Sestak/White House Bribery Scandal Ends Badly However You Slice It
Obama Says 'Official' Explanation Coming 'Shortly' on Alleged Sestak Job Offer
Look Who's Behind the White House/Sestak Stonewall

House Ethics Office turns over PMA-related files to Justice Department
A thug too far, part 5
Euro-Style Liberalism Leads to Euro-Style Violence By the SEIU's, Public Union Thugs
Actually they were always real but I'm glad you are finally figuring it out. ‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now
CEI Seeks Climategate- and FOIA-Related Documents from University of Virginia
Taxpayers Foot Bill For "Stimulus" Weatherization Fraud
Extreme Refreshment Crackdown The FDA’s Misguided Campaign Against Alcohol Energy Drinks
"Extenders Package" Raises Taxes on 1 Million Small Businesses
The facts on whether Dems are in fact pushing a $165 billion union pension bailout

Study finds increased gov’t spending results in unemployment
Tax Liabilities for Sample Families Under Bush & Obama Tax Law

Obama's Chicago homecoming is not so sweet
PJTV Video (ZoNation) - Kids Gone Wild! Are Parents to Blame?

Candidates urge illegal immigrant crackdown in Massachusetts!
Reclaiming Our Language From the Left
Climategate and the Scientific Elite Climategate starkly revealed to the public how many global-warming scientists speak and act like politicians.

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