Saturday, July 17, 2010
Random Round-Up 07-17
President Obama Job Approval
Your Rights Online: US Gov't Orders 73,000 Private Websites Offline on Friday July 16, @02:23PM
Senator Grassley discovered massive waste in HHS vaccine program as administration stonewalls
The Ku Klux Klan, Terrorist Wing of the Democratic Party
PJTV Video - Pundits Gone Wild: The Megyn Kelly Smackdown, and the Larry King Tongue-Loesching
The Bitter Fruit of Obamacare
Lost in Taxation The IRS's vast new ObamaCare powers.
Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Says HHS
Feds to Monitor Obesity as White House Promotes Obama Cook to Senior Position
Warning: Media Coverage Will Vary Depending on President
Obamaland Pension Meltdown Update
Uh-Oh Keeping the Foreclosure Crisis in Front of Us
PJTV Video - The Intellectual Ghetto: Marginalization in the Media
The NAACP vs. the Tea Party
The Global Warming Guessing Game
Why Do Drug Companies Support Harry Reid?
Obama ‘Disses’ the Federal Courts
PJTV Video - Panthergate: Should the Inspector General Investigate the Department of Justice?
Trial mystery: How did Blagojevich get elected?
As far as I am concerned, Obama's "truthfulness" was always in doubt. Blago trial produces no bombshells but casts doubt on Obama’s truthfulness
A vote of no confidence
Obama: GOP blocking unemployed, small business aid
PJTV Video - Financial Regulation: How to Kill Jobs in 2,300 Pages or Less All Charges Dismissed! John Stagliano Reacts Outside the Courthouse
Seizing on Good Week, Obama Takes Another Vacation Despite GOP Criticisms
Obama Has Shot 41 Rounds of Golf as President
The New York Times does it again
Biggest turnout yet for CA Tea Party
PJTV Video (VodkaPundit - he's so dreamy) - THE WEEK IN BLOGS: Everybody Hates Keith, Plus Blondes Unite Against Obama ... and for Beer!
Ban on deep-water drilling adds insult to injury
Philly to Continue Sharing Arrest Records With Immigration Officials
The Flight of the Money: Where Has It Gone?
Unions (Not the Tea Party) Now AstroTurfing, MSM Silent
Is that really so hard? Wall Street Outsmarts Congress Again
23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed
No, actually it’s because private markets do many things better than government
Franken’s Felony Vote News Blackout
The White House and the Black Panthers: How the Media’s Pro-Obama Bias Hurts America
Europe: What Future?
Obama's the "most" racial president
The Radicalism of the Anti-Arizona Suit, Cont
Business preps for ‘Supreme Court’ battle over consumer Czar
What Women Don't Want
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists
CBS's Giles Tells Tea Party's Loesch 'Shut Your Mouth', Asks King to Cut Her Mike
Former Hillary Clinton Finance Chairman Gets 12 Years for Ponzi Scheme, NYT Buries Story
Keith Olbermann, we salute you: We watch, because we’re paid to AND Tucker Carlson Calls Olbermann 'Sad,' 'Tormented,' 'Despised;' Olbermann Responds
One Last Depressing Point
Don't worry, this will cheer you up (or horrify you) Plastic Surgery's Epic Fails!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Busy Day
From computer issues to taking the kids to the pool to a doctor's appointment, this day has been busy and I will probably not be blogging.
No matter what happens, family first.
No matter what happens, family first.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
In Economic Woes 07-15
Congress Sends Obama Sweeping Financial Overhaul Bill. Say goodbye in November.
Obama spends $400K per ‘created’ job
Why President Obama loses by winning
Finance bill favors interests of unions, activists
Payday: Trial lawyers could get major tax cut despite major federal deficit
Drowning in Debt
“Mostly Free” - The Startling Decline of America’s Economic Freedom and What to Do About It
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights demands changes to Democrats’ financial reform bill
PJTV Video - Farewell Welfare State: Mark Levin's Fight for Freedom
Real Joblessness Grimmer Than Gov't Stats
Yeah well a LOT of Americans are "under siege" thanks to Obama's Economy - Obama under siege on economy
AIG Hired To Regulate AIG
Jobs snow-job
Who didn't see this coming? War between Chamber of Commerce and White House spills into open
Three Million Imaginary Jobs The White House says the stimulus worked beyond even its hopes. Seriously.
Spending Can Be Cut. Politicians who tell you democracies can’t slash spending are lying.
PJTV Video (Front Page with Allen Barton) - Life Give You Lemons? Make Lemonade. But Please Buy The Lemons, Otherwise You're a Dirty Socialist
As Obama Kowtows, Unions Eye the Private Sector The unions want more legislation from the Democrats
Why the Obama Stimulus Failed
Recovery Summer: Mortgage applications hit 13-year low, foreclosures spiking
If This is "Recovery Summer," I'd Hate To See "Recession Winter"
Bad Politician Bad 07-15
Will Obama testify? Dispatches from the Blago trial
PJTV Video - PolitiZoid Presents: Talking Feds, Same As It Ever Was
Is Team Obama Contingency Planning for A Republican House?
House Democrats hit boiling point over perceived lack of White House support
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights demands changes to Democrats’ financial reform bill
Goldberg! - Change the People!
Update: From a reader:I love the example of Abraham Lincoln. Sure Lincoln had to govern through a civil war…but Obama has people who don’t like him! Lincoln couldn’t have survived under these conditions…what a boob.
Was Gibbs 2010 prediction a mistake or a strategy?
Oh goody - Next Up in Washington, a Media Czar?
Obama Gets Battered in 2012 Election Match-Ups
Fox News Poll: Obama Job Approval Down, Few Think Stimulus Helped
From the LA Times - After 18 months of Obama, Americans already feeling fonder of Dick Cheney, less so of Al Gore
African-American Tea Party Candidate Cedra Crenshaw Fights Illinois Democrats to Get on Ballot in Will County
We might call it bribery but they don't - Senate VIP Loans Mount Countrywide Dealt With More Lawmakers and Staffers Than Previously Known AND here.
And by the way, Harry has a bridge to sell you too - Harry Reid: No Illegals Working Construction in Nevada
Congressman Rothman Loses His Cool at Town Hall Meeting
PJTV Video - Raging Donkey: Rep. Ciro Rodriguez Serves Up a "Blue State Special" at Local Restaurant
VDH - A Ten-Step Reset Regimen for the President
Obamacare 07-15
Yet another Obamacare lie exposed - Obama Administration OKs First Tax-Funded Abortions Under Health Care Law
Healthcare (July 2010)
The Coming Obamacare Deficits
Berwick: Bigger Than Kagan If the American people want the health-care world Dr. Berwick wishes to give them, that's their choice. But they must be given that choice.
PJTV Video - Fancy Nancy Story Time: The Healthcare Reform Fairytale and Debt Forever After
Real Health-Care Reform Why America must move away from its third-party-payer system
Obama fiscal commission co-chair pans health bill’s impact on costs
Perceptions Of Overhaul Still Divided Along Partisan Lines Interesting headline when the first sentence of the second paragraph is "Overall, 47 percent disapproved of the law, while 35 percent approved. Seventeen percent couldn't answer the question."
Another Doctor runs for office and against Obamacare - here.
100 Days of Health-Care Reform
Obamacare Is Not Entitlement Reform The recent health-care debate brought to the surface a surprising consensus about what must change to get a better handle on costs: Medicare
Inconvenient truths and stubborn facts
Random Round-Up 07-15
2008 voter-intimidation case against New Black Panthers a political bombshell
Holder’s Hypocrisy Holder will continue to embarrass the nation until he steps down
Civil Rights Commission sends letter to DOJ: We want to talk to your lawyers about the Panthers case
PJTV Video - PANTHERGATE 101: Justice Whistleblower, Black Panthers & the Sanctity of Civil Rights (Members Only)
Congressman Asks Inspector General to Launch Investigation of New Black Panther Case
So much for hope, change and transparency - Democrats block amendment to ensure press access to oil spill
PJTV Video - PANTHERGATE UPDATE: Should the Inspector General Investigate the DOJ?
A Rational Post-Spill Policy That Allows Offshore Drilling
Whatever It Takes: Obama Sidesteps Law to Halt Domestic Energy Production. Twice. The administration has shown no deference to the rule of law while trying to close Yucca Mountain and halt deepwater drilling.
From Disaster to Catastrophe -- What's Obama's Endgame In the Gulf?
All 10,000 Crime Victim Visas Issued
Respecting the Law The rule of law is indispensable for America and its immigration policy
Did Obama Sabotage DOMA?
PJTV Video (Trifecta) - Unions to Kids: We Don't Need No Education
Scholar's libel suit proceeds against Southern Poverty Law Center
Climategate and the Big Green Lie
My Biggest Mistake in the White House Failing to refute charges that Bush lied us into war has hurt our country.
5 Ways the New CAFE Rules Will Change the Way We Drive. They'll certainly make the roads less safe.
NAACP Plays The Race Card Wrongly
Here at, you can scroll down to see a long list of respected and prominent African-Americans condemning the NAACP for their bigoted attack on the TEA Party movement. These men and women risk being attacked by the Left for their views and support, yet they've bravely spoken up in defense of of unity over divisiveness and true equality for all. I proudly support their efforts to drag the NAACP out of the mire of leftist victimhood and returned to its admirable origin as an organization fighting for the rights of all Americans.
NAACP Direct Tie to Black Panthers
Ken Blackwell should have been RNC Chair - The NAACP Risks the Ash-bin of History
The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People
NAACP Uses Teachers For Anti-Tea Party Vitriol
NAACP plays latest race card against tea party
I'm A Liar
I said I would start posting and I couldn't get around to it yesterday. I'm a damn dirty liar. Or rather, I'm a stay-at-home mom with two small children to get resettled after spending 13 days with aunts and grandparents.
But I'm gonna get on it today with at least one round-up post before sorting through the 400+ photos/portraits I took during our annual Beach Week Family Reunion 2010.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
But I'm gonna get on it today with at least one round-up post before sorting through the 400+ photos/portraits I took during our annual Beach Week Family Reunion 2010.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Random Round-Up 07-13
A quick round-up today and then back to our regular service tomorrow. It's been a long day settling back into life after two weeks at the beach.
President Obama Job Approval
Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Team Obama Turns Blind Eye to Voter Intimidation
Eric Holder's Buddy
Smells Like a Cover-up at Obama White House
The Ike Brown Case: Is the DOJ About to Fail Another Race-Based Test?
Lawlessness at the DOJ: Voting Section Told Not To Enforce Purging the Dead or Ineligible from Voting Rolls. It's not just the New Black Panther case: in November 2009, political appointee Julie Fernandes told a packed room of Voting Section employees to simply ignore this provision of the "Motor Voter" law
President Obama and Elena Kagan sabotage DOMA defense
UPDATED: ‘You Want Freedom? You’re Gonna Have to Kill Some Crackers’
Witness said Rahm Emanuel asked him to call Blagojevich to tell him Obama wanted Valerie Jarrett
Liar, liar: Why Obama is failing
Obama faces growing credibility crisis
Confidence in Obama reaches new low, Washington Post-ABC News poll finds
White House, Google violate lobbying pledge
Payback To Big Labor, While Our Cities & States Foot The Bill
Florida may have Arizona-like anti-illegal immigration law by August
New poll to Obama: It's the economy, stupid!
A Congressman, Held Accountable With Video!
You wouldn’t like United States Congressman Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX) when he’s angry
Obama's Immigration Fakery In 2007, then-Sen. Obama helped derail an immigration bill he claimed to support. He's no more serious about a bipartisan bill today.
Poll: 75 Percent of Americans Blame State Budget Problems on Politicians’ Unwillingness to Cut Spending
Leaked Doc Proves Spain’s ‘Green’ Policies — the Basis for Obama’s — an Economic Disaster. PJM has received a leaked internal document confirming Spain realizes its green failures, just as Obama pushes the American Power Act based on Spain's program.
Ann Althouse rocks it - If you really believed in global warming, you would turn off your air conditioning.
The Greenhouse Protection Racket. Climate policymaking in our nation’s capital is best explained in the lingo of Hollywood mobsters and banditos
The Big Green Lie Exposed
How Can Climate Change Advocates Equate My Skepticism to Holocaust Denial? It's not like the only evidence of the Holocaust was a bunch of scientists pointing to a computer simulation saying what they think would happen to the Jewish population in Europe.
ClimateGate Revisited
Happy World Population Day: Some Environmentalists Halfway Get It
Getting Schooled in Aspen Bill Gates attacks "fraudulent" accounting that hides the cost of teacher pensions.
Labor unions pivot toward midterm elections with jobs campaign
Victory for Louisiana Florists. Licensing Scheme Pruned Back After Florists File Civil Rights Lawsuit
Black Activists Condemn NAACP Resolution Against Tea Party Movement AND The Racism of the NAACP
Michelle Obama to the NAACP: 'Now is Not The Time to Rest on Our Laurels'
Maybe the French Aren’t So Bad After All
Opponents Pack Hearing on Mosque Near Ground Zero
An Economy of Grinds
A decade of spiraling deficits
Drilling ban reissued
The Cost of the VAT
Kagan and ObamaCare The Senate should press her to recuse herself from the state lawsuit.
IWF in the News: 100 Days of Health-Care Reform
Obama and the “S” Word
Obamacare: Forecasts Cloudy for Young Adults
Obamacare: Still Unpopular
Repealing Obamacare and Restoring a Free Market in Healthcare
Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds
The Ministries of Truth Weigh In
How Diversity Punishes Asians, Poor Whites and Lots of Others
IRS starts mopping up Congress's tax-reporting mess
The 5 Biggest Threats To America's Future Success
If They Say There's a Big Crowd At the Skeptics' Conference, Should You Believe Them?
Through a Gimlet Eye: Studying the Washington Post Kremlinologist-Style
Obama threatened by Tea Party. White House frets about coming Republican majority
Liberals flunk Economics 101
In California's current fiscal crisis, there is a serious risk that Jose will have to be laid off.
From an email my husband sent me.
UPDATE - I liked FuzzySlippers' comment so much I'm quoting it below:
heh, that's about right. It's also a good way to visually demonstrate the monstrosity of big government with it's bazillion layers of bureaucracy, waste, inefficiency . . . and it's always teachers and police who are laid off first to save the state or city money (that they then over-pay to people who watch porn all day long instead of doing their jobs).
Monday, July 12, 2010
I'm Home! I'm Home! I'm Home!
I'm back from my Family Reunion 2010. While it was terrific seeing the family, it is good to be home and reunited with my husband and our cat.
Normal business will resume tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.
Normal business will resume tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.
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