Saturday, January 22, 2011
Unions In MD Must Pay Up
I'm weeping blood tears. Come on Unions, you can't expect taxpayers to completely fund your retirement. Grow a pair. Unions unhappy with plan to have Md. state workers pay more into pensions
Olbermann - Goodbye and Good Riddance
Keith Olbermann gives abrupt goodbye to MSNBC show
Na na nana, na na nana, hey, hey, hey, Goodbye. (sorry couldn't help myself)
Na na nana, na na nana, hey, hey, hey, Goodbye. (sorry couldn't help myself)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Random Round-Up 01-21
Obama College Article Mysteriously Surfaces
Stewart blasts Cohen for Nazi comparison
Oilman: Bakken holds 20 billion barrels of oil
So-Called ‘Center for Constitutional Rights’ Tries To Silence Glenn Beck, Defends Fellow Communist Sympathizer Frances Fox Piven
Victories for Virginia Taxpayers in Tuesday's Special Elections
An Extremely Detailed Account of the Wrongdoings of Convicted ACORN Conspirator Amy Adele Busefink
Virginia Bill Would Require Schools to Keep Tabs on Cost of Illegal Immigrant Students
About that Voter Suppression Files photo, and actual voter fraud
What's driving the spike in gas prices?
The Menace Abroad: Foreign Policy Threats to Watch in 2011
John Atlas’s Bizarre Column
Next Step in Obamacare Repeal: Ban Rationing Now
10 Things You Won’t Hear in Obama’s State of the Union
Militant Islam in Norway
Company Fires Law Firm Because of Firm’s Unfounded Legal Threat on Company’s Behalf
ACORN leader avoids prison for voter fraud conspiracy
Free Speech on Trial in Austria … and Europe. The trial of Austrian anti-Sharia activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for “denigrating” Islam has major implications for free speech in Europe
Biofuel Breakthrough?
ACORN’s Patrick Gaspard Moving From White House to DNC
One America, Two Languages: Obama's Backdoor Bilingualism
PCRM's Latest Pigheaded Victory Causes Problems
Union Membership and America’s Looming Fiscal Crisis
Los Angeles Takes Policy Cues From Animal Rights Nuts
The Enterprise of Earmarks: New Presidential Appointment Raises Questions on F-35 Funding
Human Rights Imperialism: Leftist Satire or Moral Collapse?
Daily Round-Up 01-21
Slicing Spinal Cords With Scissors
House to vote on abolishing campaign matching fund
Breitbart Is Throwing an '80s-Themed Gay Party
More bills seek crackdown on immigration
Welfare Reform in the ‘Spending Reduction Act’
Ryan Will Deliver SOTU Response
Sunni Muslim Center Ends Dialogue with Vatican
Smearing Supreme Court Justices
First "Marriage" now "Mother" and "Father"? State Dept. v. Mom & Pop What Happened to the Antiwar Movement?
Black Abortions: The Forbidden Topic
First Black Tea Party Forms in Houston
Verizon challenges FCC's new Internet rules
Welfare Reform in the ‘Spending Reduction Act’
Big Union/Leftie Groups 01-21
DNC announces new executive director associated with ACORN
Good. Unions see sharp membership declines again
Hipsters and Community Organizers Protest Walmart Developer's Home
Smearing Supreme Court Justices
Form Follows Fiasco What Happened to the Antiwar Movement?
Bonus Payments to City Retirees Are Drawing Ire
The Union Threat to the Democrats' Future Unless the party confronts its allies in the public-employee unions, it will continue to lose credibility with voters around the country.
Junk Science 01-21
False Data in UN's Anti-Malaria Campaign?
Electricity pricing policies may make or break plug-in hybrid buys
Court ruling likely to intensify political tussle over EPA air pollution rule
Formalde-hiding in Our Clothes?
Form Follows Fiasco
They have before - Corals adapt to global warming-related infections It's called evolution and it's effin' science.
That sounds like fun - Brits Ponder Fuel Rationing
Media Bias 01-21
MSNBC Beats ‘Boring’ CNN By Being The ‘World Wrestling Federation’ Of News
Hershing My Mellow AND SLY SY. A Journalist’s latest tricks
Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY
African-Americans Snubbed by Chicago MSM
Formalde-hiding in Our Clothes?
Network Morning Shows Ignore Philadelphia Abortionist's Murder Arrest
It Sounds So Much Better Read Out Loud
Roger Ailes Evil Because He Doesn't Waste Millions on Ad Consultants
Rep. Bishop Has Atlanta Journal Constitution For Backup In Pigford Blowback
Obamacare 01-21
Idaho Set to Nullify Obama's Health Care Law
What’s Next on Healthcare? Now the Real Work Begins
We're On Track to Real Health Care -- Here's How We'll Do It
Democrats do their best Borg impression
Why Everything Starts with Repeal Democrats are defending Obamacare with flimflammery.
Where Are the Sick People Who Can’t Get Insurance?
It's Winter for Poland and ObamaCare
House GOP begins long drive to dismantle Obamacare
'Choice' vs. Crisis Pregnancy Centers
In Economic Woes 01-21
Lenders See Little Choice: Layoffs
Welfare Reform in the ‘Spending Reduction Act’
Corporate Taxes: The Chief Business Of The Conquerors
DeMint, Jordan, Garrett Unveil Spending Reduction Act
Poll: Heavy majority says deficit needs “immediate action”
The first step is admitting you have a problem. California governor declares fiscal emergency
A Path Is Sought for States to Escape Their Debt Burdens
Forget Defaults, The Real Muni Crisis Is The Evisceration Of The Obama Tax Break
Bonus Payments to City Retirees Are Drawing Ire
Devil's in the details. Mayor Mike's reform misfire
Cost of 1,000 federal committees leaves taxpayers with skyrocketing bill
Obama Teams Up With G.E.; Iran Palaver Peters Out; 2012 Arrives At White House
These Spending-Cut Proposals Are Meaningful
Government auditor: AIG stronger thanks to aid
European Central Bank Studies Show Spending Restraint Is Key to Controlling Red Ink
Backdoor Big Government. Americans sent a small-government message in November, but Obama isn’t listening.
Stealth Inflation? Your favorite products - now 20% smaller
Cut spending before lifting debt ceiling
Republicans set down marker on spending: $2.5 trillion in cuts
China's 'new' jet orders anything but
The Phantom 15 Million. Taming unemployment starts with solving the mystery of the jobs that were supposed to have been created in the past 10 years but weren’t.
Bad Politician Bad 01-21
President Obama Job Approval
Midterm Grades: Barack Obama
DNC announces new executive director associated with ACORN
Backdoor Big Government. Americans sent a small-government message in November, but Obama isn’t listening.
Just as things were looking up, Obama's annual job approval average puts him near the postwar bottom
Get Ready for an Obama Victory in 2012
Obama Admin Lobbying Honduras To Allow Zelaya Back In? Are You Kidding?
A Solution at Obama's Fingertips
Rep. Bishop Takes Heat Over Breitbart Videos about Black Farmers Settlement AND Rep. Bishop Admits There Is Fraud in Pigford, but Says ‘You Can’t Lay That at My Feet’ AND Rep. Bishop Has Atlanta Journal Constitution For Backup In Pigford Blowback
Cost of 1,000 federal committees leaves taxpayers with skyrocketing bill
What will Obama do at the U.N.?
GE's Immelt to Head Obama's New 'Jobs and Competitiveness' Board
Obama Teams Up With G.E.; Iran Palaver Peters Out; 2012 Arrives At White House
Thursday, January 20, 2011
If You Don't Laugh, You'll Cry
Awkward Ed Miliband Moments Mr. Miliband is a British MP but don't worry, he'll still remind you of 99% of Congress.
Governor, you're not helping Obama with this. I'm no birther but nor am I pro-Obama, so I find it quite amusing that this Obama-supporting governor is making things so much worse. Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate. Suggests controversy could hurt president's re-election chances AND Hawaii governor claims record of Obama's birth 'exists in archives' but can't produce the vital document
Are You With Me, Doctor Wu? It's really his stand against "faux Klingons"
Media Bias 01-20
Will Politifact bust Cohen’s lies?
Salon's Joan Walsh Alters Another Obama Quote To Make It Congruent With The Narrative
Before banning 'crosshairs,' CNN used it to refer to Palin, Bachmann
Liberals’ Civility Test
They did it because her face is so plastic, it scares small children. Also, she's a troll. Fox News denies unbooking Joan Rivers over Palin remarks.
Dr. Laura: Media Matters and NAACP Infringing Free Speech; Palin Criticized Because ‘She Has Balls’
Does Paul Krugman Own Logic?
Pro-Union Harper’s Mag Publisher Wants To Bust His Own Union
Sheriff Civility AKA Chris Matthews Calls Michele Bachmann a 'Nut Case'
Timothy Noah, Tool Of Sebelius
Daily Round-Up 01-20
Abortion Doctor Killed Healthy Full-Term Babies With Scissors
I remember this kidnapping, what a miracle! Woman kidnapped as baby: Finding family 'a dream'
DeMint: There Will Be No Bailout for the States
GOP gearing up for EPA fight in House and Senate
‘Religious Cleansing’ AND Christians Under Persecution Overseas
Palinoia, the Destroyer What's behind the left's deranged hatred. AND The War Against Palin Goes On and On and …
Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County
Which one? Eric Holder’s dirty secret
In Norway, an Awakening to the Islamist Danger. Islamists have made no secret of their desire to impose sharia law on the country.
On the erosion of personal liberty.
Collectivism, the Loss of Individual Power and the Future of America
Dinner Without Onions In India? What this article doesn't mention is the impact of idiotic regulations such as that destroying Central Valley, CA that are also part of the causes behind these global food shortages.
Immigrating Prosperity: Part 1, The Battle Lines
The Hunger Code “Food insecurity” is not starvation.
DeMint: There Will Be No Bailout for the States
Black Man's Burden: Those Who Make Them Victims
Big Union/Leftie Groups 01-20
8 Days after AZ Shooting, Obama Ed Sec and Teacher Union Boss Promote “No Peace”
Trumka: White House review of government regulations a ‘distraction’ Like I want the AFL-CIO's opinion on government regulations.
The Union Threat to the Democrats' Future Unless the party confronts its allies in the public-employee unions, it will continue to lose credibility with voters around the country. In many ways, public unions are a threat to ALL our futures.
Pro-Union Harper’s Mag Publisher Wants To Bust His Own Union Jeb Bush on Disrupting the Education Monopoly
Best and Brightest Teachers Key to Solving U.S. Education Crisis
Michelle Obama's 'Get Moving' Program Linked to Pedestrian Deaths Ummm?
Uncle Sam Wants to Cut Your Fat You can cut my fat after you've cut your spending fat first, Uncle Same.
8 Days after AZ Shooting, Obama Ed Sec and Teacher Union Boss Promote “No Peace”
Trumka: White House review of government regulations a ‘distraction’ Like I want the AFL-CIO's opinion on government regulations.
The Union Threat to the Democrats' Future Unless the party confronts its allies in the public-employee unions, it will continue to lose credibility with voters around the country. In many ways, public unions are a threat to ALL our futures.
Pro-Union Harper’s Mag Publisher Wants To Bust His Own Union Jeb Bush on Disrupting the Education Monopoly
Best and Brightest Teachers Key to Solving U.S. Education Crisis
Michelle Obama's 'Get Moving' Program Linked to Pedestrian Deaths Ummm?
Uncle Sam Wants to Cut Your Fat You can cut my fat after you've cut your spending fat first, Uncle Same.
In Economic Woes 01-20
Corporate taxes are self-defeating. America's anti-business taxes have put it at a competitive disadvantage
Record Oil, Gas Prices Loom as Financial Reform Fails
95% of them, sir. Issa to public: Which regs hurt?
Conservatives sign on to simplifying the tax code and closing loopholes
Exclusive: Over a million immigrants land U.S. jobs in 2008-10
Yeah, he's not cracking that book. Required Reading for the President
Republicans to hold spending vote before State of the Union
Illegal Immigration Major Economic Issue
Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County
7 Places Inflation Is Battering Consumers
The Radical Reform That California Needs AND How much does California owe?
The Power of the Purse It’s time to remake the House Appropriations Committee.
Thomas Sowell: Fed Trapped in Endless Easing Cycle
Administration Split over Fannie-Freddie Strategy
The Messy Path To Creating Jobs
So do I. World needs $100 trillion more credit, says World Economic Forum
Good. Cantor suggests GOP knife could cut deep
Pimco: Back to the USA. We're in the ring of fire!
The myth of ‘post-American globalization’
What Congress Should Cut. Let's scrap the Departments of Commerce and Housing and Urban Development, end farm subsidies, and end urban mass transit grants, for starters.
It’s Official: Democrat Stimulus Bill Was a Failure
Spending Fight Looms; Dems Get Nasty; Obama Gets Boost
Bad Politician Bad 01-20
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
Not Just Uncivil, But Wrong
Pigford Investigation Resources
It’s a TARP! Geithner Won’t Show for First Issa Hearing
Carol Moseley Braun says Bill Clinton is betraying minorities
A tale of two parties and their priorities
Race Card: Schultz Claims Republicans Have 'Pre-Civil Rights Attitude' On ObamaCare
He really is such a tool The Bloomberg Syndrome When global sermonizing trumps local competence
Hubris heading for a fall
Record Oil, Gas Prices Loom as Financial Reform Fails
Administration Split over Fannie-Freddie Strategy
Bail them out, regulate them, then work for them
Page 3 is especially good. How the Happy Meal ban explains San Francisco
Interview with Representative Paul Ryan
Obamacare 01-20
There Are Now 27 States Challenging the Constitutionality of ObamaCare
Taxpayer Calculator: Health Care Repeal
Rep. Upton begins investigation of health-care bureaucracy
The damage has already begun
ObamaCare DOA in the Senate? Not so Fast …
Who could blame them? MDs fear healthcare reform: Thomson Reuters survey
26 states join Obama health care lawsuit in Fla.
Opposing view on health law: 'We need a new approach'
From the Big Book of Duh - Congress Should Have Addressed Medicare Rather Than Pass 'ObamaCare'
From the Annals of Idiocy - Rep. John Lewis Says Declaration's ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ Language and 14th Amendment Authorize Congress to Force People to Buy Health Insurance Ummm... also asked Lewis what part of the Constitution gives Congress the authority to require individuals to buy health insurance.Our Dear Leaders, ladies and gentleman. Every one of them a scholar. Not only did he get the first reference wrong but the 14 Amendment's equal protection refers to state-level laws, not federal.
“Well, when you start off with the Preamble of the Constitution, you talk about the pursuit of happiness," said Lewis. "You go to the 14th Amendment--it’s equal protection under the law and we have not repealed the 14th Amendment. People have a right to have health care. It’s not a privilege but a right."
The Preamble of the Constitution states, “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The Declaration of Independence says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
The GOP's Health-Care Offensive Has Just Begun The longer this issue is around, the worse it's likely to be for Democrats
Race Card: Schultz Claims Republicans Have 'Pre-Civil Rights Attitude' On ObamaCare
Repeal Passes by Much Larger Margin Than Obamacare Did
Abortion on deck in health care debate
A Joke From The UK
George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The
devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished
the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin
writes him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is
finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so
she writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is
finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got
to call the USA so cheaply.
The devil smiles and replies: "Since Obama took over, the country has
gone to hell, so it's a local call."
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The
devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished
the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin
writes him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is
finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so
she writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is
finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got
to call the USA so cheaply.
The devil smiles and replies: "Since Obama took over, the country has
gone to hell, so it's a local call."
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Obamacare 01-19
House passes health law repeal
Polls: Obamacare Still Unpopular
Need a waiver from Obamacare? Get in line
Ryan: Obama’s ‘Disastrous’ Law
What Is Seen and Unseen: Obamacare Edition
Boehner: “Let’s Challenge Ourselves to Do Better”
House Speaker John Boehner’s remarks on Obamacare repeal, to be voted on shortly:“I thank the gentleman for yielding, and I thank all the Members of this body for a spirited, respectful debate on this critical issue.
“Both sides of the aisle have very different viewpoints on what government’s role in health care should be.
“If there is one thing we do agree on, it’s that this health care law needs improvement. The president himself said as much yesterday.
“Why does it need improvement? Just look at the facts.
“Yesterday, 200 economists and experts put out a letter calling ObamaCare ‘a barrier to job growth.’
“The letter talks about how employers are struggling to keep up with all the mandates and tax hikes in this law, flooding the job market with additional uncertainty.
“The one thing the American people wanted out of health care reform was lower costs, which the authors of this law promised, but did not deliver.
“According to these economists – this law will increase spending by $1 trillion dollars – that’s ‘at a minimum’ – and add nearly $1.5 trillion to the deficit.
“So if we agree this law needs improving, why would we keep it on the books?
“Why would we keep one hand tied behind our backs when we’re dealing with near 10 percent unemployment and a $14 trillion debt?
“If we can do better, then let’s do better.
“Let me be clear about what repealing this health care law means for families, small businesses, and taxpayers:
“Repeal means preventing more than $770 billion in tax hikes and eliminating all the mandates and penalties so that small businesses can grow and hire new workers.
“Repeal means reducing spending by $540 billion, another step in tackling the massive debt that faces our kids and grandkids.
“Repeal means protecting more than 7 million seniors from losing or being denied the Medicare Advantage coverage they like.
“Repeal means paving the way for better solutions that will lower costs without destroying jobs or bankrupting our government.
“And repeal means keeping a promise.
“This is what we said we would do. We listened to the people – we made a commitment to them – a pledge to make their priorities our priorities.
“When you look at the facts… When you listen to the people… This is a promise worth keeping.
“Let’s stop payment on this check before it can destroy more jobs and put us in an even deeper hole.
“Then let’s work together to put in place reforms that lower costs without destroying jobs or bankrupting this government.
“Let’s challenge ourselves to do better.”
Random Round-Up 01-19
President Obama Job Approval
DA: Pa. abortion doc killed 7 babies with scissors
Oh Good God! Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate. Suggests controversy could hurt president's re-election chances
Welfare tab for children of illegal immigrants estimated at $600m in L.A. County
MLK and His Guns
Why Green Energy Can't Power a Job Engine
Development Policy: Is the World Bank Sacrificing Economic Growth and Higher Living Standards on the Altar of Radical Environmentalism?
Michael Williams Running in TX
Breitbart to Join GOProud’s Advisory Council
Oh that classy Pelosi - Pelosi to reappoint same Dems to ethics board she created
Bankruptcy for States
The IRS Run Amok
Obama's SEC hires Goldman Sachs asset manager to regulate asset managers
Democratic lawmaker compares GOP health law claims to Nazi 'lies' So much for "liberal civility" - video here.
Housing Starts in U.S. Decreased in December to One-Year Low
What Congress Should Cut Let's scrap the Departments of Commerce and Housing and Urban Development, end farm subsidies, and end urban mass transit grants, for starters.
Go Issa Go - Issa Investigates GAO Investigators in Battle over For-Profit Schools
Business Hands Tied by Double Taxation
Impact of SOX on the IPO Market
$100 Bribe to Ticket Agent Allows Unknown Package to Fly on JetBlue
Thomas Sowell - Budget Crisis Rhetoric: Part II
Foreign gifts piled up for Obamas in first year
House Energy panel to take aim at Obama climate change regulations
Another Farmer Says Rep. Sanford Bishop Didn’t Pursue Pigford Fraud Allegations
Flashback: Pro-Pigford Congressman Mum on ‘Widespread Fraud’ Question Before House Vote
Did Congressman Sanford Bishop (D-GA) Want Pigford Fraud Coverup?
Christie Expands Number of Charter Schools in New Jersey
Staying True: How Conservatives Can Win in the 112th Congress
Sharing the Burden of Peace
Va. lawmakers look to stop climate change probe - Shame on them.
Three issues Obama should raise with Hu - but probably won't
Teachers Vs. Educators
A friend emailed this to me and I thought it appropriate to share. Enjoy.
Lipstick in School (Priceless!)
According to a news report, a certain private school in Washington was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night the maintenance man would remove them, and the next day the girls would put them back.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done... She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night (you can just imagine the yawns from the little princesses).
To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required.
He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
There are teachers...and then there are educators.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Interactive Map of US State Economies
This is a cool tidbit from The Economist.
Which countries match the GDP and population of America's states?
Which countries match the GDP and population of America's states?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Scummy politicians
What does it take to end a political career? If you go to the original article above, you can follow the links underscoring these particular charges.
•Being found guilty of 11 ethics violations. (Charlie Rangel, D-NY)
•Stuffing your pants with classified documents, stealing and destroying them. (Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor, went on to become a Hillary Clinton campaign advisor in 2008.)
•A prostitution scandal. (Democrat Elliot Spitzer, then Governor of NY, now cohost of Parker Spitzer and David Vitter, R-LA, still in office, were clients. Barney Frank, D-MA, still in office; his boyfriend ran a prostitution ring from their home.)
•Having the FBI find $90,000 in your freezer. (William Jefferson, D-LA, was re-elected while under federal investigation.)
•Being a Klan leader, and saying “white niggers” on TV. (Robert Byrd – D-WV, re-elected until he died while in office) In contrast, Trent Lott, R-MS, was driven from his post as Minority Leader for complimenting former Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond at a birthday party.
•Being found guilty of defamation. (Al Sharpton is currently a radio host, and regularly appears on cable network opinion shows.)
•Plagiarism and an ongoing series of gaffes. (Joe Biden)
•Calling Jews “hymies” and New York City, “Hymietown;” fathering an illegitimate child (Reverend Jesse Jackson, who is still active politically and still welcome as a guest on cable news networks.)
•Being an unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam scandal. (Jack Murtha, D-PA, re-elected until he died in office.)
•Being caught on tape smoking crack cocaine. (Marion Barry, Democratic mayor of Washington, DC, went on to serve on the Washington D.C. City Council and another term as mayor after his release from prison.)
•Association with a domestic terrorist. (Barack Obama)
•Swimming away and letting Mary Jo Kopechne drown, and offering to help the Soviet Union defeat America’s most formidable enemy: President Ronald Reagan. (Ted Kennedy, D-MA, re-elected until he died in office.)
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