I'm just posting cartoons because at about 1pm this afternoon, frickin' frackin' frellin' Blogger deleted my post right before I was ready to publish. I lost two hours of work. ARGH! And then my house filled up with 6 - 7 year old boys for a birthday party.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Liu Bolin's Disappearing Act
Interestingly I think this artist undoes his work by putting himself in or near the center of his photographs. Still, his work is impressive. My favorite and quite frankly probably the artist's bravest image below.
Interestingly I think this artist undoes his work by putting himself in or near the center of his photographs. Still, his work is impressive. My favorite and quite frankly probably the artist's bravest image below.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Daily Round-Up 02-04
HC gives Shariatpur admin 15 days to tell why it could not save life of 14-year-old rape victim
The reports said Hena was raped by her 40-year-old relative Mahbub on Sunday. Next day, a fatwa was announced at a village arbitration that she must be given 100 lashes. She fell unconscious after nearly 80 lashes.
Fatally injured Hena was rushed to Naria health complex where she succumbed to her injuries.
Chris Christie hasn’t ruled out 2016 run
9th Issues Interesting Reverse Sexual Harassment Decison If you truly believe in a woman's ability to stand up for herself then this ruling is a sign that women are being respected by the expectation of personal responsibility rather than constantly being viewed as a helpless victim.
Sen. Rand Paul takes a Bowie knife to the federal budget
Ken Blackwell - What Would Reagan Do About Egypt?
Senators offer tributes to Ronald Reagan
The Tunisian Revolution Is Looking Like a Success
More on the Freedom Agenda
House Republicans move to slash domestic programs
Thanks, Governor Christie
In high-stakes poker game with Darrell Issa, Janet Napolitano passes again
World food prices hit record high: UN agency AND A Perfect Storm for Wheat
Anatomy of a Scandal
UN and U.S. Double Standards: Egypt vs. Iran
Uncredentialed Wonder
Hate Your Boss? Call the Government
Post: Obama Staff Fibs on Boss' 'Bold' Cairo Speech
The Ugly Truth About Middle East Populism
We’re All Terrorists Now
More objections to selective outrage about the Holocaust
Sen. Rand Paul lone senator to vote against ‘laser pointer’ amendment to FAA bill
I don't know who to blame for this - World of two halves! Map shows most of Northern Hemisphere is covered in snow and ice
The Slow Suicide of the West. Can a civilization that tore itself apart put itself back together?
The Tea Party and Younger Adults
White Political Ralliers Call for Lynching of Black Justice (Sorry MSM, No Tea in this Blend)
The Tea party, alive and well in Massachusetts
Issa investigating allegations that GAO destroyed evidence gathered during investigation of for-profit colleges
Santorum mines the social issues, recasts the economic
Don't Forget the Legislatures
Big Union/Leftie Groups 02-04
Airport screeners gaining limited union rights
Unions to Taxpayers: ‘Where’s the Cash? We Need It Fast!’
When Did The Left Turn Against Free Speech?
Gov. Christie To O'Malley: Stop Kissing Up To Special Interests
Lawmakers Rally Lobbyists in 'Call To Arms' For Upcoming Spending Fight. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Urged Lobbyists to Push for Continued Funding
Woman called 'Jihad Jane' pleads guilty
Tennessee Proposes to Neuter Teachers Unions
White Political Ralliers Call for Lynching of Black Justice (Sorry MSM, No Tea in this Blend)
'String Him Up' Racist and eliminationist rhetoric at a Common Cause rally AND Common Cause Condemns Bigotry, Hateful Statements Caught on Film at Rally AND Common Cause Condemns Bigotry, Hateful Statements Caught on Film at Rally
Hate Your Boss? Call the Government
Liberal Bouquets for Dead Conservatives
Obama Empowers Jeffery Immelt as the Ultimate Crony Capitalist
Why? FCC Orders NBC Newsrooms To Partner With Soros-Funded Non-Profits
Fort Hood attack: Did Army ignore red flags out of political correctness? A Senate report on the Fort Hood attack suggests that the Army failed to heed warnings about the prime suspect because it was wary of singling out a devout Muslim.
Planned Parenthood 02-04
Three More Virginia Planned Parenthood Clinics Caught On Tape Willing to Aid and Abet Sexual Exploitation of Minors – Full Un-Edited Videos
Obama Administration Shamelessly Hides Abortion Data
Turning Outrage into Action: Defund Planned Parenthood
JOURNOLIST 2.0: Soros Sites Hold Con Call To Map Strategy for Planned Parenthood Defense
‘Return of the Back Alley’ AND re: Some Shark Like Gosnell AND Inside Abortion Clinic Walls
Philly Abortion Doctor Gosnell May Face Death
Planned Parenthood, Child-Trafficking, and the Poor Choices of NPR and Company
Make-Believe Media Circle Wagons Around Planned Parenthood; Tie Pro-Life Whistleblowers to Arizona Shooting
Planned Parenthood's Fed Funds Target of Pro-Life
This Is Planned Parenthood
O’Reilly Factor: Lila Rose Discusses Planned Parenthood Cover of Underage Sex Ring
Gov. Christie Vetoes Planned Parenthood Funding
Breaking: Another Day, Three More Live Action Videos
Abortion Activists Attempt to Discredit Planned Parenthood with Second Video. Latest 'Live Action' Undercover Film Lacks Bombshell Quality of Earlier Release What would constitute a "bombshell" for ABC News? Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies as food? Sheesh.
AP's Crary Does All He Can to Instill Doubt About LiveAction.org's Planned Parenthood Sting Video
Junk Science02-04
The Interior Department's Culture of Contempt
Obama issues global warming rules in January, gives GE an exemption in February
Domestic violence myths help no one
Obama Administration Blocking 103 Gulf Drilling Permits
The Obama Administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwater-drilling moratorium after the policy was struck down, a New Orleans judge ruled.
Shell: No Beaufort Sea drilling in Arctic for 2011
On Energy, Obama’s Full of Hot Air. The president’s unrealistic energy generation goals and detrimental new energy taxes must be rejected
Oil sands in focus as Canadian leader visits
Is Obama Swimming Upstream With Campaign Against Salmon Bureaucracy?
How Four Loko became ethanol [VIDEO]
From the bonfire of their vanities, our liberties continue to go up in smoke
Sen. Inhofe, environmental groups spar over whether carbon emissions actually pose health risk
Feb. 2, 1046: There’s a 400-Year Nip in the Air
Obama’s Blocking Of New Power Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts
Day 3: Power losses acutely felt by El Pasoans
Calif. utility told to cut gas pipeline pressures
Thousands in NM without natural gas service
Borderland Residents Asked To Limit Use Of Natural Gas
Mexico cancels offer to send electricity to Texas
Bad Politician Bad 02-04
President Obama Job Approval
Obama's Approval Ratings More Polarized in Year 2 Than Year 1 Ranks as fourth-most-polarized year for a president since 1953
HOLDER MUST GO! - Eric Holder’s Animal Farm
Why the Black Panther Case Matters
Foul becomes fair AND DOJ official: “The law was written to protect black people.”
Obama Renominates Judge with Record of Racial Double Standards. Judge James E. Graves has demonstrated a racialist view of the First Amendment, which apparently does not worry the president
Transparency: Obama Bars Press from START Treaty Signing Ceremony
Citizen activist grates on state over traffic signals
More Air Pelosi News
Dump Dick Lugar. Five reasons Republicans can do better
Obama the Radical with Stanley Kurtz: Chapter 5 of 5 Stanley Kurtz defends his assertion that “when it comes to Obama, the past matters more than the present.”
, Chapter 4 of 5 Stanley Kurtz explains how Obama has, at every turn, disguised his socialist past., Chapter 3 of 5 Stanley Kurtz outlines the influence of Bill Ayers in the political development of Barack Obama, Chapter 2 of 5 Stanley Kurtz describes Obama in his late teenage years as a “socialist, in the classic sense.”, and Chapter 1 of 5 Stanley Kurtz shares his surprise at what he discovered in Obama’s past.
Hate Your Boss? Call the Government
Government shutdown on the lips of Senate Democrats, not Republicans
Obama's Discriminatory Application of Laws Abounds
Memo to GOP Leadership: Why $100 Billion Matters
DCCC: Debt Could Consume Campaigns
Dems object to GOP gov't transparency probe
Senate Dems reject GOP budget proposal, warn against government shutdown
What Does the Administration Think about the SHRINKING Labor Force?
Frank is such a douche - Barney Frank v. Sean Bielat II?
Obama Empowers Jeffery Immelt as the Ultimate Crony Capitalist
Big Obama donor quits envoy job amid criticism AND U.S. Ambassador Cynthia Stroum Called "Bullying, Hostile" in State Department Investigation AND Report rips U.S. envoy who resigned
The Obama Administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwater-drilling moratorium after the policy was struck down, a New Orleans judge ruled.
Sen. Rand Paul takes a Bowie knife to the federal budget.
Obama Administration Blocking 103 Gulf Drilling Permits
Former Ted Kennedy staffer caught stealing from the Senate
Reid: GOP wasting time on ‘symbolic votes’ like healthcare repeal What part of "Americans Hate Obamacare" does Reid fail to understand? Apparently as much as this neo-socialist - Senator Sanders: Get Rid of Private Insurance Companies
Obama’s Regulatory Deja Vu: Dude, It’s Been Done, and It Flopped
Lawmakers Rally Lobbyists in 'Call To Arms' For Upcoming Spending Fight. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Urged Lobbyists to Push for Continued Funding AND Ryan: ‘You Can’t Make This Stuff Up’
Ethics Report Highlights Thin Wall Between Congress and Campaigns
Hot Air's Ed Morrissey on Not-So-Radical Republicans and Life Outside the Beltway
Senate rejects healthcare repeal
Obama issues global warming rules in January, gives GE an exemption in February
Sacrifice for Me, but Not for Thee: Taxpayers Foot Bill for Carter’s Landscapers
In Economic Woes 02-04
Majority Still Wants Less Corporate Influence
JPMorgan said to have doubted Madoff long before his scheme was revealed
Prize Fight: Texas vs. California The contrast between the Lone Star State and the Golden State pits conservative principles against the same old liberal ideas that have driven a once-thriving California to the brink of utter disaster and ruin.
It’s time to end welfare for farmers
Kwikset, Green Chemistry and Taxes: The Business Wasteland That Is California
Obama Empowers Jeffery Immelt as the Ultimate Crony Capitalist
Why wait 10 years to balance the budget?
Coming Soon: A 300-Percent Increase in Foreclosures
Only thing we know is job crisis isn’t over
Dems: Obama broke pledge to force banks to help homeowners President did not support efforts to allow bankruptcy judges to reduce mortgage debt, some in party say
Obama Administration Blocking 103 Gulf Drilling Permits
Labor Force Participation Plunges To Fresh 26 Year Low
Pawnshops Becoming More Respectable
Who You Calling ‘Draconian?’
Bernanke headlines a day of grim warnings about the nation’s fiscal standing
Former Treasury Secretary is A-Scared; Should You Be?
Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere
Hate Your Boss? Call the Government
No Reservations: The Case for Dismantling the Indian Bureaucracy
We're Not Home Yet
S.E.C. Hurt by Disarray in Its Books AND Did SEC Staffer Surf Porn While Investors Got Burned?
Oil sands in focus as Canadian leader visits
Economy Adds Fewer Jobs Than Expected in January
Obama Will Continue to Spend America Into the Ground
New Paper on ‘The Effects of Fiscal Stimulus’ Looks at Cash for Clunkers
Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment Up Slightly in January to 9.8% Underemployment at 18.9%, compared with 19.0% at the end of December
TIGTA: 20% Error Rate in Tax Credits Claimed for Electric and Hybrid Cars
I agree with #3 the most - 3 Things the President and Congress Need to Do to Create Jobs -- NOW
Sacrifice for Me, but Not for Thee: Taxpayers Foot Bill for Carter’s Landscapers
Gains in Productivity Result in Record Output
If we're lucky, we'll only be 10 per cent poorer. The world’s economic cycle is no longer moving in the West's favour, argues Jeremy Warner.
Boehner spokesman blasts K Street ‘call to arms’ to stop GOP spending cuts
Obama’s Regulatory Deja Vu: Dude, It’s Been Done, and It Flopped
The Jobs Report’s Statistical Schizophrenia
Unemployment falls to 9.0 pct., only 36K new jobs
Is Obama Swimming Upstream With Campaign Against Salmon Bureaucracy?
Egypt and the growing problem of global inflation
Hawaii GOP lawmakers propose that each bill should state financial impact
Holy See Calls for End to Vulture Funds
Madrid Is Saving to Save the Euro, But Will It Be Enough?
Obamacare 02-04
Repeal of Health Care Law: Favor/Oppose
Poll: Majority supports state healthcare reform opt-out
Losing a repeal vote, but winning the war against ObamaCare
White House Wants Obamacare on Slow Legal Track
Va. AG: Delaying Supreme Court Health Review ‘Excuse’
The Health Care Repeal Chorus Grows Louder
ObamaCare's Repeal Has Begun This week's Senate vote to scrap an IRS reporting requirement is the start of a piece by piece approach.
Virginia to seek expedited Supreme Court review of suit over health-care law
Chairman probing healthcare reform shoots down Dem's oversight criticism
Sen. Hatch: Kagan should sit out health care case
Health law starts to tumble down
The States Can't Afford ObamaCare Their budgets will be crushed by the Medicaid expansions that the feds are forcing on them
Repeal Appeal
And The List Of Drug Shortages Keeps On Growing…
Another one who has got to go - Senator Sanders: Get Rid of Private Insurance Companies
Upton strikes back against Waxman’s ‘fishing expedition’ accusations on Obamacare documents
Another blow for Barack Obama’s health reforms is struck by the courts
How To Repeal Obamacare
GOP targets health care law in Congress and out
Nice try Reid - Reid: GOP wasting time on ‘symbolic votes’ like healthcare repeal
Our Ford Pinto health care law takes a hit
'Death Panels' Revisited How Sarah Palin helped defeat ObamaCare's deceptive advertising.
Media Bias 02-04
ABC News Crew Threatened with Beheading; CBS’ Lara Logan Detained
FCC Orders NBC Newsrooms To Partner With Soros-Funded Non-Profits
The Marriage Between Free Press and George Soros Gets Stronger
Progressives and Free Press at the Comcast Merger Agreement Trough
Groups Whose Quotes Used By Soros Group to Attack Glenn Beck, Repudiate Anti-Beck Effort
Santelli Slams CNBC Panelists for Spinning Jobs Report. CNBC's floor reporter criticizes 'kool-aid drinkers' for trying to find good news in the 'disappointing.'
Christie downplays media ‘obsession,’ says he doesn’t play favorites between Fox News and MSNBC
JOURNOLIST 2.0: Soros Sites Hold Con Call To Map Strategy for Planned Parenthood Defense
Make-Believe Media Circle Wagons Around Planned Parenthood; Tie Pro-Life Whistleblowers to Arizona Shooting
Soros has Spoken: Toe the Leftist Line on Egypt
Chris Matthews on Obama handling of Egypt: ‘I feel ashamed as an American, the way we’re doing this’
Media Targets Center-right Donors: Koch Brothers
TIME's Halperin & Matthews Share A Leg Thrill
MSNBC audience share shrinking, CNN now second most watched news network
NY Times letters to the editor can’t say the the paper is ‘wrong’
Paper is dead; long live the news
Arianna Huffington’s Insulting Treatment of Minorities. The liberal harridan is creating separate pages for blacks and Hispanics to solve the embarrassing problem of not enough minority writers on her website.
Correction Requests: Who Watches NPR’s Watchdog?
NPR EDITOR'S NOTE: Errors In Reporting On Video Aimed At Planned Parenthood
NPR Blog on Planned Parenthood Sting Earns Critics
The death threats that don’t make the nightly news
Breitbart.tv Protest Videos Featured on Fox News’ Glenn Beck Show
Jon Stewart Takes An Inside Look At MSNBC Hosts
Media Matters President Departs, Launches New Firm
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: ‘Loony Toon’ Glenn Beck Same as Hate-Filled Middle East Rioters
Abortion Activists Attempt to Discredit Planned Parenthood with Second Video. Latest 'Live Action' Undercover Film Lacks Bombshell Quality of Earlier Release What would constitute a "bombshell" for ABC News? Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies as food? Sheesh.
ABC Tries Undercover Journalism By Lying About Arizona Law
AP's Crary Does All He Can to Instill Doubt About LiveAction.org's Planned Parenthood Sting Video
Wow. Even The Progressive Left Doesn’t Read The Washington Post!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
40 Million American Government Workers
Leviathan The government payroll is longer than you might think.
By my husband and published over at National Review.
By my husband and published over at National Review.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A Reminder That Laughter is the Best Medicine
A Reminder That Laughter is the Best Medicine This is marvelous!
I'm so stealing her line about jogging and wine.
I'm so stealing her line about jogging and wine.
Daily Round-Up 02-02
Oh for pity's sake, aren't they embarrassed by picking Obama for the 2009 Peace Prize? Now they do this?! Say goodbye to Nobel's last shred of dignity. WikiLeaks nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
This is very good stuff from cracked.com - 5 Complaints About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.)
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18983_5-complaints-about-modern-life-that-are-statistically-b.s..html#ixzz1CpmLXuHz
A Toast to Your Health Warning: Alcohol may increase your life expectancy and reduce dementia..
Study finds jump in immigration prosecutions
Sen. Inouye bows to earmark ban
New Massacre of Copts
A Christian Business in the Left's Crosshairs
Did a Noted Short-Seller Sell American Students Short?
Black Education
New York City readies for public smoking ban
There could be a reasonable explanation for this. Watts Bar Project Manager Who Was Fired Had Sent Large Sums To Iran
Rep. Issa asks White House to turn over e-mails to Homeland Security officials
House Republicans eye UN budget in vote next week
Document dump: Read DHS’s deadline snub and Issa’s forceful response
Do Not Underestimate Sarah Palin
Rand Paul compares Tea Party to abolitionist movement
Tea Party groups put Dems under pressure to vote yes on repeal
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Under Fire Over New Video
Correction Request: Government Radio Invents Facts to Protect Planned Parenthood
Can We Stop the ‘Anti-Women’ Nonsense, Please?
Central Jersey Planned Parenthood Fires Worker After Release of Undercover Video
Back in Perth Amboy
NJ Senator calls for full investigation of Planned Parenthood’s actions towards couple claiming to be child sex trafficker
Caught on Tape: Planned Parenthood Streamlines Services for Underage Sex Traffickers
The Long-Term Implications of the Shocking Planned Parenthood Video
Congressman Duffy: Why Are We Funding This?
Wire: New Video Seeks to Discredit Planned Parenthood
Obamacare 02-02
Mitch McConnell's promise kept on ObamaCare
O's house of cards. Health law starts to tumble down
Suspend Obamacare’s Burdensome Rules Until SCOTUS Decision
Florida Returns Feds' Healthcare Check
Energy Price-Control Lessons for ObamaCare (remembering a classic WSJ editorial from 1979)
The Nuts and Bolts of the ObamaCare Ruling According to the government's theory, wrote Judge Vinson, 'the more harm the statute does, the more power Congress could assume for itself under the Necessary and Proper Clause.'.
Governor putting brakes on health overhaul in Fla.
ObamaCare Held Unconstitutional: The Brilliant Decision. Only one who simply doesn't care about individual rights could read Judge Vinson's decision and still believe the individual mandate is constitutional
States Eye Plan to Nullify Obama Health Law
‘If States Could Speak’: The GOP’s ‘Third Front’ Against Obamacare
Lawmakers press Supreme Court for verdict on healthcare law
"Moderate" Senate Democrats Lining Up To Oppose Obamacare Repeal
The Legal Future of Obamacare
ObamaCare Is No Longer A Law
Too Big to Stop? Obama's Overhaul Lumbers on
Nelson: ‘Time to Change the Mandate’
The right kind of activism
ObamaCare Repeal: Harry Reid Confronted in Gourmet Market
A Long History of Opposition to the Individual Mandate
Crisis in Cairo 02-02
Demonstrations turn violent as pro-Mubarak crowd clashes with protesters
New Media, New Game
The vindication of the ‘freedom agenda’
Are They Nuts?
Fox Business reporter’s Cairo hotel room invaded by security: ‘They’re going to kill us!!’
The Story of the Egyptian Revolution
Diplomatic Scramble as Ally Is Pushed to the Exit
When you listen to the news reports coming out of Egypt and the Middle East, buried deep are generally references to rising food costs. Why are they rising? Ask the asshats who think we should burn corn in our cars. Authoritarian governments start stockpiling food to fight public anger. Authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as a buffer against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent. There have been numerous food riots in China, India, Brazil in the past 24 months thanks to ethonal and unless we stop this wasteful behavior, more and more poor will starve.
Lest you doubt my statements above:
Price Controls Cause Chaos in Ethiopian Markets
Nations Seek to Prevent Uprisings by Controlling Food Prices. Violent protests in Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia recall 2007, 2008 food riots
Energy Price-Control Lessons for ObamaCare (remembering a classic WSJ editorial from 1979)
1.6 Billion Muslims
Two Disturbing Lessons From Chaos in Cairo
B.E., Before Egypt. A.E., After Egypt.
Dan Pipes on Egypt
Bad Politician Bad 02-02
President Obama Job Approval
McCarthy and Reid Slip High Cap Mag Ban into FAA Re-Authorization Bill
Obama’s 1979 Are the wages of magnanimity to our enemies and snubbing of our allies once again coming due?
Reality Shatters Obama's Happy-Talk Agenda
White House Delays Reform of Fannie, Freddie
Obama's antique vision of technological progress
New York City readies for public smoking ban
Obama’s Mentors
Obama the Radical with Stanley Kurtz: Chapter 1 of 5 AND Chapter 2 of 5 AND Chapter 3 of 5
Jim Moran’s Crazy Analysis of the Midterms
Big Union/Leftie Groups 02-02
Golden Parachute for School Superintendent, Lead Balloon for Taxpayers
Black Education
New York City readies for public smoking ban
Socialist advocate for mob violence complains she is target AND Quit yer whining, Frances
Socialism’s State of the Union
Was WikiLeaks Right? Did Union Organizers and the U.S. State Dept Help Plan Egypt’s Uprising?
On the Left, It’s Fake Sophisticates, Real Snobs. Who will come to liberals' emotional rescue?
The right kind of activism
Sens. Hatch and Enzi call for Obama to rescind nomination of former AFL-CIO, SEIU lawyer to NLRB
Media Bias 02-02
January 2011 Ratings: Fox News on Top for 9 Years; Beats MSNBC, CNN Combined
No Matter How Cynical You Get, it is Impossible to Keep Up
Reagan ‘Neglected Minorities’? Sam Donaldson and the left run roughshod over the record
David Shuster launching new investigative Web site AND David Shuster Learns About Journalism From Media Matters
The Knives Are Already Out . . .
Another day, another Media Matters smear
WHCA Complains: Press Shut Out at White House
Anti-Semitic Imagery at Egypt Protests Draws Yawns from Western Media. Whether or not it represents the advent of freedom for Egyptians, the current protest movement clearly represents the advent of the total banalization of anti-Semitism in the Western media
Breitbart Exposes ABC News’ Woodruff’s Green Conflict of Interest on Larry Elder Show
Sound Bite For the Day – Chris Matthews: Tea Party Is Like the Muslim Brotherhood
Gibbs: Some Things "Have To Be Done Away From TV Cameras - so much for transparency
The Media Never Loved Reagan
Socialist advocate for mob violence complains she is target AND Quit yer whining, Frances
In Economic Woes 02-02
Fed’s Blue State Bailout Authority Terminated
Total State Expenditures by Funding Source
How Should the U.S. Break Its Promises
Three possible Freddie and Fannie reform scenarios
Global Inflation Far Higher Than Official Data
Minneapolis Fed Data Compares Reaganomics and Obamanomics
John Stossel - I Can Balance the Budget
Senate Democrat says he'll support balanced budget amendment
Scott wants public employees to contribute to pensions
Puppies, kittens, sunshine and infrastructure
Repeal Dodd-Frank’s Senseless Volcker Rule
Bipartisan Senate push for spending cuts
Gov. Jerry Brown presses California on budget vote
Junk Science 02-02
Environmental regulation and death. It’s the correlation no one wants to acknowledge
Upton Looks to Block Greenhouse Gas Rules
Politicized Science: The ‘Erin Brockovich Chemical’ Senate hearings on chromium-6 in our drinking water will feature a lot of smoke and mirrors about "dangerous" levels of the chemical, but not much real science.
Let's Restart the Green Revolution Food prices are up, and output and productivity is falling behind. Not enough attention is being placed on regulation-induced stagnation.
Is the University of Virginia biased against professors that challenge the idea of global warming?
When you listen to the news reports coming out of Egypt and the Middle East, buried deep are generally references to rising food costs. Why are they rising? Ask the asshats who think we should burn corn in our cars. Authoritarian governments start stockpiling food to fight public anger. Authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as a buffer against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent. There have been numerous food riots in China, India, Brazil in the past 24 months thanks to ethonal and unless we stop this wasteful behavior, more and more poor will starve.
Energy Price-Control Lessons for ObamaCare (remembering a classic WSJ editorial from 1979)
‘Green Jobs’ Cronyism and Economic Cannibalism
Breitbart Exposes ABC News’ Woodruff’s Green Conflict of Interest on Larry Elder Show
Al Gore Does It Again. Blames global warming for the snow.
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