Saturday, July 23, 2011
Daily Round-Up 07-23
Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas. It’s a stunning allegation that makes the other gunrunning scandals look like child’s play.
Government anthrax flip-flop could boost victims’ lawsuit
Law School Did Not Prove That Prof's Classroom Hypos Were Racist
Britain has a once-in-a-generation chance to break free from Europe
God And Our Urban Blues: Why Blue Can’t Save Our Inner Cities Part II
IRS staff committed tax credit fraud. More than 100 workers filed claims
Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas. It’s a stunning allegation that makes the other gunrunning scandals look like child’s play.
Gunwalker: Justice Dept. Inspector General Opens Investigation. The IG is looking into charges of illegal retaliation against the ATF whistleblowers.
Liberty's loss. Same-sex marriage in New York threatens the rights of those who oppose
So, we should profile when it helps Muslims?
Troubled Montebello comes under federal scrutiny. The FBI and U.S. attorney are looking into potential misuse of $1.3 million in federal funds the city paid to a developer in 2008 to build affordable apartments on Whittier Boulevard. The project was never built.
Like I'd trust Holder's DoJ with anything - U.S. Justice Department Prepares Subpoenas in News Corp. Inquiry
Tax code allowed deductions for body oils, office parties, and feeding stray cats
Stay Strong, Boehner: We Don't Want No Stinkin' $3 Trillion Tax Hikes AND Boehner abruptly withdraws from talks with Obama AND HERE
Texas Congressman Goes Undercover at Houston National Cemetery
Breathless: FDA Bans Asthma Medication
Job Growth Was 10-Fold Higher Before the Democrats Passed Obamacare
Bending The Hiring Curve Down
Police raid Greenpeace headquarters
‘Renewable’ energy also comes at a price
Green, Shovel-Ready Stimulus -- 100 Years Ago
St. Louis Cookie Stand Lawsuit Goes to Court
It's Time to End the War on Salt. The zealous drive by politicians to limit our salt intake has little basis in science
Reality Time. Why the country’s Bill Mahers say what they say
Has CA Public Utilities Commission Jumped on the ‘Media Reform’ Astroturf Bandwagon?
RAPE JOKES! (Bill Maher and Sexism)
The Left's Big Lie On Allende
Like I'd trust Holder's DoJ with anything - U.S. Justice Department Prepares Subpoenas in News Corp. Inquiry
The Money Maven: Obama’s Billionairess Union-Busting Buddy Turns Heat On Strikers!
Union Goon Only Supports ‘Some’ Violence? AND Who Says Union Goons Are Violent?
NAACP Convention: In Shift, President Ben Jealous Highlights Cooperation With Tea Party
Lipstick on a Union Pig
Connecticut Union Members Say Their Leaders Misrepresented Them in Favor of Governor
Bad Politician Bad 07-23
President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37%
Why a New Poll in Ohio Spells Trouble for Obama in 2012
Study: Democrats Losing Support of Poor Whites OR GOP Makes Big Gains among the Young and Poor
Does the offyear result forecast the next presidential election?
Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas. It’s a stunning allegation that makes the other gunrunning scandals look like child’s play.
Gunwalker: Justice Dept. Inspector General Opens Investigation. The IG is looking into charges of illegal retaliation against the ATF whistleblowers.
Job Growth Was 10-Fold Higher Before the Democrats Passed Obamacare
The President Is Actually Trying to Talk the Markets Into a Panic.
Art Laffer Calls Obama ‘Very Poor President’, Expects Defeat in ‘12 From your lips to God's ears, Mr. Laffer.
Obama-backing Democrat CEO Slams Obama
What Washington really fears: being out of money and out on their ass
Threat of Jail Would End U.S. Budget Gimmicks
Boehner: Obama ‘Moved the Goal Post’
Silent majority fed up with Washington
The Democrat Downgrade: Reality and Repercussions
Why the Obama-Boehner talks fell apart AND How the White House killed the deal
Wu at center of sex allegation
If nothing else, Obama does “panic” well
Progress seen in debt talks, but outrage from Dems over lack of tax hikes
Dems' tax trouble
Obama At His Most Sanctimonious
Hoyer: Balanced Budget Amendment Would ‘Make it Virtually Impossible to Raise’ Taxes It's amusing that Hoyer never even considers the possiblity that is what Americans want most.
Sen. Ron Johnson on Obama: “His Performance Tonight Showed He Is Not the Adult in the Room”
Obama the man without a plan
Senate Rejects ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ Legislation AND Cut, Cap, And Balance Gets 2-1 Approval Among Adults in CNN Poll.
White House shifts in unpredictable debt debate
The Theology of Social Security. When the American church helped usher in Social Security, it abdicated its responsibility to care for the poor.
The Transatlantic Government-Incompetence-and-Stupidity Contest: The U.S v. U.K.
And Apparently, Their Cashiers Were Told To Lie
How do you know Borders has truly given up?
As I wrote on my facebook page - "The AC was turned off at the Borders near Potomac Mills and when I asked, they told me it was broken, not turned off. HA!"
I also pointed out to the cashier that Border would sell more books if the AC were on and the customers could stand to linger.
How do you know Borders has truly given up?: I went to the store at the Pentagon City Mall Friday to hunt for a bargain now that the chain is going out of business. With 100+ degree heat outside, they had turned off the air conditioning inside.
As I wrote on my facebook page - "The AC was turned off at the Borders near Potomac Mills and when I asked, they told me it was broken, not turned off. HA!"
I also pointed out to the cashier that Border would sell more books if the AC were on and the customers could stand to linger.
A Hack I Approve Of
Hackers in Union County, North Carolina used a Department of Transportation traffic sign to display their own message. (Photo: Yahoo snapshots
Friday, July 22, 2011
In Economic Woes 07-23
Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers
Job Growth Was 10-Fold Higher Before the Democrats Passed Obamacare
He's saying it like it's a bad thing. Hoyer is a dumbass. Hoyer: Balanced Budget Amendment Would ‘Make it Virtually Impossible to Raise’ Taxes
The Theology of Social Security. When the American church helped usher in Social Security, it abdicated its responsibility to care for the poor.
It's official
What a debt deal means. After this dispute, we'll still owe too much and have too few jobs
Secrecy in Budget Talks Gave Obama an Advantage
Egan Jones cuts US rating, cites high debt load
Threat of Jail Would End U.S. Budget Gimmicks
House Report: Obama's Gulf Oil Slowdown Costing 230,000 Jobs!
IRS staff committed tax credit fraud. More than 100 workers filed claims
Drill More to Bring the Deficit Down
FAA hits partial shutdown. Nobody notices.
Obama vs. Boehner: Tax battle again plagues debt ceiling tax
Troubled Montebello comes under federal scrutiny. The FBI and U.S. attorney are looking into potential misuse of $1.3 million in federal funds the city paid to a developer in 2008 to build affordable apartments on Whittier Boulevard. The project was never built.
GAO Audit Reveals Fed Played Fast and Loose With Loan Rules
Tax code allowed deductions for body oils, office parties, and feeding stray cats
The Next Debt Crisis Could Come from Paris
China's spectacular real estate bubble is about to go pop
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Let's Open Up A Third Front in This War
Below is my husband's article from National Review Online's The Corner:
War on Regulations
War on Regulations
Conservatives, Tea Partiers, and libertarians have fought together against taxes and spending in recent years. It’s now time for a third front — a war on regulations. Regulations are what is keeping the unemployment rate so high and federal revenues so low — they’re as big a deterrent to hiring as taxation — and they suck $1.75 trillion a year out of the economy. That’s why I’m so glad to see this third front open up as part of the current debt battle in Washington. The GOP Conference Secretary, John Carter (R., Texas) had this to say today:“We don’t need new taxes, we need new taxpayers,” says Carter, the author of the Take off the Brakes on the American Economy Act, H.R.1235. “Increasing federal revenue by having more Americans working and paying taxes is the only painless treatment for our deficit illness, and the only goal with universal non-partisan support. Instead of spending and taxing to fight the deficit, we can do so with the truly unique approach of having the federal government do nothing for a couple years.”Three cheers from me and the rest of the gang who’ve been campaigning against excessive regulations for years (see, for example, our annual Ten Thousand Commandments report, or my book). This has to be part of the conversation from now on, and if people like Representative Carter continue to show leadership like this, it will be.
The Take off the Brakes Act would place a 2-year moratorium on new federal regulations. The guarantee of a stable regulatory climate would free businesses and investors from fear of the oncoming tsunami of Obama Administration red tape, thereby jump-starting new investment in private infrastructure and market expansion. The American business community is estimated to be sitting on trillions of dollars of investment capital that could spark a massive growth in jobs and income, but is afraid to invest with the uncertainty of the current regulatory and economic environment.
“Businesses can’t and won’t hire if they continue to be inundated by job-killing new federal regulations on everything from construction costs to power production to health insurance,” says Carter. “The resulting 9.2% jobless rate means millions of unemployed families are not contributing payroll taxes while draining federal funds through extended unemployment benefits. If we simply get our folks back to work we will make a dramatic improvement by increasing federal revenues through positive economic growth.”
For more, see John Berlau and Wayne Crews in today’s Politico.
Daily Round-Up 07-20
Operation Fast and Furious: The Straw Buyers AND Issa and Grassley -- more bombshells AND Grassley/Issa, or as some now refer to them "Grassa" (sort of like "Brangelina"), fire double broadsides at FBI & DEA. and NAME NAMES.
Issa and Grassley -- more bombshells
Postmaster says days are numbered for Saturday mail delivery
Harvard Ethics Fellow Indicted for Hacking into MIT Computer to Copy Academic Papers With Intent to Distribute
Look for the Union Label . . . And You Won’t Find It
Law enforcement to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns
Cries for Help from Iranian Web Activists Go Unheeded. The U.S. pledged $75 million to "democracy promotion" in Iran two years ago. What happened to the money?
Dumb, dumb, oh and DUMB - Council OKs tech upgrade for international bridge tolls AND Beyond the Border: The Future of the National Guard in Homeland Security
Education Is Worse Than We Thought
Yes. Can a Playground Be Too Safe?
Workers for Contractors at Government Lab Used Dead People's SSNs
Ill treatment of young girls in a Canadian public school.
Ex-Cons in San Francisco May Soon Enjoy ‘Protected Class’ Status. A proposed law would bar landlords and business owners from inquiring about the criminal past of any prospective tenant or employee.
Museum Guard Boots Lesbian Hand-Holders Ironically, they were visiting a well-reviewed exhibit of well-known lesbian artist
Will The Tea Party Buy In, or Force Others to Spend?
Whither the Tea Party?
Viewers of ‘The Undefeated’ speak out
Tea party shifts its priorities, with effects on campaign trail and Capitol Hill
The Good News Is... 07-20
New N.C. Map Gives Democrats More Heartburn
Population boon. More people leads to more prosperity
'Cut cap and balance' debt measure passes House Of course, it's vaguely sensible so it will be vetoed by Obama even if - miracle of miracles - it passes in the Senate. AND GOP pushes huge deficit-cutting bill through House
An Environmentalist Joins the Reality-Based Community
Bonus time! As Illinois flounders, Republicans and Democrats elsewhere succeed
Thomas Sowell - Good Things
No Felony Charges For Longmont Woman In TSA Groping Case
Blogger wants judge to toss out defamation lawsuit
Fingers crossed - NFL Owners, Players Set to Vote on Deal to End Lockout
And The Good Guys Are... 07-20
The Lives of Cubans
Hmm: Chris Christie Headed to Iowa
"Grassa" fire double broadsides at FBI & DEA. and NAME NAMES.
He's wrong to be rude but correct in his assessment - Allen West Calls Debbie Wasserman Schultz ‘Vile, Unprofessional, Despicable’
A Businessman for President? I'm still not as sold on Cain as Stossel is but I deeply believe that Presidents have either business, a governorship or both in their background. Anyone else, especially anyone from Congress who does not have the above credentials, simply does NOT have the executive decision-making experience to lead this country. Hence the epic failure of only-a-Senator-for-two-minuts Obama.
Bachmann Busts Up GOP Race
I never thought I'd put anything about Gov. Brown in this category. Liberal governor's request for Medicaid cuts puts Democrats in tough spot
The Long Retreat of Liberalism
Steve Wynn Goes Off on Obama in Conference Call As Glenn Reynold's likes to say another "rube" wakes up. AND Wynn Las Vegas CEO Not Impressed With Obama Economy
Third O’Keefe video punks NYC Medicaid workers
Bad Politician Bad 07-20
President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Dissatisfaction With Washington Hits 19-Year High
Poll: Low ratings for Obama, Congress on debt talks
Obama All-time Leading Recipient of News Corp. Donations Obviously, he's in the back pocket of the evil Rupert Murdoch
Obama Winning or Tying the Debt-Ceiling Fight, Losing 2012 Battle?
Operation Fast and Furious: The Straw Buyers AND Issa and Grassley -- more bombshells AND Grassley/Issa, or as some now refer to them "Grassa" (sort of like "Brangelina"), fire double broadsides at FBI & DEA. and NAME NAMES.
Barack Obama’s pants on fire. President told us a whopper about his mother’s health care
Obama's Ministers of Culture and Agitprop
2012: The End of the World As We Know It
Obama Pulls the Plug on a Great Run in Space. The president's NASA legacy, by choice, is a loss of dominance in space for America.
The Ideologue in the Oval Office
I'm Impressed By Your Fundraising, Mr. Obama -- But Not As Much As I Thought I'd Be
Explaining Obama’s tax-hike obsession
State Dept. contract officer steers $52 million to secret husband, daughter
As debt talks continue, feds are hiring -- and never firing
Look for the Union Label . . . And You Won’t Find It
Liberal governor's request for Medicaid cuts puts Democrats in tough spot
Kick the can or kick the habit?
Wow. Dumb and Lame. 'Bullet Tax' Proposed By Mayoral Candidate Article only mentions this idiot's political inclination until the last sentence. Yes, democrat.
Can you say "Such a douche"? Alan Grayson: Republicans Want Satan to Eat Sick Children and Old People
National Standards and Tests: An Unprecedented Federal Overreach
California Redistricting I thought one of the points of passing an anti-gerrymandering law was to shake things up
Roy Blunt Sides With USDA Against Missouri Man Facing Up to $4 Million in Fines for Selling Bunnies
Is Obama's New Deal Better Than the Old One?
In Economic Woes 07-20
Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Gallup: Lack of spending cuts biggest worry for Americans in debt debate
Breaking News: When the Government Raises Costs on Businesses, Businesses Raise Costs for Consumers From the big book of DUH.
Government Overregulation Threatens Innovation
Gov. Chris Christie: Washington Sloganeering
I'd also like to point out from my post here that
"the difference between a billion and a trillion is huge and we should be very worried when our government starts talking about needing trillions of dollars. Let's put it this way; a billion seconds is 32 years, a trillion seconds is 32,000 years."So even if we paid a dollar-a-second, it would take 128,000 years to pay off just $4 trillion out of the, what, +$9 trillion we owe?
Ya know I really not a fan of foreign aid these days - Foreign Aid Bill Would Make Pakistan, Other Nations Pass New Tests to Receive U.S. Funds
Slouching Toward Default, on Both Sides of the Atlantic
Compton Cuts 30 Percent Of Workers In New Budget
As debt talks continue, feds are hiring -- and never firing My husband discusses this in his new book, here.
Political Polarization Grows as Job Security Falls
If You're a Federal Employee, You Would Pretty Much Have to Actively Try to Get Fired
Thomas Sowell - How Even Scholars Misread 90 Years Of Tax-Cut History
Wanted: Sacrifices for Obama’s Reelection Campaign
Guilty Men. The political origins of the meltdown.
Raising Taxes on "Carried Interest" -- Another Bad Idea that Will Make Capital More Scarce
Another Overhyped Challenge to U.S. Power
Tax Increases will Decrease America’s Exceptionalism
Scrap the Accredited Investor Rule
Why Hate Anti-Star Trek? Instapundit's take:
I always figure that people who feel this way do so because they think they’re better at sucking up to authority figures than at creating value on their own. And my guess is, they’re right about that.
The Gang of Six Is Back from the Dead: Contemplating the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Their Budget Plan
Coburn offers $9 trillion deficit reduction proposal
House GOP should make Obama blink
Energy Implications of a Federal Default
America's Financial Restoration vs. Obama's Ideology
It’s Time To Kick Farmers Off The Federal Dole
Debt Limit Comes Closer as Congress Begins to Move. Cut, Cap and Balance, versus the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
No More Washington Tricks
Gang of Six Bag of Tricks
Pick Your Poison: 'Gang of Six' Framework or the McConnell Plan?
Ryan Dissects the Gang of Six Plan
Euro meltdown: Nicolas Sarkozy to fly into Berlin for crisis talks with Angela Merkel
The PIIGS Get Slaughtered in Europe
What Democrats Must Ignore or Deny
Obamacare 07-20
Third O’Keefe video punks NYC Medicaid workers
Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive
Liberal governor's request for Medicaid cuts puts Democrats in tough spot
Or how Obamacare will kill Medical R&D (Quote below from Pdf)
Using data from the National Science Foundation and other sources, the analysis reported below concludes that under conservative assumptions, R&D investment in new and improved pharmaceuticals and devices and equipment would be reduced by about $10 billion per year over the period 2014 through 2025, or about 10-12 percent. This reduction in the advance of medical technology would impose an expected loss of about 5 million life-years annually, with a conservative economic value of $500 billion, an amount substantially greater than the entire U.S. market for pharmaceuticals and devices and equipment.
Gov't advisers: No copays for contraceptives While I'm okay with contraceptives, I really don't want to pay for a stranger's sex life with my taxes. UPDATE: And I absolutely do not want to pay for some stranger's morning after pill - ‘Morning-after’ pill among panel’s recommendations
Big brouhaha over obscure Medicare board
Junk Science 07-20
Good News! An Environmentalist Joins the Reality-Based Community
Fairly Unbalanced: BBC Moves to Silence 'Climate Change Skeptics'
What if it turns out there's plenty of oil?
Ugh - Waxman calls for national climate change education campaign
A Offers Golf Clinic Whilst Complaining About Draconian…Slices?
Federal interference in energy development regulation a bad idea
ATS Euromaster: Motorists Urged to Prepare as Forecaster Predicts the Worst Winter on Record
Tomato Protest at Trader Joe’s: Prototypical Example of Alinsky Tactics and Smug Self-Immortalization
Electric Cars, Liberal Dreams, and Decepticon Democrats
Media Bias 07-20
From CNN no less - Media hypocrisy on Murdoch
Tarring Murdoch with Hearst’s evil ‘vow’ to ‘furnish the war’
GOP congressman to Chris Matthews: ‘This is what you do on your show … you bully guests’
The Grey Lady as the Titanic: NYT Ombusdman Bites the Hand that Feeds Him
‘Creased Pants’ NYT Pundit David Brooks Reveals the Arrogance and Ignorance Of His Class
Bernstein is an awkward choice for critic of phone hacking
Power and the Press The phone-hacking scandal and the dangers of "campaign finance reform."
Highest recommendation: ‘What Explains Fashionable Hostility toward Israel?’
The Left’s Lilliputians Try to Take Murdoch Down. All the hypocrisy in the world can't destroy his media empire.
News of the World vs. WikiLeaks Only one placed at risk 'the lives of countless innocent individuals.'
Fairly Unbalanced: BBC Moves to Silence 'Climate Change Skeptics'
The Backyard Science of the New York Times
Big Unions/Leftie Groups 07-20
CREW is a puppet of the Democratic Party
Look for the Union Label . . . And You Won’t Find It
Underlying Mechanics Behind the SEIU Anti-corporate Smear Campaign Against Sodexo
Boeing’s Uniquely American Right to Take Flight
Solving the NLRB Ambush Election and Card-Check Issues in One Fell Swoop
Highest recommendation: ‘What Explains Fashionable Hostility toward Israel?’
The NLRB’s ‘invisible hand’
I like his restraint in stopping at just 10 - Ten Ways Progressive Policies Harm Society's Moral Character
Tomato Protest at Trader Joe’s: Prototypical Example of Alinsky Tactics and Smug Self-Immortalization
Electric Cars, Liberal Dreams, and Decepticon Democrats Battle for Brooklyn-Eminent Domain Abuse Gone Wild
EPA On The Golf Course
Your tax dollars at work – EPA offers “golf swing seminar” on EPA work hours and in an EPA facility
I'd love to hear how environmental groups are going to defend the EPA here as most if not all of them consider golf courses to be a huge environmental waste.
Read the whole thing. As a taxpayer, it should make you vomit.
I'd love to hear how environmental groups are going to defend the EPA here as most if not all of them consider golf courses to be a huge environmental waste.
Read the whole thing. As a taxpayer, it should make you vomit.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Facebook Round-Up 07-19
The Declaration of Independents. Meet the future of American politics.
Your Deadbeat Uncle Sam. Does the federal government ever bounce a check?
The Gang of Six Is Back from the Dead: Contemplating the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in their Budget Plan
When's the Last Time the Feds Spent Just 18% of GDP? Hint: You Don't Have to Go Back to 1966
Illinois AFSCME: Three Raises in Seven Months is ‘Fair’
The EPA Doesn't Love New York Liberals learn what it's like to be an American business.
It's About Jobs
State Senate Candidate Puts Focus on National Budget Issue
Holder Seeks Release of Jailed al Qaeda Financier, Abdurahman Alamoudi
The Federal Register – your source for nutty government overreach
Who's 'Fox-ified'? New York Times columnist takes aim at the competition, ends up shooting blanks.
Rotten Wind in the State of Denmark
Veronique de Rugy on the Facts About the Debt Ceiling
Robotic surgery extends its reach in health care, hospital marketing
Exaggerating Poverty for Political Gain
British jobs gone with the wind Crippling new taxes proposed by Chris Huhne to subsidise green energy could force key employers out of business.
Miss USA 2011 — Should Math Be Taught In Schools? Oh for pity's sake.
Girls urged to strip to support Vladimir Putin as president An online campaign has been launched in Russia urging young women to support Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a presidential vote by taking off their clothes, a lawmaker's site showed on Sunday.
Urge your Senators to vote for Cut, Cap and Balance, oppose “back up” plans.
A Beginner’s Guide to the Debt Ceiling Debate
Americans’ Bad Romances
Cut, Cap, and Bluster
The Real Cost of Solar Energy
Obama says: "Eat our Peas"!, Congressman Grijalva,You eat your peas too!
The Debt Ceiling and the Balanced Budget Amendment
The Federal Government Has Been Bailing Out Romneycare, but Who Will Be Available to Bail Out Obamacare?
How I Became the Subject of a Conspiracy Theory
Debt ceiling - looming catastrophe or Y2K redux?
Myths About Debt Ceiling ‘Disaster’
The Debt-Limit Fight, “Cut, Cap, and Balance,” and Rescuing America from Greek-Style Fiscal Collapse
Obama Even Disappoints Frederick Douglass: Ranks Preserving Union above Ending Slavery
Ron Paul Seeks to Abolish TSA, Despite Its 500 Cute Puppies
How an Imaginary Gun Saved My Life GOProud's executive director, Jimmy LaSalvia, says he was violently attacked for being gay and that the experience has only strengthened his pro-gun beliefs. I like the flag in the background!
Politicised policing
Just Another Day in Progressive La La Land
Even Mexicans Don't Want to Live in America These Days
Gov. LePage: We're Fixing Problems in Maine
UK Uncut Supporter Attacks Murdoch at Hearing
Why global warmists hate climate skeptics
GOProud requests meeting with Michele Bachmann
Your tax dollars not at work. Two never-finished Navy ships head to scrap heap
Paul Ryan On Mark Levin: Obama "Going To Veto Limited Government"
3 Reasons Why The Debt-Ceiling Debate is Full of Malarkey
Detoxing the Dorm
How I solved the budget crisis
Archaeologists Puzzle Over Opulent Prehistoric Burial Find
Protect Infants Now! Ask CDC to Recommend Infant Meningococcal Vaccines
A Parting Shot from Dennis Potter
Monday, July 18, 2011
Random Round-Up 07-18
Stealing You Blind: Some Solutions to Over-Government
Understanding Cut, Cap, and Balance
Operation Fast and Furious: DOJ Protecting Political Appointees
Gunwalker: ATF Targets Were Actually FBI Informants. It would be comical if we weren’t talking about dead federal agents and Mexican nationals.
Another U.S. Agent Killed with a Fast and Furious Gun?
Obfuscation: Dems Push Gun Control To Hide ‘Gunwalker’ Scandal. They choose a pivotal moment in the Gunwalker investigation to announce a gun-control bill.
Grassroots Media Must Continue to Engage Washington
It Should Have Been the Ryan Budget, All Along
Define “Transformation”: Correcting Gloria Borger
A glut of bureaucrats. Obama needs skilled, motivated business leaders on his tea
There’s a Reason We Have a Debt Ceiling
Scientists Discover Alternate Universe in Which Obama has “Rolled” GOPS
Sheila Jackson Lee maxes out race card
Did Obama Officials Lie About Their Stealth Amnesty Scheme?
Empty Theatre!!!: MSM Currently Brewing Up Phony ‘Undefeated’ Narrative
HHS to loan $4B for health co-ops, says one-third might default
Piers Morgan / Daily Mirror Blackout
Carney: Obama Never Banned Lobbyists In WH, Just No "Special Access"
A Modest Proposal
Debt Jitters Overtake Wall Street, Markets Sink
Markets drop amid debt deal fears
‘The Undefeated’: The Atlantic’s Phony ‘Empty Theatre’ Meme Falls Further Apart
US Economic System Near ‘Collapse’
Alternative Media Is Today’s Free Press. On their own initiative, Americans are cutting through the trivia and the propaganda.
Obama’s Fabrications Taint His Presidency
Whistleblower in U.K. Phone-Hacking Scandal Found Dead
Obama’s champagne march to 2012
Watchdog wants Ethics panel probed
Oh my: Perry edges Obama in North Carolina poll
Pediatrician Feels Heat Over Child Obesity Idea
Globaloney: The Statist Push Continues. Facts won't matter if they finally get their way.
If Polls Should Inform Policy, What About Obamacare?
‘The Undefeated’: Out of the gate strong
Your Monday Morning Dose of Doom and Gloom
Goldman says recession risk rising
How Network News Helped Bring About the Crash
Reid: Senate Will Remain in Session Until Debt-Ceiling Bill is Passed
Fox Detroit Apologizes for Exposing Big Labor
David Ignatius: Ignoring the Tough Questions
Could the Need for a Balanced Budget Amendment Be Any More Obvious Now?
NIH-Backed Study Examined Effects of Penis Size in Gay Community
Ever wonder what Keith Olbermann did after he left MSNBC?
After Supporting ObamaCare, Has the American Medical Association Lost Its Way?
Connecticut State Union Layoffs: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t?
Hiring Slowdown Coming to Morgan Stanley
Why Is Cost of Illegal Immigration Ignored In Debt Ceiling Debate?
The MSM’s ‘Media Matters’ Blackout. While they scramble to bury Rupert Murdoch, they ignore the blatant violation of tax-exempt status by George Soros' pet outfit.
Daily Round-Up 07-18
Flashback: Every Dem Senator Including Obama Voted Against Raising Debt Limit In 2006…
The Texas Jobs Juggernaut
Many states celebrate surpluses as Congress struggles with debt
By Refusing to Raise Debt Ceiling, Speaker Boehner Can End Obama’s Hopes for Re-election Now
Ladies in White violently attacked yesterday by Castro State Security
Why Blue Can’t Save The Inner Cities Part I
Labor’s new strategy: Intimidation for dummies. Pressure manual advocates bullying of employers and their families
Dark Clouds Over The Sunshine Act
The rape of men
Don't blame tests for school cheating scandals
The 'BBC Left' is using hacking to get revenge Left-wing politicians and broadcasters do not want to debate ideas but they do want to remove their opponents.
Virtually Irrelevant: How certification rules impede the growth of virtual schools
The emerging problem of due process violations on college campuses
Author who debunked Obama insurance tale doesn't want to talk
Herman Cain and Mosques
Taxpayers foot bill for employees being sued by ‘Joe the Plumber’
Wisconsin's Scott Walker concedes mistakes, defends policies
Coburn to unveil $9T deficit-reduction plan
NRA Takes on the United Nations
Big brouhaha over obscure Medicare board
Keep government off my body! Secretary Sebelius Has No Idea What Premium Support Is-and She Should
Desperately Fleeing Free Healthcare
The Expanding Catalogue of Obamacare Fables
New O'Keefe Video:Wealthy Russian Drug Lords Applying for Medicaid
Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years?
AFSCME: The Big Green Dog Behind Big Government & Higher Taxes
Greenpeace destroys CSIRO wheat GM trial Ecoterrorists.
How many lawmakers does it take to...
For climate’s sake, nuclear power is not an ‘option’, it is a ‘necessity’
No Freedom Fries for Fatty
Shale and its Discontents The New York Times still doesn’t get the shale revolution.
Woof: Deeply Flawed CBS Poll Says 71 Percent of Voters Disapprove of GOP's Handling of Debt Negotiations
Seven Errors in Today’s New York Times Editorial
So good I'm copying all of it from Instapundit
PROF. W. JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Imprecise, overwrought Watergate analogies emerge in Murdoch scandal. What it is, in the United States, is media battlespace preparation, trying to neutralize Fox News between now and the 2012 election. In Britain, it’s also about ensuring the reduction of alternative power centers.UPDATE: Reader Steve Eimers writes: I find the phone hacking allegations deeply disturbing and hope if true those guilty will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I do think the anger is a bit fake though. POTUS Obama just nominated Richard Cordray to lead the new consumer bureau. This is the same guy who used taxpayer dollars to defend partisan democrat appointees who illegally accessed Ohio state databases in an effort to dig up dirt on Joe ‘the plumber.’
News and Its Critics A tabloid's excesses don't tarnish thousands of other journalists.
Tables turn on Murdoch as scandal rocks his empire
The Gray Lady Gets Yet Another Case of Depression Lust
The 'BBC Left' is using hacking to get revenge Left-wing politicians and broadcasters do not want to debate ideas but they do want to remove their opponents.
Dark Clouds Over The Sunshine Act
Labor’s new strategy: Intimidation for dummies. Pressure manual advocates bullying of employers and their families
'Accountability' as 'Legitimacy': Global Governance, Global Civil Society and the United Nations
The SEIU NLRB Serial Job Killer
Liberals Don’t Know What They Don’t Know
AFSCME: The Big Green Dog Behind Big Government & Higher Taxes
Poverty, Rape and Abortion
Tea party takes its turn in debt battle
Blaming It All On the Tea Party
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