Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama is a slippery liar

From the Washington Times, this piece titled Obama looks back in anger is solid.

Mr. Obama sought to portray the Republican definition of bipartisanship as "a situation in which basically, wherever there are philosophical differences, I have to simply go along with ideas that have been rejected by the American people in a historic election."

If the American people had any clue what Obama truly intended to do, if the American people could have looked into the future on Election Day and seen our country today, then Obama would have been the one rejected by the American people.

Again and again, Obama sees his own election based on a campaign of lies and empty rhetoric as justification to warp this great country into a twisted shell of its former self. To suck the marrow of capitalism from our bones, in order to gratify Obama's own intellectual egotism.

The man makes me ill.

He added: "We're probably not going to make progress," and in case the other party missed the message, he later said that "opposing our approach on every front is probably not a good political strategy."
Quite frankly, I am beginning to believe that opposing Obama on every front is the right political strategy.

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