Saturday, November 28, 2009
PJTV Videos I Like
Well, huge fan of Sonja, Stephen and Zo but the other guys at PJTV are terrific.
Here are some latest videos that are fun and informative.
Trifecta - Bribes, Bandits, and Buffoons: If Dems are the Party of Pork, GOP Needs to Be the Party of No
Kicked Out for Speaking the Truth: UN Punishes Activist for Protesting Its Anti-Israel Agenda
Hog Wild: Spendthrift Senate Porks Up Healthcare Bill
InstaVision - Mobilizing the Midwest: Cincinnati Tea Party's Success Story
A Rand Occasion: On Thanksgiving & Black Friday, Be Thankful For the Producers
Fighting Corruption Round-Up 11-28
The Farmers Relief and Freedom Relay: Turn on the Water!
A Joyous Shout-Out To America On - Thanksgiving: a displaced Brit writes…
ClimateGate Update: CEI Files Notice of Intent to Sue NASA
St. Louis Tea Party Extraviganza Saturday 11/28-BE THERE
How Private Property Saved the Pilgrims
Is the Church Militant Back?
Welcome to the (10th Amendment) Revolution
Preferential Voting: A Tea Party Plan for Victory
The Thanksgiving Act of 2009: A New Way to Celebrate
In Economic Woes 11-28
The Jobless Gender Gap. Unemployment for men is growing at a much faster pace than for women.
Treasury, Fed delay Internet gambling ban 6 months
Obama’s Anti-Capitalist Policies Are Anti-Job and Therefore Anti-Recovery
Voter Anger Is Building Over Deficits
Dubai - Debt standstill triggers sell-off in Asia and heavy losses on Wall Street
Stimulus Update: Be thankful for more phony jobs "created or saved"
How Much Does a Trillion Dollars Weigh?
Repealed Death Tax Would Liven Industry
Chrysler’s Fire Sale Funded On the Backs of Cash-Strapped Taxpayers
The right reform for the Fed HA!
The jobless scary movie
The Party of Government
The Poor Got Richer: Debunking Wage-Gap Claims
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 11-28
Krauthammer - Kill the Bills. Do Health Reform Right
I doubt it. Quite frankly, I'll believe Krauthammer over Obama every day of the week - Plays Media Critic: Calls Krauthammer’s Washington Post Column 'Wholly Inaccurate'
Glimpse of Our Future? - U-M Research Shows Chronically Ill Patients Might Be Happier if They Give Up Hope. (aka just shut up and die already)
ObamaCare’s Cost Could Top $6 Trillion
Beauty and the Feast: Moderating Your Eating Can Extend Your Life
When Pundits Compare Apples To Oranges: One Look at Health Care Polling
Compared to What?
Another Glimpse of Our Future? - Want to fix the NHS? Go private. When a hospital fails in the way that the Basildon and Thurrock Trust has, it should be turned over immediately to a private-sector hit squad to sort it out, writes Simon Heffer
As well as - Annals of Government Medicine
Well, at least he admits it. Dean Shock: ObamaCare Is Trillion Dollar, No Reform, Harmful Bailout But… I just wish he'd tell us something we don't know.
Ken Blackwell - Politicizing Medicine, Medicalizing Politics
Duplicity and Deceit
Coke, Pepsi step up spending after being targeted by healthcare reform tax
Junk Science/Environmental Corruption 11-28
Help PJTV review the Climate Hack Documents here.
It’s the Totalitarianism, Stupid
ClimateGate Is Not The First Time Progressive Scientists Have Lied To The World
Election Law-Violating Astroturf Group Misleads About Pebble Mine... Now There's a Surprise
Week in Blogs: Breitbart v. ACORN & Justice. Plus, Palin, Sully & You Can Become a Climate Scientist
An Excellent list - The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose, Pt. 8
Will Climate Scandal Be a Tipping Point?
Cooking the books on climate
For The Planet, Go Veg (and Kill Your Pet)
Obama going to Copenhagen too early: Sarkozy. Actually, I think it is all too late. AND Deflating Copenhagen
Climategate: CBC Special Report
ClimateGate: What are the Alarmists So Afraid of?
Data Sharing and Climate Change Research
ClimateGate: The end of credibility and the need for process control
Anatomy of a Green Scare: Consumer Reports or Distorts Facts About BPA?
IPCC too “politicised” to survive
A Climate Scientist Who Engages Skeptics
Eric S. Raymond on the East Anglia CRU's Climate Warming Fraud
Cross-Examining the Climate Change Scammers
Climategate’s Perry Mason Moment
Cleaning Out the Climate Science Cesspool
Climategate: The Skeptical Scientist’s View
Data-leak lessons learned from the 'Climategate' hack
Deconstructing ClimateGate’s Smoking-Gun Email
Climate Czar Browner: What Conflict of Interest?
Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade laws
More on ClimateGate
What Is — and What Isn’t — Evidence of Global Warming
Vincent Gray on Climategate: ‘There Was Proof of Fraud All Along’
Scientists and Climate Change: Hide the Baloney
Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…
Have They No Shame?
Skewed science. A French scientist’s temperature data show results different from the official climate science. Why was he stonewalled? Climate Research Unit emails detail efforts to deny access to global temperature data
Rigging a Climate 'Consensus' About those emails and 'peer review.'
From Moonbat! Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away
Why 'climategate' won't stop greens Just because their going to keep driving their bus off the cliff, doesn't mean we have to get on the bus anymore.
The Travails of a Global Warming Hobbyist
Climategate Files Were Leaked to BBC But They Refused to Cover the Story
Climate Change Does NOT Push Women into Prostitution. Poverty does that.
Global Frauding AND a list of everything "caused" by global warming in Goldberg's Re: Re: This Just In, taken from The Warm List which I can't decide is lame or desperate (the list, not Jonah).
Climategate Computer Codes Are the Real Story
Alarmism Is Underpinned by Fraud
Rigging a Climate 'Consensus' About those emails and 'peer review.'
Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax
Obama faces delicate balancing act on climate
Media Corruption Round-Up 11-28
Objective Journalism: Michael Gerson Defends a Profession That No Longer Exists
James Rainey Digs Himself an Even Deeper Hole
Sonja Schmidt - Hollywood Hates America
An Ouch! on a TN journo
Study: Has Editor & Publisher ‘Falsely Framed’ Peter Dreier as an Objective ACORN Critic?
What Story?
Climategate: CBC Special Report
It's Oprah. Was anyone expecting Frost/Nixon? Cripes. I've never even seen an episode of Oprah. (I don't watch (adult) TV during the day except for the news.) Winfrey/Palin Was No Frost/Nixon
Which Time Magazine Journalist Is That On The Cover? AND Will Time Magazine Apologize to Glenn Beck?
ClimateGate: The end of credibility and the need for process control
Climategate Files Were Leaked to BBC But They Refused to Cover the Story
The Strange, Sad Death of Journalism
ACORN/Big Union Corruption Round-Up 11-28
Whatever Became of ACORN’s ‘Internal Investigation’?
ACORN Can Receive Pending Federal Payments, Justice Department Says
What Happens When a PI Dumpster Dives Behind a San Diego ACORN Office?
Week in Blogs: Breitbart v. ACORN & Justice. Plus, Palin, Sully & You Can Become a Climate Scientist
Three HCAN Volunteers Charged With Assault Outside Carnahan Townhall
Justice Department: ACORN Can Be Paid For Existing Federal Contracts
Justice Department Says Acorn Can Be Paid for Pre-Ban Contracts BUT Republican blasts ACORN reprieve
James Rainey Digs Himself an Even Deeper Hole
Calif. Attorney General Offers Incoherent, Troubling Answers When Asked About ACORN Doc Dump
ACORN Document Dump: Trashed Documents Are Relevant to Investigation
Jerry Brown vs. ACORN
'ACORN Member’ Roseanne Barr Confirms Fellow Activist’s Shock Admission: ACORN Got Obama Elected
Charges Filed in Gladney Case – UPDATE
Breaking: Charges Filed in Kenneth Gladney Case **Links Fixed**
New Jersey Teachers’ Union’s ‘Electile Dysfunction’ for Corzine Explained
Meet ‘Bon Bon’ Hurd: Protester Who Admitted ACORN Raw Political Agenda Exposed
Corruption Daily Round-Up 11-28
Celebrate Thanksgiving with an Attitude of Gratitude
First Obama kills Letters to Santa, now New Jersey kills Christmas - Christmas Outlawed
Holder must be in the top ten most corrupt AG's in US history. Justice Department Says Acorn Can Be Paid for Pre-Ban Contracts BUT Republican blasts ACORN reprieve
Holding Holder Accountable
We Pay Them to Lie to Us
Election Law-Violating Astroturf Group Misleads About Pebble Mine... Now There's a Surprise
He's not gonna like these numbers - Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Calif. Attorney General Offers Incoherent, Troubling Answers When Asked About ACORN Doc Dump AND Jerry Brown vs. ACORN
Jerry Brown’s mounting ethics problems
Wall Street Journal - Voter Anger Is Building Over Deficits
Property Owners Get Dunked On. Another victory for the powerful over property rights.
Did the GOP Really Lose Its Way?
The jobless scary movie
He Can't Take Another Bow
Switzerland’s Minaret War
Climate Czar Browner: What Conflict of Interest?
So Much for Transcending Race
The Party of Government
What the what! - The Prescient Joe Biden
Constitutional Law’s Tyranny of Complexity
Best Buy Ditches ‘Christmas’ But Celebrates Muslim Holiday in Fliers
Obama faces a daunting December thanks to make-or-break issues
There are tree stumps with higher IQs than Boxer. She's a mean, ugly, old cow who was rude to my husband. I look forward to her devastating political defeat. Barbara Boxer’s Cap-and-Trade Energy Tax Won’t Work
Are Americans Uniquely Insular and Ill-Informed?
No Biggie, It's Not Like We We're Accused of Murder or Anything
Another Obama Gitmo Official Resigns: Who is Accountable Now?
Fumbling bureau of incompetence
Less of a Catholic
Tax Court Awards $323k in Attorneys' Fees to Two Kersting Tax Shelter Investors Because of IRS Misconduct
I don't think so. Prosecuting American 'War Crimes'. The International Criminal Court claims jurisdiction over U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. AND Here Comes the Judge?
Soft Despotism with Paul Rahe - Chapters 1 - 5
Americans at Odds With Recent Terror Trial Decisions
Gratitude and the retribalization of the world
Sadly, this does not trouble me. Tear Gas, Arrests Used to Stop Violent Protesters at World Trade Officials Meeting in Geneva
Weekly Tracking Poll: New Feature Paints Ugly 2010 Picture
Sessions says Dems to blame for starting judicial filibusters
Nelson, Specter must wrestle with anti-tax pledge in health debate
Swine Flu Shots for Detainees? What's the Pig Idea?
Happy Post-Thanksgiving Weekend
I hope you all survived Thanksgiving and Black Friday. We did with an effective combination of wine and avoiding the malls. I will try to post some Round-Ups either today or tomorrow but I need to prepare the house for Advent first.
Travel safe if you are still travelling and if you are safe at home, enjoy your family.
Travel safe if you are still travelling and if you are safe at home, enjoy your family.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope your Thanksgiving Day is filled with love and gratitude.
I am thankful for my handsome husband, my beloved children, and all the friends and family who make me feel so special.
I am grateful to all the men and women in our military. Thank you for your service.
And I also want to thank our Service Men and Women for their kindness to others.
I am thankful for my freedom, liberty, and independance. I pray those rights continue.
I include everyone in my Thanksgiving Prayer as I count my blessings from this past year. God Bless Us and God Bless the USA.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Corruption Daily Round-Up 11-24
Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted TerroristNavy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told
Iran: They’re Just Killing Themselves
Political Correctness and the Sunset of American Power
Big Brother Is Watching — Should You Care?
Thankful for Fading Freedoms
Out of the Shadows
Ken Blackwell: Liberals' Establishment of Religion
9/11 Never Forget Press Conference
Video - 9/11 Families to Holder: Stop Terrorists from Returning to NYC
The Republican Elites Versus The Grassroots
The Other Senate Maverick. Joe Lieberman is a party apostate on health care.
Yes, she can: Palin has a shot at the presidency
Palin book sells big in first week
Election 2010: Arizona Governor GOP Primary. Arpaio Holds Large Lead in Arizona Republican Primary
Mahmoud Ahmedinejad Gets Told Off
The Manhattan Declaration: We Must Obey God Over Caesar AND The Manhattan Declaration
The Promise of Marriage
A Thanksgiving Revival
I actually don't have a problem with this but I would like more money spent on clearing old mines too. Obama Administration Decides Not to Sign Treaty Banning Land Mines
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 11-24
Do We Have a Right to Equal Healthcare?
Mending Health Care
Liberals and Mammography. Rationing? What rationing?
On Health Care, Should Dems Fear Failure or Success? In fear of death, Democrats risk political suicide.
Mending Health Care Reform. Do Americans really need an ''anti-jobs'' tax right now?
I (heart) Joe - Lieberman Digs In on Public Option
Citizens vs. ObamaCare: ‘Million Med March’ Draws Hundreds in St. Louis
Krauthammer's Take
Another medical miracle that will not happen again under Obamacare - Back From The Dead. 56-Year-Old Man Brought Back To Life After 47 Minutes, 4,500 Chest Compressions And 8 Zaps With Defibrillator
Hair of the Dog - Weekend Warriors: Sunday Talk Shows Turn into Healthcare Face-Off
Women are insistent on mammograms, poll shows
Why is the AARP Running This Ad?
Side deals stack up as health bills move along
Health 'reform' that burdens our young
Who DOES Support This Bill?
What About the Children?
Tensions Flare Between Religious Leaders and Lawmakers Over Abortion
Olbermann Complains Media Focused on Beck Instead of His Astroturf Health Care Clinic
A Phony “Fix” for Health Care
New Health Bureaus - 111 new government bureaucracies dedicated to telling you how to live your life. Oh. Goody.
Numerous Grant Programs Fatten Cost of Health Care Reform
Statistics Don't Help Much When You're the Patient
We Have Been Betrayed
In Economic Woes 11-24
Atlas Shrugs It's really and it's leaving.
And there's gonna be more and more of it - Worker Blasts Adidas' Plan to Move NBA Jersey Production Overseas
Thomas Sowell - Solving Whose Problems?
Dear Congress: ARE YOU CRAZY?????
Hidden Taxes Account for 40.91 Percent of the Cost of Your Thanksgiving Dinner...Happy Thanksgiving!?
Taking Taxpayers for a Ride
UPDATED: 90,489 jobs 'not really created or saved' by the Stimulus (and counting)
Mending Health Care Reform. Do Americans really need an ''anti-jobs'' tax right now?
Mortgage Data
Look at That: The Economy Isn't Growing as Fast as It Was Announced
Blink and Miss Another 13,000 Jobs NOT Created or Saved
Blacks hit hard by economy's punch. 34.5 percent of young African American men are unemployed
Democrats push $150B stock tax on Wall Street
The Financial Privacy Requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Economy's rebound not as strong as first thought AND AP: Economy's rebound not as strong as first thought. 3.5% Q3 GDP revised down to 2.8%
Fed:Jobless Rate to Drop 'Slowly'
The Big Question: Does the jobs bill push mean the stimulus failed?
We're Going Broke Anyway, So Why Not Spend Like Drunken Sailors?
Will The Unemployment Disaster Be Obama's Katrina?
One Father's Lesson on Freedom, Free Enterprise and Fair Taxes
He's so historic. Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents
Joe Biden is just A National Nightmare, Indeed
Banks Begin Repaying TARP Money, But Much Business Still Unfinished
Media Corruption Round-Up 11-24
Where is the media coverage of this major, international science scandal that impacts every citizen on earth and could cost trillions of dollars. Oh, that scandal goes against the "global warming" narrative so nary a peep so far. And they wonder why they're going out of business.
ClimateGate Totally Ignored By TV News Outlets Except Fox
I can't believe they're still trying to publish scare pieces in the midst of this scandal. Oh, I see. Reuters. Climate change quickens, seas feared up 2 meters
Show me proof because after this hack, I'm not believing a word these climate "scientists" say - Obama boosts climate deal hopes, report shows crisis
Seeing red over Palin parody
The Sacramento Sex Scandal Obama and the MSM want you to ignore.
Olbermann Complains Media Focused on Beck Instead of His Astroturf Health Care Clinic
Political Corruption Round-Up 11-24
IG-Gate: 'Hush Money' Charge in Sacramento Mayor's Sex Scandal Was Part of Probe
The Sacramento Sex Scandal Obama and the MSM want you to ignore.
Obama WH scrambled for story to smear Walpin
Poll: Obama's Performance Rating Hits Lowest Mark Yet AND Poll Numbers Crash
Among all voters, 54% now disapprove.
Video - Soft Despotism with Paul Rahe: Chapter 2 of 5
Immigration corruption - You Lie! AND Gone to Texas
More diplomatic idiocy from Obama - Why Thank You, Your Lordship
Blunderer in Chief
More bowing from the wimp-in-chief. Good Lord, it's like he wants to grovel. AND The Obama Doctrine: Bend at the Waist
New documents: White House scrambled to justify AmeriCorps firing after the fact
Inspector General: Rhee visited me to intervene for Johnson
He's so historic. Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents
Cleaning Up Illinois: The Putback Amendment
Inside the numbers: How Obama has fallen
But then they'd have to read the bills like their constituents do. Our Bills Should Be Written In Plain English
'Years of delay' saved lives
Terrorists use Democratic talking points
VIDEO - Left-Wing Ideologues & the True Holder Agenda
9/11 Never Forget Press Conference
Video - 9/11 Families to Holder: Stop Terrorists from Returning to NYC
Congress Must Stop the Trial in New York City
VIDEO - 9/11 Lawyer Pretty Much as Obnoxious as You'd Expect
Why panicky Dems are bailing on Tim Geithner
Hope is fading
Amateur Hour at the White House. OUCH! AND Gelb Sounds Like Cheney
The missing Obama
Krauthammer's Take
Better to Jump than be pushed? Are Democrats exiting the sinking ship?
With India disappointed with Obama ahead of tonight's state dinner, the president vowed to "work even closer" with its prime minister. Tunku Varadarajan on the cost of ignoring our allies.
Do the Dump Dodders matter?
The Republican Elites Versus The Grassroots
Would Obama Be President If He Made These Five Campaign Promises?
Will The Unemployment Disaster Be Obama's Katrina?
A Troubled Thanksgiving 2009
Immigration Looms as the Next Test for Congress
Mark Tapscott: One step forward, one back for government transparency
Top Republican Lawmakers Not Invited to Obama's First State Dinner
Junk Science/Environmental Corruption 11-24
Looks like my husband's Think Tank is on the attack! Go CEI Go!! Competitive Enterprise Institute Sues NASA in Wake of Climategate Scandal
My husband's article on the subject - Three Things You Absolutely Must Know About Climategate Coments on this article, here AND his post on NRO - Climategate — or Climaquiddick
Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?
Nice Simpson's reference (yes, there is a Simpsons quote for Everything) - The global warming conspiracy - news spreads
The CRU Scandal AND Re: The CRU Scandal THEN Slack Allowance
Settled Science? Computer hackers reveal corruption behind the global-warming "consensus."
Climategate: When Scientists Become Politicians
It's Not Exactly "Climategate" But ....
Nomenclature AND More Climate Scam Commentary
ClimateGate: The Fix is In
Cooling on Phil
Climategate: Violating the Social Contract of Science (Updated)
Sen. Inohofe is a great man. Key GOP Senator Pushes for Probe Into Climate Change Research. Unlike that bitch Boxer who is a bottom-dwelling useless waste of skin. AND Listen: Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate" on Washington Times Americas Morning Show AND Inhofe: CRU Scandal Bigger than ACORN Flap. I'd say they're about equal in criminality.
Viscount Monckton on Climategate: ‘They Are Criminals’ (PJM Exclusive)
Global Warmists Dig in Their Heels over Climategate — Kind of
VIDEO - ClimateGate: Leaked Papers Cast Doubt on Climate Science (Myron works with my husband)
Hiding evidence of global cooling
Just how out-of-touch is he? - Obama says 'step closer' to climate deal
Even Moonbat?!? - Global warming rigged? Here's the email I'd need to see. The leaked exchanges are disturbing, but it would take a conspiracy of a very different order to justify sceptics' claims
More From the East Anglia Archives
And Nuclear Power Rocks - Finally, Embrace the Obvious
Why You Should Be Hot and Bothered About 'Climate-gate'
New Reactor Uses Sunlight to Turn Water and Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel. If this becomes economically viable that would turn Carbon Dioxide from zero to hero pretty darn quick.
Congress May Probe Leaked Global Warming E-Mails
ACORN/Big Union Corruption Round-Up 11-24
Source Documents Provided
ACORN Document Dump: ‘This Gives You a Private Sector Target’
ACORN Document Dump: Year End, Year Begin Mingles Taxpayer Support and Politics?
ACORN Document Dump: ACORN Throws Thanksgiving in the Dumpster
ACORN Document Dump: California Voters, Prepare to Be ACORNed
ACORN Document Dump: Why Did ACORN Spend $9,000 at Fertility Clinic?
ACORN Document Dump: Trashing a Person’s Credit History
ACORN OKLAHOMA Document Dump: The Oklahoma Power Plan
California ACORN Responds to Revelation of Massive Doc Dump, Data Breach at Its San Diego Office
ACORN Oklahoma Document Dump: ACORN’s Doorknocking Basics
ACORN Corruption
Nevada ACORN Executive Sentenced In Vote Fraud Conspiracy
Former ACORN official in Las Vegas gets probation
Former chief doubts ACORN survival
ACORN Scandal, Part 2: The Evidentiary Phase
Inhofe: CRU Scandal Bigger than ACORN Flap. I'd say they're about equal in criminality.
SEIU Corruption
‘Bury Them’: Fresno Homecare Workers Describe SEIU Threats
SEIU and the Law of Intended Consequences
SEIU Leader Resigns After Threatening Legal Action Against Boy Scout
ACLU Outrages
Three Things You Absolutely Must Know About Climategate
My husband's article on Pajamas
This could prove to be climate science's Vietnam.
This could prove to be climate science's Vietnam.
They’re calling it “Climategate.” The scandal that the suffix –gate implies is the state of climate science over the past decade or so revealed by a thousand or so emails, documents, and computer code sets between various prominent scientists released following a leak from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in the UK.
This may seem obscure, but the science involved is being used to justify the diversion of literally trillions of dollars of the world’s wealth in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by phasing out fossil fuels. The CRU is the Pentagon of global warming science, and these documents are its Pentagon Papers.
Here are three things everyone should know about the Climategate Papers. Links are provided so that the full context of every quote can be seen by anyone interested.
First, the scientists discuss manipulating data to get their preferred results. The most prominently featured scientists are paleoclimatologists, who reconstruct historical temperatures and who were responsible for a series of reconstructions that seemed to show a sharp rise in temperatures well above historical variation in recent decades.
In 1999, Phil Jones, the head of CRU, wrote to activist scientist Michael “Mike” Mann that he has just “completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps … to hide the decline”(0942777075). This refers to a decline in temperatures in recent years revealed by the data he had been reconstructing that conflicted with the observed temperature record. The inconvenient data was therefore hidden under a completely different set of data. Some “trick.”
Mann later (2003) announced that “it would be nice to try to ‘contain’ the putative ‘MWP,’ even if we don’t yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction available that far back” (1054736277). The MWP is the Medieval Warm Period, when temperatures may have been higher than today. Mann’s desire to “contain” this phenomenon even in the absence of any data suggesting that this is possible is a clear indication of a desire to manipulate the science. There are other examples of putting political/presentational considerations before the science throughout the collection.
Secondly, scientists on several occasions discussed methods of subverting the scientific peer review process to ensure that skeptical papers had no access to publication. In 2003, Tom Wigley of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, complained that paleoclimatologist Hans von Storch was responsible for “the publication of crap science ‘in order to stimulate debate’” and that they “must get rid of von Storch” (1051190249) as an editor of the journal Climate Research (he indeed subsequently resigned).
In 2005, Michael Mann said that there was a “fundamental problem w/ GRL now,” referring to the journal Geophysical Research Letters published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), because “they have published far too many deeply flawed contrarian papers in the past year or so” and “it is probably best to do an end run around GRL now where possible.” Tom Wigley responded that “we could go through official AGU channels to get him [the editor of GRL] ousted” (1106322460). A few months later, the editor of GRL having left his post, Mann comments, “The GRL leak may have been plugged up now w/ new editorial leadership there” (1132094873).
Having seemingly succeeded with Climate Research and Geophysical Research Letters, the most recent target of the scientists’ ire has been Weather, a journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (RMS). Phil Jones commented in March 2009, “I’m having a dispute with the new editor of Weather. I’ve complained about him to the RMS Chief Exec. If I don’t get him to back down, I won’t be sending any more papers to any RMS journals and I’ll be resigning from the RMS” (1237496573).
This issue is all the more important because the scientists involved in these discussions have repeatedly accused their critics of being irrelevant because they fail to publish in the peer reviewed literature. For example, in October this year, Mr. Mann told Andy Revkin of the New York Times:[L]egitimate scientific skepticism is exercised through formal scientific circles, in particular the peer review process. Those such as [Stephen] McIntyre [the target of much of the criticism in the CRU Papers] who operate almost entirely outside of this system are not to be trusted.
If you are saying on the one hand that you will not take notice of someone until they have been published while on the other you are working behind the scenes to stop any such publication, I would venture to suggest that you are not operating with any degree of bona fides either towards the media or the legitimate scientific process.
Finally, the scientists worked to circumvent the Freedom of Information process of the United Kingdom. Nowhere is this better evidenced than in the email reproduced in full below (minus Dr. Jones’ contact details):From: Phil Jones
To: “Michael E. Mann”
Subject: IPCC & FOI
Date: Thu May 29 11:04:11 2008
Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?
Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.
Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t
have his new email address.
We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.
I see that CA claim they discovered the 1945 problem in the Nature paper!!
The context in the subject header is clearly the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI), while AR4 refers to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What is most important to know here is that, according to the Taxpayers’ Alliance in the UK, “at least one FOI request on exactly this correspondence had apparently been submitted by a David Holland on May 5th 2008.”
The Freedom of Information Act, however, explicitly forbids deletion of any material subject to a FOI request. The penalty for such a criminal act is a fine of up to £5,000. Presumably being found guilty of such an act, or even suggesting it, would also bring about significant disciplinary procedures at any reputable university. A complaint has been made to the British information commissioner.
This is, however, just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to attitudes toward FOI. Numerous other references are made about ways to avoid divulging information (the following summaries are by the blogger Bishop Hill):Tom Wigley discusses how to deal with the advent of FoI law in UK. Jones says use IPR argument to hold onto code. Says data is covered by agreements with outsiders and that CRU will be “hiding behind them.”(1106338806)
Jones says that UK climate organisations are coordinating themselves to resist FoI. They got advice from the Information Commissioner [!](1219239172)
Jones tells Mann that he is sending station data. Says that if McIntyre requests it under FoI he will delete it rather than hand it over. Says he will hide behind data protection laws. Says Rutherford screwed up big time by creating an FTP directory for Osborn. Says Wigley worried he will have to release his model code. (1107454306)
There appears to be a prima facie case that there was a conspiracy to prevent the release of information subject to FOI.
There are many other disturbing revelations in the CRU Papers, including a particularly disturbing assessment by a computer programmer of the state of CRU data. These have yet to be fully analyzed.
So what does this all mean? It does not mean that there is no warming trend or that mankind has not been responsible for at least some of the warming. To claim that as result of these documents is clearly a step too far. However, it is clear that at least one branch of climate science — paleoclimatology — has become hopelessly politicized to the point of engaging in unethical and possibly illegal behavior.
To the extent that paleoclimatology is an important part of the scientific case for action regarding global warming, urgent reassessments need to be made. In the meantime, all those responsible for political action on global warming should stop the process pending the results of inquiries, investigations, and any criminal proceedings. What cannot happen is the process carrying on as if nothing has happened.
This could prove to be climate science’s Vietnam.
Monday, November 23, 2009
ACORN/Big Union Corruption Round-Up 11-23
ACORN Scandal, Part 2: The Evidentiary Phase
San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal
San Diego ACORN Document Dump Scandal
Eric Holder's Justice Department?!? Money from Justice Dept. funneled to ACORN via a third party
Why Isn’t Anyone Really Investigating ACORN?
The SEIU Thugocracy
‘Bury Them’: Fresno Homecare Workers Describe SEIU Threats
Is the SEIU getting tax dollars to lobby in Michigan?
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