she imagined them; but he’s still probably the most vivid and well-thought-out Objectivist hero that Rand didn’t create.

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