Friday, May 6, 2011
Daily Round-Up 05-06
Study Captures Electorate Beyond 'Red vs. Blue'
Awesome good news! - AV referendum and local elections live
Election results 2011: Lib Dems suffer worst losses in a generation
Rockefeller to roll out 'Do Not Track' bill
The Necessity of School Choice in Pennsylvania
GOP Rivals Hit Obama on Foreign Policy Despite Bin Laden Killing, Hit Harder on Economy
Bollywood vs. Bin Laden: Why Radical Islam Fears Pop Culture
Letter from an aborted child
Reaping the wages of "One Child" - aka forced abortions - Is China Cooking The Books On Its Census Data? The population may be aging even worse than authorities admit in the latest 10-year census. Why China urgently needs to change its birth control policy.
My Chance to Cross Examine Architect of Pigford Multi-billion Dollar Fraud
John Stossel Takes On Pigford
The tea party should hold fast on debt ceiling
Ohio GOP, Tea Partyers Fight Healthcare Provision
Mother’s Day and the conservative movement
Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers Takes Heat at Company's Annual Meeting for Promoting President Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Conservatives’ Answer to Obama’s Social Media Game Plan: Part II
General Bad Behavior 05-06
Journalists Shield Obama From Road Rage Over High Gas Prices
If Mortgage Fraud Was Rampant, Why Aren't Criminal Charges?
John Stossel Takes On Pigford
Claiming Fraud in A.I.G. Bailout, Whistle-Blower Lawsuit Names 3 Companies
Obama's 'Gangster Politics' The president is about to order companies that do business with the federal government to disclose their political donations.
Annals of the Arab Spring: Egyptian “Democrats” Praise Bombing of Gas Pipeline to Israel
The insult to the American soldier
Is China Cooking The Books On Its Census Data? The population may be aging even worse than authorities admit in the latest 10-year census. Why China urgently needs to change its birth control policy.
Now, kill his dream. Osama bin Laden’s brand of brutal jihad is losing its appeal in the Arab world
U.S. Senators ask Obama to stop China from stealing American EV secrets
Blago Tapes Illustrate a Frustrated Pol
My Chance to Cross Examine Architect of Pigford Multi-billion Dollar Fraud
And The Good Guys Are.... 05-06
He might be a little politically-green but I do like the guy - Herman Cain serves up Red-Meat-Lover’s Special, hold the identity politics
Sessions unloads on Conrad’s ’secret budget’
Claiming Fraud in A.I.G. Bailout, Whistle-Blower Lawsuit Names 3 Companies
GOP Warns Obama Not to Issue Executive Order for Government Contractors
GOP to block labor nominees
Republican leaders blast disclosure order as 'blatant' assault on free speech
Bad Politician Bad 05-06
President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Bump, what bump? Obama doesn’t get a major lift from bin Laden killing
If Our 'Food Stamp Recovery' Persists, Obama Will Lose Big
New Hampshire Tea Leaves
Drunkblogging the First Republican Primary Debate. Because somebody has to remember that the last word in GOP is Party. Stephen Green, he's so dreamy.
Idiot’s Guide to the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary
First Night Out: Notes from the Spin Room
Talk About The Economy, Stupids
The GOP’s message challenge
We'll see. He's still new to this politics business - Debate Makes Herman Cain Overnight 'Star'
Blago felt obama "was being given a pass on his own associations with convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko."
Time for Daylight: U.S. Weapons Reaching Cartel Hands a Huge Scandal. The U.S. government has effectively allowed weaponry to reach cartels, and now uses the violence they helped cause as a gun control argument.
Bowles: Obama’s Plan ‘Doesn’t Stabilize the Debt’
California’s Secret Government. Redevelopment agencies blight the Golden State.
AG Holder Does End Run Around DOMA in Immigration Case
The Obama Administration’s Guide To Farmer Settlement Fraud
Claiming Fraud in A.I.G. Bailout, Whistle-Blower Lawsuit Names 3 Companies
Nevada GOP sues over special election rules
The moment has come for Mr. Holder to end his investigation of the CIA's interrogators of terrorist detainees.
The Politics of Solipsism
The Next President of The United States Will Be…
'Law' gone rogue
The Fog of Fog
Bin Laden operation: Military success, PR fiasco?
Obama’s fickle European fans
President Obama can’t even communicate good news
Taxing Drivers by the Mile Is a Political Clunker
In Economic Woes 05-06
Never did get a job from a poor man.
Thomas Sowell aims to debunk ideas on taxing the rich and government intervention in housing, energy
Not Paying Our Bills is Just a Symptom of How Much Debt We Have Not a Reason to Borrow More Money
U.S. Tipping Point: 51% of Households Now Pay No Income Taxes
Economy adds 244k jobs, rate ticks up to 9 pct.
What do the job numbers mean?
Surprise! Jobs report goosed by government. Full unemployment 15.9 percent
Obama’s ‘Framework’ Folly
Bubble Bursts? Wall Street Tumbles, as Silver Prices Slump on Margin Hike
Tax Cuts Get the Job Done
Stop the Internet Sales Tax
Were Obamacare Waivers Responsible for 25 percent of Private Sector Job Growth?
General Motors Forced To Recall Nearly 170,000 Cars, Trucks and Vans
Obama: Nation can't drill its way out of soaring gas prices
Your monthly gasoline bill: $368
Rise in layoffs, gas prices cloud hiring outlook
If Mortgage Fraud Was Rampant, Why Aren't Criminal Charges?
Joint Tax Committee Releases IRS Disclosures of Tax Return Information, 2010
Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures
In the Category of Sentences that Are True on Many Days . . .
California’s Secret Government. Redevelopment agencies blight the Golden State.
Crazifornia: California leads the nation … in failure
California’s Secret Government. Redevelopment agencies blight the Golden State.
Claiming Fraud in A.I.G. Bailout, Whistle-Blower Lawsuit Names 3 Companies
Obamacare 05-06
More Than 30 States Challenging Obamacare
Ohio GOP, Tea Partyers Fight Healthcare Provision
GOP: No retreat from Medicare reform plan
Diagnosis as disease. Physicians are now making diagnoses in individuals who wouldn't have been considered sick in the past, and it's raising healthcare costs. If "over-diagnosis" is the "disease, then the cure is TORT REFORM!
No Retreating on Health Care
RE: No Retreating on Health Care
The Federal Government Bares Its Teeth At A Pharma CEO
Were Obamacare Waivers Responsible for 25 percent of Private Sector Job Growth?
Junk Science 05-06
Heart Muscles And Fat
Don't Get Between Michelle and Her Tamales
Ummm, DUH - Grand dream loses sheen in glare of daylight. L.A. community colleges' green energy plan proves wildly impractical. The blunders cost taxpayers $10 million.
The Greens’ Vision of America’s Energy Future
We could try - Obama: Nation can't drill its way out of soaring gas prices
Actually, we can drill our way to energy security
Forget About Wind & Solar – Natural Gas Is Our Energy Future, Says Policy Expert
California’s Secret Government. Redevelopment agencies blight the Golden State.
The EPA shouldn’t regulate greenhouse gas emissions
Obama's Scandalous War Against Domestic Oil
Preventing America’s Energy Train Wreck
Media Bias 05-06
Journalists Shield Obama From Road Rage Over High Gas Prices
Anatomy of a JournOList Smear: Whoopi Spreads Corrupt MSM’s Anti-Palin Narrative to the Popular Culture
How Your Journalism Sausage Gets Made, Part Six
Biased Reporter to Anchor ‘CBS Evening News’
Well, Now We Know that the C in CNN stands for ‘Conspiracy’
Arianna Huffington Puts Her 2012, “Elect More Progressives” Strategy Into Action
Lawrence O'Donnell Invites Condoleezza Rice On MSNBC, Lives to Regret It
Osama, Obama, and the Media
NPR hires firm to lobby for its taxpayer funding
John Stossel Takes On Pigford
The NYT tries to revive the “crazy vet” meme
CNN Story On WH Situation Room Proves Journalism is DEAD
The European Media Reacts to Death of Osama Bin Laden. European journalists have focused on whether the killing was permissible under international law; some are now calling for an international commission to investigate the American action
Conservatives’ Answer to Obama’s Social Media Game Plan: Part II
Big Union/Leftie Groups 05-06
$200,000 Lifeguards to Receive Millions in Retirement
Largest US labor union poised to back Obama 2012
Nation's largest union asks members to back Obama’s reelection
Teachers Union Takes First Step Toward Endorsing Obama 2012
Marxist Professor: Education ‘Forms Cadre of Revolutionaries’
GOP to block labor nominees
California’s Secret Government. Redevelopment agencies blight the Golden State.
Hatch: ‘We’re going to win’ against NLRB in South Carolina
As Boeing factory debate heats up, past writings of NLRB member Craig Becker raise questions
The Next President of The United States Will Be…
Disturbing: Taking Indoctrination to a Whole New Level
Media Labelling
Poll shows birther beliefs in decline following long-form release
Stories like the one above are really annoying because it is nothing more than media labeling.
Honest people with honest questions as to why Obama didn't offer up this "long-form" birth certificate when asked are immediately labeled "birthers" by the media. Sure there are some conspiracy nuts (on both ends of the political spectrum). But the vast majority simply wanted to know why Obama was refusing a request that came from registered voters.
Of course to any sane person, once that birth certificate was released the numbers of "birthers" would decline. That's because those people were NOT birthers as the media labels them, but folks who expect their questions to be answered by their political servants.
And make no mistake, ALL politicians in America are servants of the people. It is those who forget that very basic fact that are in trouble these days. Just as the mainstream media is in trouble by actions such as giving derogatory labels to those with legitimate questions. Journalists who want to keep getting paychecks better think twice about being so clever.
Stories like the one above are really annoying because it is nothing more than media labeling.
Honest people with honest questions as to why Obama didn't offer up this "long-form" birth certificate when asked are immediately labeled "birthers" by the media. Sure there are some conspiracy nuts (on both ends of the political spectrum). But the vast majority simply wanted to know why Obama was refusing a request that came from registered voters.
Of course to any sane person, once that birth certificate was released the numbers of "birthers" would decline. That's because those people were NOT birthers as the media labels them, but folks who expect their questions to be answered by their political servants.
And make no mistake, ALL politicians in America are servants of the people. It is those who forget that very basic fact that are in trouble these days. Just as the mainstream media is in trouble by actions such as giving derogatory labels to those with legitimate questions. Journalists who want to keep getting paychecks better think twice about being so clever.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Daily Round-Up 05-05
Help Save This Film!! "Battle for Britain" - 35mm Print & World Festival Tour
Transparency Report Reveals Sunshine State is Living Up to its Name
Nanny State Roll Back
New Poll: Birthers Vanish, Rapture Suspected "Boy oh boy, if that’s true, then Obama’s decision to release his long-form birth certificate accomplished a feat on par with — nay, greater than — killing Osama bin Laden: it made America dramatically less racist overnight!"
ADF: Ariz. law protecting student religious expression comes at perfect time
A Proposal to End the Practice of Gerrymandering. Using a precise mathematical formula, it is possible to redraw district lines fairly and bring competitiveness back to congressional races.
Soros, Epstein, and Caldwell on Hayek
Regulation of the Day 171: Cream Puffs
Obama’s Easter Pastor Makes Inflammatory Racial Remarks
Apple Addresses iPhone Location Tracking Controversy with iOS Update
Former Drug Dealer Explains Black Market Pricing to NPR
Soviet Flags Fly in Kentucky on May Day (KENTUCKY!!)
Lawmakers Step Up Probe of Gun Trafficking Operation AND Friction Grows Between Lawmakers and DOJ Over 'Project Gunrunner' Probe ANd here
Hmmmm - Illinois granted $186M of rail money once offered to Florida
Kloppenburg’s Wretched Habit
Nearly Half Of Detroiters Can’t Read
North Korean Prison Camps Massive and Growing
As always, Ken Blackwell has an excellent suggestion - Cut U.S. Funding for Osama’s Mourners
GOP Leaders: ‘Nothing Off the Table Except Raising Taxes’
FL GOP Sen. Candidate Adam Hasner Stresses Playing Offense, Principled Leadership
House Passes Bill Making It Easier to Drill
States ask US court to overturn health overhaul
Like Long Medical Wait Times, Crowded Emergency Rooms? You’ll Love ObamaCare.
Private healthcare rationing better than government's
Another Good Swing At Defunding Obamacare—But Not A Hit
A fantastic article! - Warming Linked to Giant Ants: Study
UN Reports April Food Prices Climb Again, Hit Second Highest Ever
GE's Immelt wishes he had soft-pedaled green talk
The EPA shouldn’t regulate greenhouse gas emissions
Prince Charles criticizes govt farm subsidies I don't like farm subsidies either but not for the same reasons as Chuck.
Politics Cloud Common Sense on Energy
Climate activists target states with lawsuits
Oops - NYT magazine cover story: ‘A Beast Within the Heart of Every Fighting Man’ (Update: Blackfive fisks the story)
Lib-Talker Malloy: When Will Navy SEALs Take Out George W. Bush?
How to Lose $10 Million on a Startup Web Site in Three Months
Newspapers fight to keep public-postings revenue
Isn’t Arianna Huffington Supposed To Favor Spreading the Wealth?
WaPo Notes Passage of 5-cent Bag Tax, Leaves Out That Newspaper Bags Exempt
Cry me a river - Trumka to Union Members: We’re Being Targeted
Labor board plays fast and loose in Boeing case
Oshkosh Professor Reprimanded for Comments on Recall Vote AND Felon (and Wisconsin professor of criminology) encourages election fraud
Interesting Question - If Supermarkets Were Like Public Schools What if groceries were paid for by taxes, and you were assigned a store based on where you live?
MORE SHOCK VIDEO: U of Missouri ‘Labor Studies’ Course Teaches How to Shut Down Non-Union Companies
Insecure Communities
House Passes "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act" 251 to 175 (Corrected)
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and American Idol, Has Suffered Post Abortion Trauma
Good Counsel Makes Abortion Rarer
MacIver’s Fake Doctors’ Notes Video Report Garners Atlas Award
McDonnell Correctly Vetoes PBS Funding
Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers to be Challenged Over His Support of President Obama's War on Fossil Fuels by Stockholders at the Company Shareholder Meeting Thursday
Why Rebuffing the Legal Attack on the National Day of Prayer Matters...Especially at a Time Like This
AV Referendum results map
Bad Politician Bad 05-05
President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
The presidential election will likely be decided in 14 states.
Study Captures Electorate Beyond 'Red vs. Blue'
Google and Government: A Threat to Your Privacy
Harry Reid: “Marco Rubio has to understand who he is…” Videos of Reids asshattery and Rudio's response at link.
DNC coordinates with Former White House staffer on response to Pawlenty
Obama and Debt: “evasion, contradiction and deception.”
The Obama Administration’s cloud of confusion explained *UPDATED*
Parsing Chrysler’s Payback Edition
Regulation of the Day 171: Cream Puffs
In Economic Woes 05-05
Never did get a job from a poor man - Why Do We Have to Raise Taxes on the Rich?
Decline of the working man. Why ever fewer low-skilled American men have jobs
Data hints at slowdown in job creation
Stocks sink after weak data on jobs
Unemployment applications hit 8-month high
Dollar tumbles to 3-yr low; data underpins rate view
Hells no - Obama administration floats draft plan to tax cars by the mile
Oregon's GPS Mileage Tax Encourages Bad Habits: Analysis
Leaders of minority parties in Senate and House introduce jobs agendas
Re: The Debt-Limit Question Answers Itself
Don't know if this is good or bad - Oil plummets more than 8 percent as commodities battered
Back-Door Tax Increases Are a Recipe for Bigger Government
Raise Taxes, but Not Tax Rates
Politics Cloud Common Sense on Energy
National Debt: Fix It or Face National Decline
CBO Endorses Market Valuation of Pension Liabilities
Interesting Question - If Supermarkets Were Like Public Schools What if groceries were paid for by taxes, and you were assigned a store based on where you live?
World Food Prices Rise to Near-Record High as Inflation Speeds Up, UN Says
Nation of Gas Speculators Condemns Oil Speculators
America’s Middle Class Crisis: The Sobering Facts
UN Reports April Food Prices Climb Again, Hit Second Highest Ever
Regulation of the Day 171: Cream Puffs
Spending caps not enough
Members eager for White House tax plan
How feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs.
Free markets at work - Chile Economic Growth May Surpass 6%, Finance Minister Says
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Not Releasing Bin Laden Photo
Obama won't release bin Laden photos
I still haven't decided if this is a good thing or not.
On one hand, if the photos are released, it would just give ammo to terrorists. On the other hand, if we don't, it would just give ammo to terrorists. Claims that Osama is dead will always be met with claims he is still alive.
That said, Osama's daughter confirms her father shot dead by US Special Forces in Pakistan. Now only a real conspiracy nut would argue against that eye-witness.
Releasing a gruesome photo would only titillate some and antagonize the rest. Not releasing any photo does the same. In a damned if you do, damned if you don't, what do you do?
At the end of the day, if the reports of the "treasure trove" of information the Seals captured during their attack are true then so are two things, Osama is dead and it should be the beginning of the end of Al Qaeda.
I still haven't decided if this is a good thing or not.
On one hand, if the photos are released, it would just give ammo to terrorists. On the other hand, if we don't, it would just give ammo to terrorists. Claims that Osama is dead will always be met with claims he is still alive.
That said, Osama's daughter confirms her father shot dead by US Special Forces in Pakistan. Now only a real conspiracy nut would argue against that eye-witness.
Releasing a gruesome photo would only titillate some and antagonize the rest. Not releasing any photo does the same. In a damned if you do, damned if you don't, what do you do?
At the end of the day, if the reports of the "treasure trove" of information the Seals captured during their attack are true then so are two things, Osama is dead and it should be the beginning of the end of Al Qaeda.
Facebook Round-Up 05-04
Manufacturing Output per Worker Reaches New High in 2010
U.S. to Join Suit Against For-Profit College Chain
Mexican-American Studies Problem in the Tucson Unified School District
Obama's attempt to fix the deficit will wreak havoc on health care.
Mr. Lead Paint gets a Senate confirmation vote
Prince Charles - Hypocrite
I agree with my husband that the correct response to these enviro-hypocrites is "You First."
L.A. Times Grossed Out by Poor People
The Hypocritical And Reckless Attacks On The Ryan Medicare Plan
Eliminating Oil Subsidies
Crimes, Corruption and Lies in Lake County, Illinois School District
In Economic Woes 05-04
In Defense of Greedy Oil Companies and Speculators
About 1 in 7 in U.S. Receive Food Stamps
Runaway Spending and Deficits–Plus Runaway Regulation
President’s plan to hit up the rich would mean slower growth for everyone
Gasoline and Onions
Average Gas Price Poised To Hit $4 A Gallon This Week
'Before we give you that contract, we'll just need to see how much you've spent to re-elect the President'
GOP Wants WH Debt Plan Ahead of Summit
Private sector adds 179,000 jobs in April
Private Sector Job Growth Comes Up Short in April
Senate Republicans Release Jobs Plan
Beating Back Our National Debt
Dollar index hits 3-year low after U.S. ISM services data
Seven Reasons to Oppose Higher Taxes
Sleepwalking through America’s Unemployment Crisis
From 'just-in-time' to 'just-in-case?'
An Embarrassment of Riches
Benefits of temporary jobs
51% of Households Pay No Income Tax; Share of Taxes Paid by Rich Growing Faster Than Income
Reason-Rupe Poll: 96% Fear Federal Debt, 74% Want Spending Cap, 80% Would Consider Independent in ‘12
More from the Annals of Government Jobs
Energy Prices and US Recessions
Daily Round-Up 05-04
'Before we give you that contract, we'll just need to see how much you've spent to re-elect the President'
Ryan’s tax plan trumps his spending plan
Senator pitches tax-free gas accounts
Canada's Conservatives win coveted majority
An Important Pro-Life Vote Today
GOP Lacks Experienced Conservative Leaders
Let The Sun Shine In On Public Pensions, Benefits
Go Breitbart Go! Crazy Uncles and the Propagandists at Think Progress AND Breitbart vs. the Narrative
The Good News Is 05-04
Supreme Court Says OK to Anti-Religion Speech
Both Parties Ready for Corporate Tax Reform
Actually, we can drill our way to energy security
An IP Address Does Not Point To a Person, Judge Rules
Senate Republicans Release Jobs Plan
A Proposal to End the Practice of Gerrymandering. Using a precise mathematical formula, it is possible to redraw district lines fairly and bring competitiveness back to congressional races.
To get bin Laden, Obama relied on policies he decried
How the Fed triggered the Arab Spring uprisings in two easy graphs
EU considers revamping open-border continent
General Bad Behavior 05-04
Israel’s increasing vulnerability
Holder on gun smuggling scandal: ‘I frankly don’t know’ what really happened
20-year-old Woman Dead; Stepfather Charged with Murder
Subversion Inc.: The Real Story of ACORN
Groups File Lawsuit to Block Utah Immigration Law
Critics’ Pervasive Distortion of Recusal Issue in Prop 8 Case
How to Ruin a Moment of National Triumph
Rio de Janeiro's Corruption-Fighting Blogger Is Gunned Down in Copacabana
Big Union/Leftie Groups 05-04
President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Poll: Obama gets big bounce, but handling of economy at all-time low
For Obama, Big Rise in Poll Numbers After Bin Laden Raid
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Obama’s Improved but Mixed Poll Numbers
Quinnipiac Tests Voters’ Enthusiasm for GOP Candidates
Visitor Logs Hearing in Energy and Commerce Committee
A Proposal to End the Practice of Gerrymandering. Using a precise mathematical formula, it is possible to redraw district lines fairly and bring competitiveness back to congressional races.
Obama’s hand was forced by WikiLeaks
'Before we give you that contract, we'll just need to see how much you've spent to re-elect the President'
Under Obama, Running Out of Money Is a Success
Obama’s Hispanic problem: President blames Congress in immigration debate
Presidency at a Crossroads
2012 Election is All About Obama and His Failed Policies
President punts immigration reform issue to Congress
White House asked California paper to take out unflattering remark about first lady
Outsider hired for Obama speeches. 7 other writers on staff payroll
Obamacare 05-04
Obamacare Overreaches Again
Reforming Medicare and saving the budget
A Plan That Leads Health Care To Nowhere
Why Society Is Running Out of Vital Medications
How Safe Are Medicines Sold In the U.S.?
Study: Eating Less Salt Doesn't Reduce Heart Risks
GOP introduces House, Senate legislation to unravel unfunded Medicaid mandates to states
Further Confusion in Defense of Obamacare
Another Effort to Defund Obamacare
Asthma Rates Rise Despite Cleaner Air
Support for Repeal of Health Care Law Falls to New Low at 47%. I suspect that will change as more info comes out.
Like this - A Tale of Two Drugs and Health Care Rationing
N.Y. Law Would Ban Docs From Wearing Ties to Reduce Germs
Junk Science 05-04
Actually, we can drill our way to energy security
Guess What? New Government-Standard Light Bulbs Emit 'Poisonous Materials'
Breaking News: The Climate Actually Changes!
The folly of linking tornado outbreaks to climate change
Top Green Admits: “We Are Lost!”
Moonbat is earning a little of my respect - Let's face it: none of our environmental fixes break the planet-wrecking project. All of us in the green movement are lost before the planet's real nightmare: not too little fossil fuel – but too much
The Case for Human Ingenuity
The Forgotten Fan
Will Obama take on the sand dune lizards?
Media Bias 05-04
The Washington Post’s junky rant against Princess Catherine’s entrepreneurial family
NY Times De-Gays Murdered Ex-Pinochet Assassin
Crazy Uncles and the Propagandists at Think Progress
Why AOL’s exodus is worrying, and time is running out
Media Credit to Bush?
Is the media CW already turning against Obama’s handling of the OBL raid?
White House asked California paper to take out unflattering remark about first lady
New rules don't stop newspaper circulation fall
Sen. Wyden: Let's hope Hillary Clinton, and not DHS, prevails on Web issues
Big Union/Leftie Groups 05-04
Let The Sun Shine In On Public Pensions, Benefits
Obama Cabinet officials denounce 'cheap shots' at federal workers
Why the Left Needs Racism--II It fulfills a psychological need.
Wisconsin Teachers Union Official Challenges GOP Senator
Scott Walker vs. Public Employee Unions
Blue-Collar Wisconsin and the Left
Crazy Uncles and the Propagandists at Think Progress
Groups File Lawsuit to Block Utah Immigration Law
Subversion Inc.: The Real Story of ACORN
Yes. And with good reason. Trumka to union members: We're being targeted
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