Saturday, February 27, 2010
Random Round-Up 02-27
Federalism and the Akaka Bill
Senator Bunning’s Unappreciated Gifts
Mankiw: Spreading the Wealth Around: Reflections Inspired by Joe the Plumber
1,500 Rally at St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Anniversary Protest
What Went Wrong With Weatherization
ACORN Goes Madonna and Tries to Reinvent Itself
Global Warming Panel Seeks Independent Review on Reports
Fighting Corruption 02-27
Give Scott Brown a Break, OK?
Assassination works; keep it up. Killing terrorists is a necessary undertaking
Boehner lauds Tea Party 'great patriots,' says GOPs must 'walk among them'
PJTV Video (TEA Party TV) - Don't Tread On Her: Dana Loesch Has Tar & Feathers Ready for the Tyrants AND Tea Is For Tripartisan: Will The Tea Parties Bring Rs, Ds & Is Together? Newt Gingrich Thinks So.
It took about 237 years but the British are finally revolting - I mean having a Tea Party of their own. Are you ready for the British tea party? AND British Tea Party Movement to launch on Saturday
Tea Party Groups Declare Independence
The Abortion Fan Club AND Abortion taking worse toll on blacks than slavery
VIDEO: ‘Generation Zero’ On ‘Hannity’
Matt Stone & Trey Parker Are Not Your Political Allies (No Matter What You Believe)
PJTV Video (CPAC) - OATH KEEPERS: Sworn To Serve Our Country, Not Our Government
Doers vs. Undoers
Newly-Elected Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli: Activist!
PJTV Video (CPAC) - Ken Blackwell on RNC Strategy: Stick with the Principles or Rewrite the Message?
Junk Science 02-27
Climategate: What do we do about Barbara Boxer? May I suggest voting this whorish political hack out of office and/or pointing and laughing at her ridiculous stupidity and arrogance until she bursts into tears and promises to never run for office again and to never be rude to my husband again?
Arguing global warming with Arnold
Enviros: ‘Energy-only’ plan doesn’t cut it
End to Bickering Urged to Achieve New Climate Pact
SENATE EPW MINORITY RELEASES REPORT ON CRU CONTROVERSY. Shows Scientists Violated Ethics, Reveals Major Disagreements on Climate Science
Unless Sen. Inohofe is proposing it, I don't want it. Key Senators Would Reportedly Nix 'Cap and Trade'. Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Joe Lieberman, I-Conn,., are planning an alternative climate bill without a broad "cap-and-trade" approach to reducing carbon pollution to be introduced next month
Give it UP - WEATHER: HOTTEST JANUARY EVER SAY CLIMATE EXPERTS AND Australian scientist claims this winter has been warmest ever
He kinda deserves it - Al Gore Mocked at Shareholder’s Meeting (While He Sat in the Front Row)
Gee, I wonder why. Why So Silent, Mr. Gore? Why hasn't the Nobel and Oscar winner weighed in on the climate controversy? AND You Can Call Him Al ... But Al Won't Call You Back. Al Gore won a Nobel Prize and an Oscar for his film, An Inconvenient Truth. But in the last three months, as global warming has gone from a scientific near-certitude to the subject of satire, Gore -- the public face of global warming -- has been mum on the topic. AND "Extremely Overbooked" Gore Too Busy to Talk?
Is there such a thing as an objective science journal?
Media Bias 02-27
Rebuttals To Ryan? We're Still Waiting
Looking for the Ghosts in Toyota’s Machines. Are we witnessing a replay of sorts of Dateline NBC's infamous war against GM?
President LeBron
Is there such a thing as an objective science journal?
PJTV Video (The Hicks File) - 12-Step America: Does The GOP Need Glenn Beck’s Therapy?
Vanity Fair: Conservative Magazines Rise on Hate But there's never, ever, ever been anything biased or hateful in Vanity Fair. Not once. Not even on holiday. Yeah, right.
Ask Not For Whom the Bell Tolls, MSM: It Tolls for Thee
Keith Olbermann is not the worst person in the world. No. Just the saddest.
Gasparino: 'It is My Job to Turn This Into a Barroom Brawl' with CNBC. Fox Business Network senior correspondent says he always wanted to work for Fox, but says he left CNBC amicably.
NBC chastised by Congressional Black Caucus members for lack of diversity
ACORN/Big Union/Leftie Groups 02-27
ACORN Leaders Attempting Stealth Consolidation. Devastated by a loss of funding and damage to its brand, has the long-rumored dissolution of ACORN finally begun?
Whether It’s TSA Officers Or Small Business Workers, Forced Unionization Is The Name Of The Game
Organized labor's agenda hits roadblock; what now?
PJTV Video (Front Page with Allen Barton) - No Coincidence: Government-Motors Washington Targets Non-Union Toyota
Obama's appointment of Stern to fiscal commission draws business fire. Why on earth would having the head of the corrupt SEIU union bother businesses?
State of the unions: Not good
Enviros: ‘Energy-only’ plan doesn’t cut it
White House report on the Middle Class: Bernstein quotes himself
In Economic Woes 02-27
Europe’s Got More Problems Than Just Greece
Man who broke the Bank of England, George Soros, 'at centre of hedge funds plot to cash in on fall of the euro'
Global Outlook: Who's Doomed?
AIG Posts Loss Tied to Rescue, Reserves; Shares Fall AND Friedmanism at the Fed
Is the Stock Correction Over? Market May Seesaw for Months
TIGERHAWK WONDERS why the Euro is dropping against the dollar.
Some Ominous Economic Signs
Killer Competition
Existing home sales unexpectedly plunge in January
Underwater Home-Owers: Demand Principal Reductions
How To IPO Your House
Fannie Taps Treasury for $15.3 Billion More After a 10th Loss Shouldn't any company that losses a total of $15+ billion presumably over two and a half years be forced into bankruptcy?
Reform must be tough, intrusive, and fair
US senator warns of ‘financial meltdown’ risk
How Obama Screwed Volcker
US jobless claims show surprise rise
Oops! As Obama talks healthcare again, new jobless claims rise again
Reid's Job Bill Likely to Have Minimal Effect on Unemployment Government can't make jobs only private industry can make real and lasting employment, elevate tax revenue and provide workers with a sense of self-respect.
23,000 now expected to lose jobs after shuttle retirement. Great, a rare government program with highly educated people is being shut down.
Plan to Seek Use of U.S. Contracts as a Wage Lever
Insiders, Outsiders and Unemployment
Report shows government's liabilities surging. Annual report shows government's financial position hit $11.46 trillion deficit in 2009
Unsustainable Spending
Defusing the Debt Bomb
Bernanke to Congress: You Are Going to Have to Cross That Fiscal Valley Yourself
Debt Timer Is True Doomsday Clock. Obama racks up debt and journalists depict him as a fiscal conservative.
Taxpayers: Know Your Rights Audits are up this year.
ow To Clean Up The Tax Code
Obama's appointment of Stern to fiscal commission draws business fire. Why on earth would having the head of the corrupt SEIU union bother businesses?
Debt+Dollar+Delusion+Depletion = Decline
Preparing for the Inevitable Bursting Bubble
Due North: Canada’s Marvelous Mortgage and Banking System
Led by New York, big-government blue states sink deeper into corruption.
The Decline of New York. It's enough to make Groucho Marx cry.
A primer for reclaiming California
Warren Buffett's Bid to Save the Economy -- and How It Failed
Why? Consumer protection bureau proposed at Treasury Department
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 02-27
What Voters Know About ObamaCare. A full 48% of voters want Congress to start over, and 25% want lawmakers to stop working on health care altogether.
A Hidden Cost of the Health-Care Summit
I'll believe it when I see it - Dems take a second look at GOP proposals, including tort reform
Understanding Reconciliation and the Nuclear Trigger. The Constitution allows the Senate to set its own rules. The nuclear trigger option being discussed would simply ignore the rules that are in place.
Are Democrats choosing to run off a cliff with ObamaCare?
PJTV Video (Medically Incorrect) - Swine Fail: Why Obama’s Public Sector Flunked H1N1 Vaccine Distribution
Pelosi: US health overhaul will happen
Rebuttals To Ryan? We're Still Waiting
PJTV Video (Trifecta) - Ignorant, Misleading, Or Both? What The Facts Say About Obama’s New Health Care Bill
Health Care Attack on Both Coasts
Few signs that Obama summit moved needle on health care
Health Care Reform: Republicans, Beware the Trap of ‘Limited’ Reforms. The seemingly innocuous "reform" of requiring insurers to cover all pre-existing conditions would gradually lead to a full government takeover of health care.
Medicare Doctor Shortage Endangers Seniors' Access to Care It's only going to get worse if the government takes over healthcare. Shortages are the norm under socialist/government-run plans.
PJTV Video (Special) - Is There a Doctor in the House? Four Congressional Doctors Diagnose the Healthcare Debate
GOP senator, friend of president, says ObamaCare will “divide and bankrupt America
Here’s Your Better Health Insurance Plan, Mr. President
Hopefully down the drain - Obama to chart new health care reform path next week
PJTV Video (Front Page with Allen Barton) - Sham Summit: Obama’s Health Care Pow Wow Goes Up In Smoke
Emanuel, Pelosi Meet In Capitol To Chart Health Care Course
Ken Blackwell - When killing isn’t caring
Partisanship Trumps All In Health Care Debate. Democrats signaled at the beginning of the week that they will try and ram their bill through with no Republican votes. That’s too bad, because the bill needs fixing.
Health-Care Humdrum
Republicans Get the Chance to Punch Back at the Speaker-in-Chief
Hundreds Turn Out for the Critical Care: Patients' Summit
Beyond the Statistics of Cancer
Here's to hoping - Let's hope health summit wasn't a fraud
PJTV Video - Reconciliation 101: The Wall Street Journal's John Fund Dissects the Dirty Trick For Dana Loesch
Health Bill Elevates Senate Bureaucrat to Starring Role
GOP calls on Obama to ‘renounce’ reconciliation: Live-blogging the health care summit
Heritage Foundation responds to the health care summit
Bad Politicians Bad 02-27
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
Zogby: Obama Faces Volatile Political Landscape
Poll: 10 Percent Say Congress Doing Good Job. I love the attempt at a "good" angle on this story since 70%+ say Congress is doing a BAD JOB.
CNN Poll: Majority says government a threat to citizens' rights
I don't see why anyone should be scared of government. Look at Great Britain and its government-run healthcare wreck. Okay don't look there. Or here where British police are arresting innocent people for their DNA. Arrests are being made 'to expand DNA files' Over 1,000,000 apparently.
GOP senators want info on Justice lawyers who defended terror suspects
Senator: Find Missing E-Mails On Interrogation
Obama Nominee Under Fire for Political Connections, Lack of Experience. President Obama is facing sharp criticism for his decision to nominate Tim Purdon as U.S. attorney in North Dakota , a nominee who critics say lacks sufficient experience and owes the nod -- over more-qualified candidates -- to his political connections.
"Eminent Domain as Central Planning" Eminent Domain is evil.
What a Fine Governing Class We Have
Is Gov. Chris Gregoire constitutionally entitled to keep secrets from you?
America, These Are Your Leaders: Maxine Waters Edition. Ugh.
Obama's appointment of Stern to fiscal commission draws business fire. Why on earth would having the head of the corrupt SEIU union bother businesses?
The Great Condescender No one holds a candle to Barack Obama when it comes to making smart liberals feel superior. I wonder if he realizes how douche-baggy it makes him look?
Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers - But not to worry, he'd never "abuse" those powers...
Paterson on the Brink
What's really behind the departure of Desiree Rogers from Obama's White House
PJTV Video (Front Page with Allen Barton) - Rule Of Lawyers: How The Litigation Lobby Controls Washington
Yet another columnist takes on Rahm Emanuel
Pelosi's Choice: Rangel or the Swamp. A dollar says she picks the swamp. And From Salon Why Pelosi can't just get rid of Rangel AND Pelosi Asks House to Hold Off on Calls for Rangel’s Gavel AND The Rangel swamp
Rangel 'did not know what HSBC was'
Rangel refuses to step aside after ethics slap AND Charlie Rangel Loves the Caribbean
Bill and Hillary: Driving the Left into a Ditch?
Toyota Congressional Hearings Reveal Bias, Serve Government Self-Interest
Hillary Clinton continues to hail an adoption home she helped open with Mother Teresa that has since closed its doors
House passes bill to grant Native Hawaiians special rights as reparations for 1893 coup
Daily Round-Up 02-27
Pointing and laughing - Taliban blown up by own bombs
Holder Must Go - Republicans Slam Attorney General Eric Holder Over Terrorist Defense Lawyers at Justice Department AND How Many Justice Lawyers Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb? AND GOP senators want info on Justice lawyers who defended terror suspects
"Eminent Domain as Central Planning" - Eminent Domain is evil.
Shock over voided Puerto Rican birth certificates
PJTV Video (Klavan on the Culture) - Liberalism Exposed: Beyond the Elitist, Preening America-Hating Stereotypes
Why Does the American Left Fear the Rise of India?
Imprisoned for 'dangerousness' in Cuba
It Can’t Be True: More on that Missile Defense Agency logo
Yet another reason I am glad we invaded Iraq and destroyed Saddam Hussian - Hundreds of Chilldren Found in Mass Grave
Census Bureau to Kids: Tell Your Parents We Won’t Tell INS. The government invades the schools to assure kids that their illegal parents will not be turned in by census workers.
Former Maryland Dean Asked to Return $60k Paid for Summer Research; AG to Decide Propriety of $350k Paid for Untaken Sabbatical
Bang! Bang! You're... Safe?
Who Will Watch The Watchmen? An interview with National Journal's Shane Harris, author of a new book on the rise of the surveillance state
PJTV Video (National Security) - Wake-Up Crash: Why A Cyber Pearl Harbor Might Help Us Before It’s Too Late
Europe wary of following Dubai killers' trail
Is Chávez running scared? Gosh I hope so. Senior Loco-Pants is really such a tool.
Liberal paranoia about Christian conservatives
Putting the Coast Guard Out to Sea
PJTV Video (The Week In Blogs) - Scott Brown, Keith Olbermann & The Tea Party Killer
God Begat Civilization
History in the Remaking A temple complex in Turkey that predates even the pyramids is rewriting the story of human evolution.
Think of all those neolithic cave paintings. Man was worshipping in those caves when he created those gorgeous images. Those were sacred caves. Creating that temple complex was the next logical step in the development of their religion. That the requirements for building such a complex begat agriculture seems simple evolution.
And if God, or the worship of God, begat civilization, so too did Art as the expression of that worship begat civilization as well.
Schmidt's thesis is simple and bold: it was the urge to worship that brought mankind together in the very first urban conglomerations. The need to build and maintain this temple, he says, drove the builders to seek stable food sources, like grains and animals that could be domesticated, and then to settle down to guard their new way of life. The temple begat the city.What I find so fascenating about this is not that it is an "outlier" or that it "upends the apple cart" of archeological thinking as the artile directly states but that it is so logical when you think about it.
Think of all those neolithic cave paintings. Man was worshipping in those caves when he created those gorgeous images. Those were sacred caves. Creating that temple complex was the next logical step in the development of their religion. That the requirements for building such a complex begat agriculture seems simple evolution.
And if God, or the worship of God, begat civilization, so too did Art as the expression of that worship begat civilization as well.
Friday, February 26, 2010
In Economic Woes 02-26
New Jobless Claims Jumped to 496,000 as Heavy Snow Caused Rise in Layoffs
The Brutal Truth About Californians
Hearing probes CalPERS investments' Iran links
Re: Obama Appoints SEIU's Stern to Debt Panel AND Obama makes picks for debt commission Head of corrupt SEIU is one of picks. Good choice, doofus.
How to make Washington pay its bills
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 02-26
The Polls Are Unanimous: Americans Want ObamaCare Like They Want a Raging Case of Herpes...
Annals of Government Medicine
Will you die without insurance? (Technically yes, eventually but not more frequently than the insured)
Defining ObamaCare Down. We're all free-market moderates now.
Why Obama defies the public on health care
Americans Running Out of Patience on Health Care, Polls Show
The Summit Sideshow Democrats still face big political challenges in passing health legislation.
“The President’s Plan”: All you need to know
Freedom is a Right, and Any Health Care Bill That Takes Away Americans’ Freedom is Wrong
John McCain: Passing Health Care Bill Through Reconciliation Would Have 'Cataclysmic Effects' Thank You Senator Obvious
Obamacare Taxing Your Savings and Investments in the Name of Fairness
The Key Health Care Question for Obama
The Sham Summit
Obama to deliver health care The Chicago Way
Hidden Healthcare Reform Objective: Feds Want to Know Your Number
Health summit was a waste
Daily Round-Up 02-26
Eminent Domain as Central Planning. Wielding creative definitions of blight, New York runs roughshod over property rights and uproots viable neighborhoods
I love it when they taunt MePs
Ethics panel: NY congressman broke travel rules
Why Obama defies the public on health care
Republicans Call Out Democrats on Bill Provision to Punish, Jail CIA Agents
Another Tale of Government Corruption: Quincy, IL Edition
Senator Bunning: “I Object”
Defeated congresswoman’s car still in House parking lot — more than 3 years later — even though she’s a registered lobbyist
The taint in the Toyota probe
Al-Qaeda-Linked Terrorist Claims American Support. Abdol Malek Rigi, leader of the al-Qaeda linked terrorist group Jundallah, is in Iranian custody and has confessed to receiving assistance from Washington.
'The People United Will Never be Defeated’: Inside ACORN’s Community Organizing Model
ACORN Leaders Attempting Stealth Consolidation
The green jobs myth
Elitist Enviro-Hypocrisy: Harrison Ford’s Cheeseburger Runs AND don't forget Ford was one of those Hollywood perverts who came out in support of Roman Polanski (Here)
Re: ‘Inhofe’s Perfect Score’
NBC Chastised by Congressional Black Caucus Members for Lack of Diversity
Booger-Boarding Max
ABC News To Obama - You Lie!
Wow! That Astro-turfing works GREAT
Photo Emerges Of Murderous Killer Whale At Tea Party Rally
CNN poll: Majority of Americans … agree with founders
How to Feed the World: Monsanto vs. Michael Pollan
I'm Going To Disney World!
We have a date for our all-expense-paid trip to Disney World (well, we have the hotels, they still have to get the flights set up) and I am too excited for words.
I will try to do a round-up but quite frankly, I am preferring to just go through every single page of the Disney World website.
Sooooo excited!
I will try to do a round-up but quite frankly, I am preferring to just go through every single page of the Disney World website.
Sooooo excited!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
It's Good To No
Democrats calling Republicans "The Party Of No" are foolishly thinking this is a bad thing. It's not.
When more Americans hate Congress (71%*), when more Americans hate Obamacare (56%*), when more Americans are actively protesting these domestic policies, when more Americans are voting for politicians who oppose these policies, and when Obama's approval rating is tanking (54% disapprove*), then maybe, just maybe, being the "Party of No" is a good thing.
Maybe, just maybe, being the "Party of No" is being the "Voice of the People" who are screaming NO to Congress and being ignored.
Maybe, just maybe, being the "Party of No" is being viewed by the American public as the party which is standing up to policies the American public does not want.
So, thank you Democrats for pointing out repeatedly that the "Party of No" is the Party of the People.
*Today's Rasmussen Reports
When more Americans hate Congress (71%*), when more Americans hate Obamacare (56%*), when more Americans are actively protesting these domestic policies, when more Americans are voting for politicians who oppose these policies, and when Obama's approval rating is tanking (54% disapprove*), then maybe, just maybe, being the "Party of No" is a good thing.
Maybe, just maybe, being the "Party of No" is being the "Voice of the People" who are screaming NO to Congress and being ignored.
Maybe, just maybe, being the "Party of No" is being viewed by the American public as the party which is standing up to policies the American public does not want.
So, thank you Democrats for pointing out repeatedly that the "Party of No" is the Party of the People.
*Today's Rasmussen Reports
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Good Line
Cleanliness is next to catliness.
Thank you. I came up with that all by myself (while watching our cat).
Thank you. I came up with that all by myself (while watching our cat).
I Forgot How Much I Love Him
Who? Maurice Chevalier. In "Gigi". Watched it last night and was up way too late to do so but it is a fantastic story (albeit with a morally bankrupt great-aunt). It is pretty much the only old-fashioned musical I like.
And let's face it, this movie couldn't have been made today - especially the scene with Maurice singing "Thank heaven For Little Girls in a park by himself. Yikes!
Yet it is well worth watching. Now I'm off to to find some older Chevalier movies to watch. He was hot at any age!
Thank Heaven For Little Girls
And this, I Remember It Well, is probably one of the nicest, bittersweetest love songs ever.
Oh and The Night They Invented Champagne is second in my book in terms of joy to I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady.
And the costumes and sets in this film are to die for. The scenes at Maxim's, Chevalier's character's apartment, turn-of-the-century Art Nouveau splendor.
Oh dear, I am such a sucker for this movie.
And let's face it, this movie couldn't have been made today - especially the scene with Maurice singing "Thank heaven For Little Girls in a park by himself. Yikes!
Yet it is well worth watching. Now I'm off to to find some older Chevalier movies to watch. He was hot at any age!
Thank Heaven For Little Girls
And this, I Remember It Well, is probably one of the nicest, bittersweetest love songs ever.
Oh and The Night They Invented Champagne is second in my book in terms of joy to I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady.
And the costumes and sets in this film are to die for. The scenes at Maxim's, Chevalier's character's apartment, turn-of-the-century Art Nouveau splendor.
Oh dear, I am such a sucker for this movie.
ACORN/Big Union/Leftie Groups 02-24
ACORN Official: Gangster Group Will Be Bankrupt Soon But Fake Spinoff Groups Will Carry On The Corruption
ACORN’s Machinations Are Lipstick on a Pig
ACORN's fruits. Billions to help pols, not the poor
SEIU not so enthused with Pledge of Allegiance
Favorability Ratings of Labor Unions Fall Sharply AND View of Unions ‘Plummeted’ Since 07
NAACP Image Award to be given to former White House 'green czar' That's the same 'green czar' who is a self-described communist. Andt he NAACP wonders why its donations are down.
Former White House adviser will teach in 2011. Van Jones has also been offered a job at Princeton. I know where my kids are NOT going to school.
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