Friday, April 1, 2011
Random Round-Up 04-01
President Obama Job Approval
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Latest Election Polls
Foreign Banks Tapped Fed’s Secret Lifeline Most at Crisis Peak
House rejects Obama-backed labor amendment in FAA bill
OPEC Set for $1,000 Billion in Export Revenues That's $1,000,000,000,000.00 Folks.
The Secret to Brazil's Energy Success Over the past 20 years the country increased domestic oil production by a whopping 876%.
Gallup Daily: U.S. Employment - 19.1% underemployed
Business leaders, economists push for deficit cut
Unions deploy money and muscle in Battle of Wisconsin
When a Girl Is Executed … for Being Raped
Unemployment rate falls to 8.8 pct., two-year low
A clueless presidency adrift in a sea of confusion
House Republicans vs. Untouchables
Making 'Impossible' Cuts
Ohio Governor Signs Anti-Union Bill
Devastating New Ad Might Be Game Changer in Wisconsin’s Crucial April 5th Election
Green regulation in CA: Academic fraud, retaliation, and science denial
We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers. More Americans work for the government than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.
So Accustomed to Lies
Libya-Owned Bank Got 73 Loans From Fed Discount Window After Lehman Fell
The truth about the false choice
Bosses at bailed-out Fannie, Freddie were paid millions With hundreds of billions in government support necessary to keep companies running, questions arise about pay packages
The Golden Years Of AARP
Investigations Find ‘Unprecedented’ Political Review of FOIA Requests by Homeland Security Department
Inflation pressures grow on Main Street
Wisconsin Judicial Tyranny
The Failure of Obama’s Conventional Wisdom
The selective racial outrage of federal judicial nominee Donna Murphy
Barack Obama: Losing $84 billion big success
Repeal Obamacare's 1099 Reporting Provision? No Way
Euro Zone Inflation Jumps to 29-Month High
Federal Agents Told to Reduce Border Arrests, Arizona Sheriff Says
New reform regulations fire up health debate
Economy adds 216,000 jobs in March as shutdown looms
Inflation vs. Jobs: Fed’s Move Can Seal Its Fate
Outrage: Freddie and Fannie Execs Pocketed $35 Million In Taxpayer Money
Woman charged with email threats
Please Do Not Install This Hack at OMB
DHS, Dems fend off Oversight chairman's claims on info release
Hidden Bad Signs in a Good Jobs Report
Preserving Patient and Doctor Choice
'Tea party' activists rally to demand GOP stick with larger budget cuts
The Tea Party vs. John Boehner
Despite Obama veto threat, House passes FAA bill with union rules intact
Planned Parenthood feeds off a culture of falsehood.
Choice Foes, Including President Obama, Seek to Block DC Students from SOARing to Better Schools
UNITE HERE Evades Secret Ballot Election Challenge in Corporate Campaign Against Hyatt
Strip EPA Before It Kills Economy
How You Can Pull a GE on Taxes
Dems Go to Extremes in Budget Battle. But will political embarrassment cause them to cave?
Senate lines up 1099 repeal bill for Tuesday
Balanced Budget Amendment Vital to America's Future
Really?! Obama Official: GOP Budget Would Kill 70,000 Kids
Intel analyst to CNN host: “You’re just carrying water for Mr. Obama”
Lawsuit seeks dissolution of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton, Chattahoochee Hills. Suit says 'super-majority white neighborhoods' were created
Republicans question health reform law's insurance pools
‘SniderGate’ Details Begin to Surface in Illinois
Consumer Confidence Dips Amid Higher Gas Prices
To Reid, Democrats, Tea Tastes Bitter
The Media Double Standard on Hispanic Political Loyalties. If Hispanics don't vote for the GOP, it's Republicans' fault. But if they don't vote for Democrats, they're "fickle."
Anatomy of a Smear, Part II
Where’s the transparency that Obama promised?
Where is the Public on Obamacare?
Senate Republicans call for complete repeal of Wall Street reform
Where the Jobs Are (and Aren’t)
Bolt on trial for heresy against high church of political correctness
FIRE's Adam Kissel Discusses Case of Whistleblowing UCLA Professor with ''
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Daily Round-Up 03-31
Wake Up, Wingers! Scott Walker’s anti-union team could suffer a big defeat in Wisconsin’s April 5 Supreme Court election
Holder Must Go. The New Black Panther fix came in AND Surprise: Justice Department Exonerates Itself in New Black Panther Case AND Shocker: DOJ Whitewashes New Black Panther Case
UCI Facilitates Secret Meeting with Hamas for their Students
How Evil Are the Koch Brothers?
Unleash the Great American Energy Industry
Atlanta Citizens Fight Back Against Forfeiture Abuse
Correction Request: Media Matters Fudges Truth On Planned Parenthood Services
GARY BAUER AND DR. ALVEDA KING: Why Our Government Must Stop Funding Planned Parenthood
What Are the Planned Parenthood Contributions From the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation Used For?
Planned Parenthood: Limiting Access to Mammograms. Look at any Planned Parenthood website, and you’ll see that the mammogram ploy is a tool to increase counseling.
Live Action: Planned Parenthood Mammogram Lies Exposed
And The Good Guys Are.... 03-31
Were we better off 40 years ago? Not really
Indiana House Passes Broad Voucher Bill : Private Schools Included
In Case You Missed It: Democrats Waving White Flag on Taking Back House in 2012
It's okay to use paper. Trees are renewable, recyclable and sustainable. And for the record, it causes more damage to the water supply and uses more energy to recycle paper than it does to simply plant more trees. DUH.
Ohio House OKs collective bargaining limits
House GOP Leaders Target $1 Trillion Medicaid Cut
Immigration Official: "The Hold Is Over"
Support For The Koch Brothers From An Unlikely Source: The United Steelworkers. It's called not biting the hand that feeds you.
House Republicans launch probe of Yucca decision
General Bad Behavior 03-31
Now Congress Steps to the Plate in the New Black Panther Scandal. It’s time for the DOJ to cough up information to the House Judiciary Committee and to Congressman Frank Wolf.
Don’t forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen encouraged to wear headscarves in Afghanistan
Michael Barone on Wisconsin: Has the tea party given up?
Federal Auditor: Border Patrol Can Stop Illegal Entries Along Only 129 Miles of 1,954-Mile Mexican Border
Majority of Experts Predict Government Shutdown
Civil Forfeiture vs. Truth and Justice
GOP says 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado a 'wake-up call' for states
"I find it disturbing that Judge Sumi issued this warning, which carries the threat of a Bar disciplinary referral."
"This is tantamount to the nuclear option, by putting attorney licenses to practice on the line. Such a warning necessarily is one-sided, since only the attorneys unhappy with a court's rulings would comment negatively. Such a warning allows the winning side, so far the Democrats, to crow all day long about the court rulings, while muffling the ability of the Republicans to explain why such rulings were unjustified."
The schism in the Coffee Party is so bad, they split up into two different booths at Denny’s
Michelle Obama's Former Congressional District Ranks Last for Healthy Behavior, Study Finds
Academic Politics, not Academic Freedom, at Issue in Michigan FOIA Requests
AARP’s Non-Profit Status Under Fire Over Insurance Income AND Why Doesn’t AARP Put Any of Its Windfall Profits into Its Charitable Activities?
Bad Politician Bad 03-31
President Obama Job Approval
Q-poll puts Obama approval at 42%, 48% disapproval
Obama's Libya address ratings down from previous speeches
Obama issues veto threat over union measure in FAA bill
Guess the Largest Contributor to November Congressional Races Here's a hint, it is a union.
I feel like I've been saying that to him for years - GOP frosh to Harry Reid: You’ve failed
Obama Orders CIA Intervention President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.
Useful Idiot Shocked Over Obama's Covert Actions in Libya
Shh! Obama gets anti-secrecy award AND Transparency: Obama WH Employs Political Vetting Process for FOIA Requests
Undoing an election's consequences
Senator Shutdown; Senator Schumer tries to orchestrate a government shutdown.
The President’s Credibility Gap
That they had to create such a law is pitiful - Delaware government: Bill to bar second state jobs introduced. Legislators couldn't be hired by state after being elected Now can we introduce such a law at the federal level?
The Senate Launch System
Former Organizing for America staffer interfered with FOIA requests at Department of Homeland Security AND The best and worst of FOIAgate AND here
Where Is Obama’s Empathy for Poor Kids in D.C.?
Barack Obama’s Oil Lease LIES! AND Obama Administration Whitewashing Government Inaction Regarding Oil and Natural Gas Leases
The reluctant warrior
Libya: The Genesis of a Bad Idea
Wisconsin Judicial Tyranny
Democrat DA Ignoring Death Threats to Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers?
Liberals Lose Spending Debate, Blame Obama
In Economic Woes 03-31
The Federal Reserve has completely lost its mind
Here's to the Hope - Could Declining House Values Spark the Next Taxpayer Rebellion?
So each time you feel your heart beat, know that the National Debt has increased by $61,752.79 AND Skunked
On jobs, where is Obama?
Everywhere? Where the Bailout Went Wrong
$5 Fees May Be Coming to an ATM Near You
Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon expects inflation
Debt And Deficits: The Symptoms, Not The Disease
Gasoline up 100% under Obama AND Barack Obama’s Oil Lease LIES! AND Obama Administration Whitewashing Government Inaction Regarding Oil and Natural Gas Leases
The Green Regulation Machine: Saving the Planet or Killing Jobs?
7 Problems That Could Derail the Global Recovery
Consumption spending slowing down. Guess what: rising energy prices are taking a toll on consumers.
Food Commodities Surge Seen Swamping Consumers With Inflation
AP-GfK Poll: Americans souring more on economy
Making them harder to tax - The Rich Really Are Different: Their Incomes Fluctuate More
Secrets Revealed: Fed Unveils Bank Loans Made During the Crisis
Jeffrey Sachs and the Fictional “Race to the Bottom” Caused by Tax Competition
High taxes have consequences
Pension-Crisis Deniers Never Sleep
Rampant spending has put U.S. in dire financial shape
Banks, Companies That Tapped Fed Reserve Rescue Programs
When a company as big as Microsoft has to file an anti-trust suit, chances are they lost a marketing battle and are now crying over finishing second place. Antitrust Cry From Microsoft
Will the Proposed Banking Settlement Have Unintended Consequences?
The Real Budget Debate
Demystifying the Fed's Secretive Discount Window
Just Say No
Housing market: 13% of all U.S. homes are vacant
Budget Battle Update: It’s About Preparing for the Inevitable Fight, not Forcing a Shutdown
Obamacare 03-31
State Resistance to Obamacare
House GOP Leaders Target $1 Trillion Medicaid Cut
Piping Up: The Ulterior Motive Behind Rising ObamaCare Premiums
And this my friends is why I have NEVER supported government-run healthcare since I lived for a year in the UK - Former NHS director dies after operation is cancelled four times at her own hospital
No Obamacare Exchange for Texas
What Explains Sebelius' Ignorance of Health Law?
Insider trading at the FDA
AARP’s Billion Dollar ObamaCare Windfall
A Mandate Is Not A Solution to Medical-Malpractice Crisis
Junk Science 03-31
Green regulation in CA: Academic fraud, retaliation, and science denial
Could Biofuel Policies Increase Death and Disease in Developing Countries? Indur M. Goklany, Ph.D., who works for the Interior, wrote this article. I have met him many times and he is one of the smartest and sweetest men you could ever meet. His concerns should be heeded!
First they came for your light bulbs. Now Obama’s EPA is going after your soap.
Carbon Rationing by Other Means. After Congress fails to regulate greenhouse gases, the president hands the job to the EPA. AND Rein in the EPA's carbon rules
Whose Clean Energy Standards?
FDA Considers More Useless Warning Labels
Well she was rude to my husband and is therefore a completely useless creature - A Skeptical Review of Boxer’s Tirade
North Carolina's Science Follies
Arctic Anxiety: The War for Energy Resources Is On
The Green Regulation Machine: Saving the Planet or Killing Jobs?
Obama’s Energy Blueprint: Same Silliness, Different Day
Obama's friends turn radioactive after Japan accident
“U.S. Death Rate Falls for 10th Straight Year” – CDC
Gail Giggles at Consumer Choice in the NYT
Barack Obama’s Oil Lease LIES! AND Obama Administration Whitewashing Government Inaction Regarding Oil and Natural Gas Leases
Sen. Jim Inhofe: Obama can’t veto legislation blocking EPA regulations
How Many Agencies Does It Take to Regulate Fuel Economy?
Media Bias 03-31
Why Bill Maher should be taken off the air
Prof. Krugman: Ace of the Ad Hominem Smear
Media Tale of Two Marches: Solidarity Saturday v. Pro-Life Sunday
Rep. Ben Quayle Calls Politico The Worst Media Outlet In History
Thug known for shutting down independent media gets journalism award
MSNBC Contributor on Obama's Low Approval Rating: 'Polls Are for Strippers'
Herman Cain: Media Scared A "Real Black Man" May Run Against Obama
David Brock Is a Clownfish With friends like MediaMutters, who needs anemones?
Media Bias and the Debates, Again
Bozell to CNN: Planned Parenthood Lies on Your Network, It's Time to Correct the Record
On NBC, the missing story about parent company General Electric
Big Union/Leftie Groups 03-31
SEU circulating boycott letters AND Wisconsin Union Boycott Threats Border on Illegal
Guess the Largest Contributor to November Congressional Races Here's a hint, it is a union.
April 5th: As Crucial and CloApril 5th: As Crucial and Close Election Looms in Wisconsin, Unions Double Down Intimidating Local Businesses
Obama issues veto threat over union measure in FAA bill
In Wisconsin, Big Labor politicians help make right-to-work case
Read more:
Michigan's Crazy Drunk Uncle
Union official poses as press to crash NHGOP fundraiser
Public Unions: Is California Next? Serious Californians, on the right and the left, know how much fiscal trouble they're in.
Frances Fox Piven And Richard Trumka Join Forces April 5th
Fighting Corruption/TEA Party News 03-31
Here’s How to Manage Our Politicians. With the right oversight, they can serve the people well.
Wake Up, Wingers! Scott Walker’s anti-union team could suffer a big defeat in Wisconsin’s April 5 Supreme Court election.
Help Get This Ad On The Air In Wisconsin
The Rally is Over: The Work Has Just Begun AND Pics from the Tea Party Rally
Tea Party to GOP: Hang Tight on Spending
Michael Barone on Wisconsin: Has the tea party given up?
The Tea Party Goes to War
Senator Reid, Let’s Compare Radicals Shall We?
Tea Party group: 'Cut it or shut it'
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Daily Round-Up 03-29
Any (legal) way you can better your life is fine by me, Thomas Sowell - Voting with Their Feet AND "the flight of blacks from Northern and Midwestern cities"
Key Vote YES on H.R. 471 to Reauthorize the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
Wisconsin Stops Withholding Unions Dues As Of Today
The Case for Taxation without Representation
Oil, Oil, and Not a Drop . . .
Feds Want Ventura's Suit Against TSA Thrown Out
Big Brew-Ha-Ha Over Direct Shipment of Booze
Libyan Woman Claiming Rape Will Face Charges
Original Pigford Claimant Calls It One of the ‘Biggest Conspiracies Against the U.S. Treasury Ever’
Daily Caller Round-Up
7 Topics We Can't Have Adult Conversations About in America. It's a shame because these are issues that do need to be addressed in an adult manner.
Political pandering at DOJ? Case of Muslim math teacher puts spotlight on government lawyer
Above is a chart dealing with food self-sufficiency. It is measuring, in calories, (exports-imports)/consumption. Green marks countries with high food self-sufficiency and the scale moves to red, which marks countries poorly able to feed themselves, much less export food (original Net Trade in Food chart).
What 2 Percent in Cuts Looks Like
Video: US Navy pilots surprise Japanese with food and water
Pushing Back against a Decree
GOP questions HHS authority to grant healthcare waivers
The ObamaCare Anniversary Cake Makes Younger Americans Gag
Price of compassion for cancer patients
Employers, Young Pay More if Medicare Goes to 67
AARP faces grilling over reform support
The Media and Terror
Scarborough: Libs Hypocritical on Mideast Wars
Bill Maher doubles down — calls Sarah Palin the ‘c’ word AND If I called, say, Michelle Obama the kind of stuff Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin…
CNN’s Newfound Skepticism of Enemy Propaganda
A Gift for the Obvious
Angry Trump Fires Back: Here’s My Official Birth Certificate — Where’s Yours?
Media Matters and the Nietzschean Defense of Fox News
MMFA Targets Fox’s Sammons, Shoots Foot With Audio Sting
The Wisconsinonsense Award
Obama’s Union-Friendly, Feel-Good Approach to Education
AT&T merger could swell ranks of union that backs Democrats
Tea Party to rev a NASCAR engine
Original Pigford Claimant Calls It One of the ‘Biggest Conspiracies Against the U.S. Treasury Ever’
A Tale of Two Tea Parties Understanding the legacy of Samuel Adams, the father of the American Revolution, is key to understanding today’s movement to reclaim our constitutional government.
Bad Politician Bad 03-29
President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Most Americans still angry at Washington
These Days, It Isn’t Just Americans Suffering from Obama’s Failure. A huge swath of the world is now struggling with his nonsensical leadership
Ex-CIA Operative: Obama Never Properly Vetted. Ya think?
Obama’s Biggest Flip
Social Security: Obama and the Democrats Dodge Their Debris. President Obama is hoping to ride a cynical wave of ginned-up opposition to any and all entitlement reform to victory in 2012.
Dems Prepare to Profit from Shutdown
Cantor: It's Dems Fault If Government Shuts Down
Senators Toss Budget Ball to Obama, Who Fumbles
Redistricting draws unregulated cash
On Social Security, Reid Goes to Bat for Status Quo
Howard Dean: Democrats Should Be 'Quietly Rooting' for Shutdown
Original Pigford Claimant Calls It One of the ‘Biggest Conspiracies Against the U.S. Treasury Ever’
Dems’ Focus on Jobs May Fizzle in 2012
Education Spending Won't Create Jobs
Despite pressure to reduce national debt, few in Congress use payback program
On a Senate Call, a Glimpse of Marching Orders
I have no idea why The Stupid Party rewarded these fleebag democrat's behavior with any concessions. - Ind. Democrats end boycott, return to Statehouse
The Speech: There is no Plan A
If the Government Can’t Ban Speech, Can It Compel It?
Being a leader is about more than reading off a teleprompter
Oil, Oil, and Not a Drop . . .
Thumper Obama AND Re: Thumper Obama
Obama heads to New York for fundraising and interviews
Ya think? Climate votes promise to echo on stump
E-Verify Self Check: A Solid Step Forward
Obama Wants Illegals to Succeed
Big Brew-Ha-Ha Over Direct Shipment of Booze
California GOP: Redistricting Process Lists to Left
In Economic Woes 03-29
"...a new survey, the latest in a long line showing similar findings, reveals that workers are “fed up and ready to bolt.” The new survey is from MetLife. It’s entitled the 9th Annual Study of Employee Benefit Trends"
Consumer confidence falls in March
Cash for Clunkers 2: The Return of Government Motors
More housing hell. Now the end is years off
Food Inflation Kept Hidden in Tinier Bags Actually, this has been going on for a while.
Above is a chart dealing with food self-sufficiency. It is measuring, in calories, (exports-imports)/consumption. Green marks countries with high food self-sufficiency and the scale moves to red, which marks countries poorly able to feed themselves, much less export food (original Net Trade in Food chart).
The Return of Stagflation
Inflation worries push consumer confidence lower
Wall Street reform to cost agencies $1 billion in first year
Shocker: Corporations try to avoid taxes. Individuals do too!
Let Voters Decide on Pensions, Spending
Dems adopt divide and conquer strategy on spending cuts
Two-thirds of oil and gas leases in Gulf inactive
The Resurrection. As Vikram Pandit’s remaking of Citigroup shows, Wall Street is no longer waiting on Washington. The result: a global financial elite even less under U.S. control than before the crash.
Home prices falling in most major US cities. Home prices falling in 19 major US cities, with 4 now at lowest level in 11 years
Oil, Oil, and Not a Drop . . .
Original Pigford Claimant Calls It One of the ‘Biggest Conspiracies Against the U.S. Treasury Ever’
Workers antsy as morale plunges
How to Raise the Status of Teachers AND Education Spending Won't Create Jobs
Home prices falling in most major US cities
Walmart Gets Punked by Frivolous Lawsuit
A Solution to the GOP’s Defunding Problem
Junk Science 03-28
The Green Energy Economy Reconsidered. The last we saw such an economy was in the 13th century.
Deal with it: We'll need oil, gas for decades
Offshore drilling is a moral imperative
Two-thirds of oil and gas leases in Gulf inactive
Banning or taxing plastic bags causes more problems than it solves.
The Chemistry Of Light Bulbs—And Why CFL’s Are Overrated
Water Issues Worry Americans Most, Global Warming Least
"It's Ugly As Hell!": Jersey Towns Object To Solar Panels
White House pivots to energy policy with 'clean vehicles' focus
Bird group calls for end to wind energy due to threats to species
Read more:
Oil, Oil, and Not a Drop . . .
Democrats Finally Declare War...on Press
Green Eggs and the Ham
Vegans in dock over baby's death
Monday, March 28, 2011
Daily Round-Up 03-28
Marriage and Procreation: The Intrinsic Connection
May God bless those who perished and guide and protect those who've survived.
How dangerous is nuclear power? Not very
Jerry Brown’s Proposal to Abolish California’s Redevelopment Agencies Would Help End Eminent Domain Abuse
House approves bill banning automatic deduction for union dues
GOP wins cuts without government closure
Michelle Obama Ruins Easter
ACLU vs. religious liberty
Farrakhan’s Inclusiveness
Calling things by their right names: a lesson from Confucius
April 5th Will Decide Who Governs Wisconsin: The Voters or 4 Judges
Egyptian Group Cites US Gay Marriages in Election Run-up
This is from The American Interest via Instapundit - Black And Blue 2: Blacks Flee Blue States in Droves. And I like his comments enough to repeat them here: "Punish talent and talent will flee. Skin color is unrelated. Plus this: “The failure of blue social policy to create an environment which works for Blacks is the most devastating possible indictment of the 20th century liberal enterprise in the United States.” It’s all about oligarchy, not egalitarianism."
London Pride — Not! British gays need to understand that there’s no place for them in the sharia-run Britain to which millions of Muslims openly aspire
When standardized test scores soared in D.C., were the gains real?
Left Attacks Florida Gov. Scott for Supporting Transparency They Endorsed in Minnesota
Is Biden’s closet packed with media skeletons? Reporter one of many to be ‘caged’ by VP
There May Not Always Be An England
Higher-order Bullying: Challenge the Rulers, Risk Your Children?
The Human Right to Suspend Reality
Can One Wrong Death Bring Down Corrupt Las Vegas?
Herman Cain - America can achieve energy independence
Conservatives home in on 'ObamaRail'
President Obama Job Approval
Are Illinois Democrats Covering Up Significant Racial Incident?
Watchdog knocks Obama administration on transparency
Biden Aide Apologizes After Reporter Kept in Storage Closet During Fundraiser
ATF Gun Runner Scandal Continues to Grow: Who's Lying?
"We don’t make decisions about questions like intervention based on consistency or precedent,"
Why Does Obama Hate Small Business?
California GOP the party of numbskulls
Tax break for charitable giving targeted
O's hapless Mideast 'agenda'
Judge Sumi's Mess
Collapse of the Obama Worldview
GOP Can't Ignore Wisconsin Recall Battle
why Obama didn’t get a Libya Bounce in the polls
Democrats Attempt to Enable EPA Power Grab
Why are California Republicans Permitting Eminent Domain Abuse?
The Eyes of Texas Are Sparkling in the 2010 Census
GE's tax bill
6 Surprising Ways Oil Prices Affect You
Public Pensions In The Red Even With Rosy Assumptions
Can You Read This and Not Despise the IRS? AND In Prison for Taking a Liar Loan
Why Housing Is Going Through a Double Dip
Bogdanski: Gift Tax Fiasco. Jack Bogdanski (Lewis & Clark), If You Did Stuff Like This, You'd Go to Jail
How to Cut an Easy $83 Billion
What is Obama trying to hide?
Fiscal Showdown Looms in Capitol
Deficits are an important but incomplete metric
The Unemployment Rate in Perspective
Free Enterprise vs. National Socialism
Why Does Obama Hate Small Business?
Obama’s Monetary Policy: Stick It to the Middle Class
It’s time for taxpayers to demand a receipt
Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security
A glimpse of a future with Obamacare
Replace ObamaCare With Health Savings Accounts
Loudest Obamacare cheerleader wants out. New York’s Rep. Anthony Weiner wants a ‘get out of jail free’ card
Media Matters and reality on Obamacare
ObamaCare's First Year House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and fellow Democrats are holding events to 'celebrate' the law's birthday. Americans, according to the latest polls, are refusing to join the party.
GOP presidential hopefuls hammer health care. Well, there is a lot to hammer there.
Umm, they're pretty much an obstacle to all that's good, decent and fun in the world - Are environmentalists an obstacle to clean energy production?
EU to ban cars from cities by 2050 Good luck with that. Oh and good luck trying to run businesses without delivery trucks.
WaPo: Why is Obama pursuing a “Drill, Brazil, Drill” strategy?
The Obama gas tax
Democrats Attempt to Enable EPA Power Grab
The Senate's EPA Showdown Democrats face a moment of truth on regulatory cap and trade.
Novelty wearing off? Or stupidity being realized? Earth Hour may be losing steam as novelty wears off
New Jersey could be next state to pull out of regional cap-and-trade system
I actually feel sad for this inventor - he just wanted to make the world a better place. The world's worst environmental villain?
A Punching Bag No More
Breitbart in Context
Probably - Is Media Matters Breaking the Law?
The Senate is the Next Battlefield in the Campaign to Undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality Power Grab
The Emperor Seth and Kinetic Islam
Media Matters plots “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against Fox?
Breitbart says ‘height of ingratitude’ for Huffington not to defend him against Van Jones racism allegations
Media Matters' war against Fox
First Look: Atlas Shrugged–Dagny Confronts the Union
The left’s obsession with the Koch brothers
School Choice = Good for Kids, Bad for Unions. Can't Politicians Do the Math?
The Koch Brothers and the Paranoid Style in Liberal Politics
Flashback: The Davis-Bacon Act , Legalized Racism and Unions
Why Liberals Hate Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin
American’s flight attendants forbidden to strike
Media Matters' war against Fox
Remembering the Triangle Fire: Why the Left is Urging us to Recall the Event
Soros Enters the For-Profit College Fray
Abortion Alternatives? Oh, My!
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