Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mini Afternoon Round-Up 10-30
Civil Rights Commission: Administration Lied About Who Dropped Voter Intimidation Case
There’s good reason the masses are revolting
It’s the Spending, Stupid
ObamaCare Vote Haunts Congressional Candidates
Half of Democrats Think Obama Should Face Primary
Obama Heckled at Connecticut Rally
Who’s Really Dividing the Country?
Fiorina Campaign Manager: Carly's Going To Win By At Least Three Points
Finally: Meg Whitman Drills Jerry Brown With His Own Words
Concerns grow about election fraud, voter intimidation
Why the Tea Party? Ask John Kerry.
Prop 23: Will California Reject Climatism?
Comrade Hitler: Man of the Left
The difference between crime and, you know, crime-crime
Nevada Democrat Base Voters Launch Anti-Reid Commercial
Tiny Human Liver Grown From Fetal Cells; Next Step, Animal Transplant
Fake Newsman, Fake Sanity Lots of video
Rally to Restore Sanity' was hilarious and heartbreaking
Video: Riding the Peace Train
I’m Proud to Be a Heretic to the Preening Progressives
Akaka bill: Three questions
The Final Nail in the Democrats' Coffin
Barbara Boxer Puts Her Closing Hope in Barack Obama
HA. Silly Boxer. She thinks Obama gets votes now.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Obama Under Appreciation Syndrome
Random Round-Up 10-30
President Obama Job Approval
“High-level” political officials interfered in NBPP case, forced withdrawal
DOJ Voting Section Deputy Chief Misled Civil Rights Commission on Black Panthers Case. Hans von Spakovsky submits an affidavit saying Robert Kengle intentionally misled the Commission.
The great campaign of 2010
Rising Tide Of Government Regulation Faces Rising Opposition From American People One is not an immovable object and one is an irresistible force. One guess as to which is which.
Democratic Closing Argument: Personal Attacks. Democrats Attack Over Personal Issues, Republicans Over Policy
Elizabeth Warren has office at an agency where she doesn’t work
This is why I love libertarians. Very funny. Attack Ads, Circa 1800
The ending is PRICELES!
Suburban nation, but urban policies
Redistricting Is Driving Attempts at Voter Fraud
Concerns grow about election fraud, voter intimidation
On the Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas
Tea Partiers Outraged Over Democratic Tea Party Plant’s Fraudulent Google Ads
Voter Fraud Watch Video Exclusive: Poll Watcher Witnesses Misconduct in Houston. Witness describes poll misconduct, professors push the vote on campus, plus, if you want to report voter fraud, there's now an app for that courtesy of American Majority.
Leaks like this are bad. Tribe, Sotomayor, and Obama
New Jersey Teachers don't talk to strangers
Virginia Loves Republican Rule
Over $120 Million Spent on California Initiatives
Unpopular Financial Reform. Most Americans don’t like the Dodd-Frank act.
Paul Krugman and the last gasp of America’s liberal elites
Not only is Krugman’s article one of the most ridiculous pieces of scare-mongering in the history of modern American journalism, but it is the pathetic whimper of a decaying liberal Ancien Regime that is spectacularly crumbling. It also illustrates just how out of touch liberal elites are with public opinion, as well as economic reality. The tired old blame Bush line no longer works, and as a recent poll showed, the former president’s popularity is rising again.This is why I love the British in general, my husband in particular and Nile's article above, especially. Their BS sensors(when functioning properly) are spectacularly expressed (I'm looking at your awesome self, Daniel Hannon).
2% Just Won't Do
Prosperity Index Shows That Democracy Still Works Best
Pelosi, Among Others, Could Exit if Dems Lose House
Henry in the House: Meek story shows Dem fears of Senate wipeout
DNC and Dems’ Private Club Delinquent on Taxes 16 Times in 7 Years. Isn't paying higher taxes patriotic? The Democratic National Committee and their private dining establishment in D.C., the National Democratic Club, are serious tax scofflaws.
Four Myths About the Tea Parties. And why liberals are too dismissive of the movement.
Redistricting Is Driving Attempts at Voter Fraud
You know, I think I want him gone just about as much as I want Boxer out of office. Down memory lane with Barney Frank . . .
Pelosi’s Cannon Fodder To the speaker, health-care reform was a hill worth letting her members die for
The LA Times says it like that is a bad thing but personally, it's one of the reasons why I will be voting for them - GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists. If Republicans win control of the House, they plan to go after the Obama administration's environmental policies and the researchers who have offered evidence on global warming, whom they accuse of manipulating data.
And this is another reason why I'll be voting for them. GOP Insurgents May Disrupt Leaders’ Plans and Go Rogue
ObamaCare and Voters Clinton and Obama told Democrats it would be popular. Whoops..
Obamacare Endgame: Doctors Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patients First Goon Chokes Jesse Kelly Supporter
Good news, I'm not a marxist - You Just Might Be a Marxist. Many people uphold Marxist tenets without considering themselves Marxists.
This doesn't seem very liberal (or sane). “Rally to Restore Sanity” pledges to “strictly prohibit filming” at National Mall
Thousands expected at Stewart-Colbert rally in DC
My Ordeal with Jon Stewart and His ‘Cone of Silence’ Event. Want a press pass? Dear Leader cannot be reached at this time.
Liberal groups tag along with Jon Stewart rally
Sanity Is Overrated. Well, some times of "sanity" are.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Morning Links 10-29
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mini Morning Round-Up 10-28
These Are The Only 5 Countries Whose Pension Systems Can Survive
Bring Back the Teleprompter
Ballot Blunder in Arkansas
Labour and the left
Bush beats Obama 48/43 in poll
Americans to Pollsters: Don’t Cut Defense
FTC Drops Investigation of Google Less Than a Week After Company Exec Hosts Obama Fundraiser
A presidency heading for a fiscal train wreck
What Gets You Most Upset about the TARP Bailout, the Lying, the Corruption, or the Economic Damage?
Tea Partiers Outraged Over Democratic Tea Party Plant’s Fraudulent Google Ads
Don't get cocky - Pollster John Zogby: Strength of GOP Wave Remains in Doubt
Chris Christie
Did Robert Reich Just Accuse Obama of Accepting Bribes?
A liberal blogger confronts Barack Obama about gay rights... with tediously grim results.
New Hispanic Poll on Immigration
This campaign is the nastiest, voters say
Houston ABC Affiliate: Mouthpiece of the Left; Sends Dem Scare Message to Tea Party Poll Watchers
GM's Chevy Volt advertising might work today, but it's incredibly shortsighted
Blue-Dog Democrats Face Midterm 'Massacre'
Obama: The Pragmatist
Sandra Day O’Connor Crosses Ethical Line to End Election of Judges
Random Round-Up 10-28
President Obama Job Approval
Voter Fraud Watch
Young Voters More Hesitant to Commit to Dems
Radical in the White House Stanley Kurtz didn’t have to go to Kenya to figure out who Barack Obama really is.
The Incumbent Protection Racket
Taking a break from suing states, Obama's Justice Department wins hundreds of awards from itself
Obama’s Base Will Stay Home
Poll - Independents Drive GOP Midterm Advantage
Harry Reid Steals Nevadan's Milk Money To Buy Campaign Ad
ON THE ROAD: Bielat Relishes Underdog Role in Bid to Beat Barney Frank
A Pre-Election Day Prediction: Massachusetts Will Retire Barney Frank. Robert Snider predicts that America's bluest state will retire a long-term Democrat, sending military veteran and Republican Sean Bielat to Washington in place of Barney Frank.
New Video Exposes The False Narrative of the "Stomping" Victim AND Shhh—Nobody Tell MSNBC
Astonishing Stats on Women Voters
Linda McMahon vs. Richard Blumenthal: Connecticut's wrestling match
Candidate Sharron Angle is a ‘bitch’? Women’s groups outraged by ’sexist’ View co-host Joy Behar And yet Joy still has her job, unlike Juan.
Bucks election board to hear GOP allegations of absentee-voter fraud by Democrats
Pennsylvania's Race Gets Dirty As Sestak Slings Feces
50 Laboratories For Health Reform
Boxer Campaign Apologizes for Getting Caught Soliciting Teachers to Recruit Student Volunteers AND Boxer faces ethics complaint for telling teachers to send students to work for campaign This is why you should sign up for your opposition's communications - to make sure you know what they are up to.
Public-Employee Unions Funnel Public Money to Dems Franklin Roosevelt thought public-sector unions were a lousy idea. Do you?
When Unions Vote Your Money
Ouch On the Daily Show, Obama is the last laugh
Taxpayers win in court
It Ain’t So, Joe
Teachers Spent $9M On Cosmetic Surgery in 2009
The Role of the Elite
TARP plays well for Dems in wealthy N.Y. suburbs
New Jersey abandons toothless reforms
About California's Prop 23
Closing in California
California can't mess with Texas
Job Losses Outweigh Obama’s Successes
Tax Breaks For The Wealthy Do Boost Economy
Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech; Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation
Starting Afresh in Pursuit of Liberty
Democrat Gets Booed for Blaming Bush-- In Massachusetts!
Officials scramble to send out vote-by-mail ballots
Foreclosure activity up across most US metro areas
The real foreclosure mess: Lack of accountability for banks
Energy Crisis Over!
The PC Revolution Devours Its Own Children, Part CLVII, NPR Edition
Actually, it is sickening us all - Health Care Is Ailing Democrats
Poll: Independents Drive GOP Midterm Advantage
When Clinton fails to excite, trouble looms for state Dems
s Time for Some Cold, Hard Truths
Economy Top Issue for Voters; Size of Gov't May Be More Pivotal
Forgetting the Constitution The assurance that “separation of church and state” is in the Constitution shows our elites’ ignorance.
Signs of the Democratic Apocalypse. Midterms are tough for presidents, but party leaders aren't usually in trouble..
The Right on Public Broadcasting
Energy and anger
Tea Party Movement Is A Game-Changer
Labor helps key Senate Dems, but abandons most House Blue Dogs
Democrats Doing Opposition Research For 2012
Foreclosure activity up across most US metro areas
Public Pay Study Seems Bogus
'Stranger Danger' and the Decline of Halloween. No child has ever been killed by poisoned candy. Ever..
Obama's got his midterm mantra down, so why isn't anybody listening?
Another Debate Audience Recites Pledge When Another Moderator Says ‘No
Memo to Candidates - Dire Economy Calls for Deep Reforms
New York City’s Dumb Gun Laws Could Get Dumber
Poll: Most Want Obama Fired In 2012
Top DOJ Official Describes Recent Controversy As "He Said, She Said," Insists Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Confronting The CBS Reporter Who Threatened to Harm A Conservative Radio Host
Health Law Unpopular in Key House Districts.
Could Disgruntled Gay Voters Impact Close Blue State Elections? If gay voters choose to sit out the election, it could mean Democratic losses in tight races.
ObamaCare: Political Trouble for Moderate Democrats?
Channeling Milton Friedman
The high cost of Obama’s health 'savings'
Saudi Prince Backs Moving Planned NYC Mosque
Mercatus Center Financial Markets Working Group Wins Templeton Freedom Award
How the White House Bungled the Politics of Health Care
There They Went Again The 111th Congress fits a familiar Democratic pattern..
Obama Coalition Is Fraying, Poll Finds
A classic case of Obama's sophistry and lack of candor
The Coming Struggle
Baseball, the World Series and Steroids: George W. Bush Was Right
New York City Nominated for Ballot Bungle Booby Prize
The Rage Against Citizens United Why Barack Obama gave the Supreme Court a public tongue-lashing.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
In Economic Woes 10-27
A Stark Choice Between European Model Or the American Way
Red Tape Rising: Obama’s Torrent of New Regulation
Republicans Plan Budget Cuts as Early Act If They Take Power
The elusive search for villains in the foreclosure crisis.
Why I Suspect That Nothing Good Will Come Out of the Deficit Panel
Employers in U.S. Start Bracing for Higher Tax Withholding
Does It Make Sense to Decrease Your Retirement Savings to Pay Down Your Mortgage? Maybe ... Maybe Not.
Smoke and Mirrors in Sacramento. California’s latest state budget is a fraud.
Our Leaders Aren’t Truthful about the Deficit
2011 Business Tax Climate: Chilliest in Blue States
Clinton, Bush Prove Cutting Capital Gains Rate Works
Big Union/ACORN/Leftie Groups 10-27
Left Takes Accommodating Attitude toward Vote Fraud
ACORN and Polarization
Following the money is always the best way to go - Where does the SEIU get its money?
ACORN’s October Surprise
Michael Bloomberg’s astroturf group
ACORN’s Get-Out-The-Vote Operative Under State Felony Charges
Public employee unions funnel public money to Dems
Watchdog Warns SEIU Contract for Nevada Voting Machines Poses 'Fraud' Concern
SEIU Controls ‘Glitchy’ Voter Machines in Clark County, NV
‘Go Watch This Video. It’s Enlightening, It’s Enraging.’: Gov Christie Raves Over O’Keefe ‘Teachers Gone Wild’
Exposing Institutional Left’s Astroturf Attack On Charles Koch
The ACLU Is Wrong: Net Neutrality Is About Government Control of Internet Content
Bad Politician Bad 10-27
President Obama Job Approval
Battle for the Senate
Battle for the House
Obama Donates $4.5M to Desperate Dems
Toomey back on top in Pennsylvania
President Obama Heads into Midterms at Lowest Approval Rating of Presidency
Majority Disapprove of Incumbents, Poll Shows
The Battle for America 2010: Shock Poll Has GOP Candidate Up 9 in NY-20. The 26-point polling swing means New York may be a big part of the Republican wave
Democrats Ask Pentagon for Info on Potential Obama Challengers
Very Unfavorable Ratings for Reid, Pelosi Hit New High
Barney Frank Still Doesn't Get It
The Battle for America 2010: Six Days from the Reckoning. Early voting continues and voting fraud and problems arise, CA sours on legalizing pot, the FL debate ends with a Democrat staffer getting fired for breaking the rules, the Ehrlich-O'Malley rematch looks all too familiar, and more in the penultimate Battle for America state-by-state update.
Babs Boxer tries to recruit kiddie campaigners in L.A. public schools
For Better or for Worse, or at Least Until the Green Card Comes Through
Democratic Veterans Headed for the Exits
Don't. Get. Cocky. Bookie says GOP can't lose House, pays bets early
If full Senate were up for grabs, GOP would likely win filibuster-proof majority, polls show
Democrats getting outspent? Not so fast
PJTV Video - Don't Get Cocky: Cross the Finish Line And Bring Some Friends With You
Blago Retrial Delayed-Until After Chicago’s Mayoral Election
I guess he doesn't want his fingerprints on this debacle anymore - Obama campaigning quietly from the White House
Princess Pelosi is upset
Did the DNC Get an Illegal Campaign Loan from Bank of America? Getting an easy line of credit may not sit well with cash-starved small businesses that have sought loans during the bad economy. The question is, will the DNC come clean and open their books on this transaction? (Update: Bank of America responds to the article.)
Judge Deals Blow to Murkowski Campaign
In Some Elections, Character Counts Less
Speaker Pelosi’s Family and Friends Program AND The Friendly Skies of Nancy Pelosi
Daytona Beach Commissioner Arrested On Fraud Charges
Tablet: Obama Has ‘Spurned’ American Jews
Democrats Retain Edge in Campaign Spending
U.S. Falls in Annual Corruption Survey
Barack Obama's dumb 'Daily Show' Jon Stewart appearance and the President's diminishing brand
Long-term incumbents become an endangered congressional species
Voters are not paying attention? You wish
Smug Democrats
Which Darrell Issa would run House oversight panel?
Which Democratic senator will turn Republican? Probably not Joe Lieberman or Ben Nelson.
Vice President Biden Stumps for Alan Grayson. Basically a moron supports an ass.
Our Contemptible Congress
Election Corruption Round-Up
Left Takes Accommodating Attitude toward Vote Fraud
Voter Fraud Watch: A Primer on What to Watch For. Our resident expert on election law explains the ins and outs of how to detect voter fraud
Fraudulent Voting Re-emerges as a Partisan Issue
Lawmakers May Probe Late Military Ballots
Watchdog Warns SEIU Contract for Nevada Voting Machines Poses 'Fraud' Concern
Nevada Secretary Of State Says No Evidence Of Vote Fraud
Angle campaign attorney: Reid “intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright”
600 absentee requests tossed
The Left’s Voter-Fraud Whitewash
The Threat of Non-Citizen Voting
Incident Reports Alleged Voter Fraud in Houston, Texas
Residents cry foul over ballots
Did the DNC Get an Illegal Campaign Loan from Bank of America? Getting an easy line of credit may not sit well with cash-starved small businesses that have sought loans during the bad economy. The question is, will the DNC come clean and open their books on this transaction? (Update: Bank of America responds to the article.)
Where does the SEIU get its money?
Public employee unions funnel public money to Dems
SEIU Controls ‘Glitchy’ Voter Machines in Clark County, NV
Democratic Subterfuge in Maryland House Race
Voter reports problem with ballot machine
Nevada: ‘Harry Reid’s Name Was Already Checked’
Why PJM’s Military Voting Monitoring Project Is So Important. Eric Holder's DOJ isn't interested in making sure our military members' votes are protected and counted, so PJM is gathering evidence to ensure that problems are reported properly and will be fixed.
ACORN’s October Surprise
Glitch in Illinois' new vote-by-mail system
ACORN’s Get-Out-The-Vote Operative Under State Felony Charges
34 more face voter fraud charges in Hennepin County
Daily Round-Up 10-27
Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology
Awesome: Angle Sends Flowers & Thank You Note to Joy Behar After Screed Helps Raise $150K UPDATE: Behar's Profane Reponse
Nine Key Ballot Initiatives to Watch
Nice Backbone - NJ gov: I'm sticking with decision to scrap tunnel
Ford Proves Capitalism Works Better Than Government Motors
Could WikiLeaks do good? - Wikileaks on American Hikers
Midterm blowout: 50 or more Dem seats set to fall in the election Don't get cocky and don't forget to vote.
Dumb. Justice Elena Kagan's first vote is against an execution. The newest member of the Supreme Court is in the minority in backing a stay of execution over questions about the safety of a drug to be used in a lethal injection. Shortly after the stay was overturned Tuesday, Arizona executed Jeffrey Landrigan
Top DOJ Official Describes Recent Controversy As "He Said, She Said," Insists Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Feds arrest N.Va. man in D.C. Metro bomb plot
Public Optimism in U.S. System of Government Hits a 36-year Low
Why Socialism Breeds Racism
Taxpayer Funding for the Arts Corrupts the Arts
North Carolina Department of Revenue’s Demand for Amazon Customer Records Violates the First Amendment
Acknowledge the Black Community Is Committing Genocide on Itself
Block The Vote
How the “Scientific Consensus” on Global Warming Affects American Business—and Consumers
Plastic Water Bottles Won't Hurt You
Given the source... - Al Gore: Tea Party making climate science a ‘political football’
The Politics of Global Warming
Broken Telephone in Court Opinions
Baltimore Hands Out First Trans Fat Citation
Administration: No regrets pushing health reform before climate
When Hormone Creams Expose Others to Risks Actually, I'm still more concerned about women urinating artificial estorgen into our fresh water supply.
GM Salmon: Swimming Against the Regulatory Tide
The Moral Disaster of Health Care
Doctors vs. Bureaucrats: Are They Listening?
Administration: No regrets pushing health reform before climate
Obamacare Report Card: It’s Worse than We Thought
Take the Pledge, or Walk the Plank You can't stay in office forever. Failure to repeal Obamacare may result in failure of re-election.
Is there nothing Obamacare can't hurt? ObamaCare harms our troops
Florida Court Slams Obamacare
Media Research Center documents ABC, CBS, NBC bias
‘Go Watch This Video. It’s Enlightening, It’s Enraging.’: Gov Christie Raves Over O’Keefe ‘Teachers Gone Wild’ And still the MSM is silent.
Taking the Public Out of NPR
The rise, fall and rise of John Boehner
The Heartland Institute has good people - The Patriot’s Toolbox: Stock Up on Public Policy Ammunition
Lawmakers May Probe Late Military Ballots
Global Food Crisis Aggravated by Ethanol
I think this is such an important article I am copying it - links and all - at my own site. Global Food Crisis Forecast; Aggravated by Biofuels and Global Warming Legislation
A global food crisis is “forecast as prices reach record highs [1].” “Rising food prices and shortages could cause instability in many countries as the cost of staple foods and vegetables reached their highest levels in two years.” “Global wheat and maize prices recently jumped nearly 30% in a few weeks while meat prices are at 20-year highs.” “Meanwhile, the price of tomatoes in Egypt, garlic in China and bread in Pakistan are at near-record levels.”
Drought is one factor in the price spikes. Biofuels and ethanol subsidies and mandates are another major factor. According to the UN, “large-scale land acquisitions by foreign investors for biofuels is squeezing land suitable for agriculture [1].”
Ethanol subsidies have resulted in forests being destroyed [2] in the Third World, and caused famines [3] that have killed [4] countless people in the world’s poorest countries [4].
These subsidies are expanded in the global warming legislation backed by the Obama administration. Its ethanol subsidies will result [5] in “damage to water supplies, soil health and air quality.” The Washington Examiner earlier explained how the global warming bill backed by President Obama would cause deforestation by expanding ethanol subsidies, and thus increase greenhouse gas emissions [6] in the long run. It was larded up with corporate welfare: 85 percent [7] of its carbon allowances were given away to special interests free of charge, thanks to lobbying that turned the bill into an orgy of corporate welfare.
Earlier, Ron Bailey wrote in Reason magazine about the “global food crisis” that has resulted in food riots across the world [8], in countries like Mexico, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Haiti, and Egypt. The crisis, he notes, is caused by “stupid energy policies” in the form of ethanol “mandates” and subsidies, which result in the world’s breadbaskets producing less food and more ethanol.
In 2008, two prominent environmentalists, Lester Pearson and Jonathan Lewis, published a Washington Post editorial, “Ethanol’s Failed Promise [9],” which explained how ethanol subsidies and mandates are destroying the environment and fueling hunger and violence worldwide [9].Turning one-fourth of our corn into fuel is affecting global food prices. U.S. food prices are rising at twice the rate of inflation, hitting the pocketbooks of lower-income Americans and people living on fixed incomes. … Deadly food riots have broken out in dozens of nations in the past few months, most recently in Haiti and Egypt. World Bank President Robert Zoellick warns of a global food emergency.Moreover, they noted,food-to-fuel mandates are leading to increased environmental damage. First, producing ethanol requires huge amounts of energy - most of which comes from coal. Second, the production process creates a number of hazardous byproducts, and some production facilities are reportedly dumping these in local water sources. Third, food-to-fuel mandates are helping drive up the price of agricultural staples, leading to significant changes in land use with major environmental harm. Here in the United States, farmers are pulling land out of the federal conservation program, threatening fragile habitats. … Most troubling, though, is that the higher food prices caused in large part by food-to-fuel mandates create incentives for global deforestation, including in the Amazon basin. As Time Magazine reported [10] this month, huge swaths of forest are being cleared for agricultural development. The result is devastating: We lose an ecological treasure and critical habitat for endangered species, as well as the world’s largest ‘carbon sink.’ And when the forests are cleared and the land plowed for farming, the carbon that had been sequestered in the plants and soil is released. Princeton scholar Tim Searchinger has modeled this impact and reports [11] in Science magazine that the net impact of the food-to-fuel push will be an increase in global carbon emissions - and thus a catalyst for climate change.In Human Events, Deroy Murdock explained how rising food prices resulting from ethanol forced Haitians to literally eat dirt [12] (dirt cookies made of vegetable oil, salt, and dirt), caused tortilla riots in Mexico, and fueled violent protests in unstable “powder kegs” like Pakistan and Egypt.
In 2008, finance ministers and central bankers called for end to ethanol subsidies and biofuel mandates [13]. South African finance minister Trevor Manuel called such subsidies “criminal [14].” Earlier, the Indian Finance Minister Chidambaram noted that [14] “in a world where there is hunger and poverty, there is no policy justification for diverting food crops towards bio-fuels. Converting food into fuel is neither good policy for the poor nor for the environment.”
The EPA is now ratcheting up [15] ethanol use, heedless of the fact that ethanol makes gasoline costlier and dirtier [16], increases ozone pollution [17], and increases the death toll from smog [18] and air pollution. Ethanol production also results in deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution [19].
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